
Hold me, please

At night near the balcony moon light is shining like a silver cover over the garden filled with flowers, slow n soft breeze sailing her hairs smoothly thinking profoundly the incident of grooms swapping.

As she is recalling the incidents suddenly the sound of closing the doors softly broke her from her misery. She turned around & found the man in courtly formal manner.

He is tall n handsome well maintained physique just like his brother in the Army. She was going to marry his brother hours ago & now she is here with him.

When he saw her watching him inattentively he lost his string of words. She simply looked like an angel from his place of solace. The close their space becomes the more he feel lost in wonderment. Her face captures the peacheness of her soul.

She is feeling more dumb as she saw him approaching towards her. Her train of thoughts seems to forget their line & are freely roaming here & there. She soon realized that he is standing there & wanted to speak something but he's also lost in words just like her.

Both are feeling perplexed as no one knows how to initiate their conversation, share their thoughts deep down in their heart. One wants to say THANK YOU for being supportive at that crucial moment & other wants to convey THANK YOU for being present in their life.

"I am sorry" as he tried to calmly broaching the topic she cut him at the start & said "hold me, please" & approached towards him like a baby girl finding her lost precious present.