
Those Eyes

As she begin her steps, her heart was pounding. She was afraid within as she never had any person choose her as their priority, she was proving herself that he only married her to not let their family name down. Her eyes were finding a pair of eyes in which there is care & concern for her & there her sanity told her to stop but her heart wants to go forward & asure his presence in her life.

As he was cut in between he was perplexed to the "hold me please" phrase & his heart hurts as he has seen the fear in her eyes. He knows every fear of her, evry emotion of her., every bit of her easiness, every inch of love in her towards others as it is said When you love someone you know that with every heartbeat they sink deeper into your heart, you know everything about them. He was perplexed but he also was prepared to hold her & never let go. He was determined to tell those eyes to loosen up & trust them that he is not here to let go or he is not here because of his family or brother. He is here for her SOLITARY for her. He wants to convey her that he loves her, she is the one most important thing to him right now & till the eternity.

At that moment they shared an amazing concerns for each other that is to be conveyed in the next moment.

The next moment stopped for like endless time. They shared a hug, she is in his arms. Holding like she'll never let go or afraid to let go. She was real terrified.