
Dimension-Defying Chat Syndicate

Seeing a suspicious chat app appear on his smartphone, he ventured to tap on the app. *Click* A display appeared on the screen and suddenly a Chat Group formed by itself before she could even touch or approve it. ____________ [Ding! Congratulations "Beyond All Dimensional Chat Group" has been created!] [Ding! Congratulations you have become the Administrator of "Beyond All Dimensional Chat Group"!] [Ding! Congratulations you have joined the "Beyond All Dimensional Chat Group" using a 'Secondary Account' with the permission of the 'Group Authority-Admin'!] !] ... ____________ "Huh? What happened to my smartphone? And what the heck is the name of this tacky chat group!?" ********** Current Crossover Story: - CrossWorld [MC World] (Masamune-kun No Revenge, Kaguya-sama Wa Kokurasetai, Shokugeki No Souma, Saenai Heroine No Sodatekata, etc???) - Chuunibyou Demo Koi Ga Shitai - Sword Art Online - Strike The Blood - One Punch Man - Naruto - ??? I was inspired to make this novel from the work: - "Cultivation Chat Group", - "WeChat Connecting The Three Worlds" - and "Sis-Con With Dimensional Chat Group" ********** This Novel is a Multi-Fanfic Novel, I do not own the rights to all characters that do not belong to me, they belong to their creators, I only borrow them, and I only own the rights to the characters I created (OC-Original Character) and the story I created myself (OS-Original Storyline). But if you feel like you can't wait, you can go to my patreon or check the link below PA TREON LINK:patreon.com/touyama I WILL POST MANY INTERESTING NOVELS THERE

Bakakeju · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Beyond All Dimensional Chat Group

"Huh? What happened to my phone? And also what is the name of this tacky chat group!!!?"

[Ding! Congratulations "Chat Group Beyond All Dimensions" has been created!]

[Ding! Congratulations, you have become the Administrator of "Chat Group Beyond All Dimensions"!]

[Ding! Congratulations you have become the first member to receive the "Limited Edition Mystery Random Box"!]

[Ding! Congratulations on joining the "Beyond All Dimensions Chat Group" using a 'Secondary Account' with the permission of the 'Group Authority Administrator'!]

[Please check the "Group Description" and "Group Features" using the Icon in the upper right corner]

[You have 10 minutes before the "Group Chat" randomly invites 5 members]

"Ha? Wait a minute what exactly is going on and also what is this, is this something like 'that'??!"

"Alright, alright, I have to stay calm first, let's see first, be strong in your heart don't expect too much and trust too much, because if you expect too much and trust too much then you will feel very painful when you find out that you were cheated, dumped, or dumped!"

Masamune got goosebumps hearing that, her body trembled slightly and her hair stood up, even the hand holding her cell phone trembled slightly, she started to sweat, her face started to sweat.

Masamune wiped the sweat from her forehead, she really had goosebumps! Very, very goosebumps! But not goosebumps from fear, but goosebumps from excitement! Really, she had goosebumps from excitement! Her hands began to shake violently.

"Shit!" Masamune tried to stop her hands from shaking.

"Damn, I need to calm my mind first!" Masamune closed her eyes, regulated the rhythm of her breathing and entered an instant meditative state.

"Huuh!" Masamune sighed after a few seconds passed.

"Well, I'd better quickly check the features and description of this group first before other random members enter, so that I can better understand the situation and I can also behave like a senior if this Group Chat is really telling the truth!"

Masamune's body that was tingling with excitement had completely disappeared and returned to normal, she used one of the techniques in the "Masamune Recovery Art Style" which was the "Instant Meditation and Breathing Art Technique" to calm her mind.

The "Instant Meditation and Breathing Art Technique" is a martial arts technique that focuses on healing, restoring, and calming. When the user practices this technique, he/she will enter a state of instant meditation and breathing where the Physical Body, Physical Spirit, Physical Soul are harmonized into one thus creating a condition like the first time a human fetus has signs of life in the womb of the mother who carries it.

While performing this technique, the user will empty the mind or rather cleanse and clear the unstable mind like a newborn baby, this is accompanied by absorbing the invisible energy around him and transforming it to heal or regenerate the Physical Body, Physical Spirit, and Physical Soul.

Masamune calmed himself down by using his technique, there is no point thinking about that now, it is better to focus on what awaits you, and then he moved on to the Group Features.

[Group Features]

[Profile] (Profile - allows users to show or not show photos, personal data, personal statistics of users in real time)

[Group Video Call] (Group Video Call - allows group members to make a shared Video Call with Administrator or Moderator Permission)

[Scan Delivery] (Scan Delivery - allows users to send everything but living things to a group by using the Scan Camera on the object or item they wish to send)

[Storage] (Storage - Administrator and Moderator exclusive feature, can store everything except living creatures, time in storage is stopped, storage has almost unlimited space for Moderators and completely unlimited for Administrators)

[Daily Login] (Daily Login - gives users daily Dp, ranging from 1-100 Dp according to luck)

[Group Quest] (Group Quest - gives group members a variety of quests with different conditions, Group Quest is completely randomized, when the quest is completed, rewards will be given)

[Market] (Market - provides everything of various dimensions, users can purchase using Dp)

[Cross Travel] (Cross Travel - can make users travel across dimensions, users can choose the dimension of fellow group members or choose a random dimension, users need 1000 Dp for each trip, users can adjust the time difference if using 3000 Dp each trip, or users can use 5000 Dp to be able to adjust the time at once for two trips)

[Soul Binding] (Soul Binding - the user's cell phone has been connected to the user's soul, so it is safer, if the user loses his cell phone then the user can directly call him then the user's cell phone will automatically teleport to the user's hand, and besides this feature also has Soul Scanning so that only users can see this application and users can also see this application on any communication device that the user holds, this feature is also equipped with anti-destruction, anti-disappearance, and anti-destruction, so users don't have to worry about losing their cell phones wherever and whenever the user is)

[Unique Feature Authority] (Unique Feature Authority - Administrator and Moderator Exclusive Unique Feature)

[Account] (Account - Administrator Exclusive Feature, can create 1 Smurf account and switch accounts)

Dp: 0 (Dimension Points)

While taking a drink from the refrigerator, Masamune said, "Hm, this feature is quite simple and very good, but the [Cross Travel] feature is really like a scam travel agency? But yeah, the most important and useful one in my opinion is this [Soul Binding], so I don't have to worry anymore if my phone is lost or broken, well not to worry too much, I better check my Admin Account Profile first before other group members join."

After that he started drinking his drink while pressing the Profile Feature.

[Main Account]


Group Nickname: [???]

Group Authority: [Administrator]

Name: [Unknown]

Age : [Unknown]

Race : [Unknown]

Gender : [Unknown]: [Unknown]

Bloodline: [Unknown] (Sealed)

Title: [End of Everything] [Unknown God] [Great Evil God] [True Chaos God] [Unknown True Immortal] [Etc] (Sealed)

Natural Talent: [Unknown] (Sealed)

Potential Talent: [Unknown] (Sealed)

Martial Level: [Unknown](Sealed)

Mage Level: [Unknown] (Sealed)

Esper Level: [Unknown](Sealed)

Power and Energy Level: [Unknown](Closed)

Abilities: [Open/Hide] (Sealed)

Skills & Magic: [Open/Hide] (Sealed)

Affinity: [Open/Hide] (Sealed)

"Puuuft!!! Uhuk uhuk!" Masamune spit out her drink and coughed.

It's a good thing her cell phone didn't fall, if it had, it would have been damaged.

"Wh-what is this weird Status Profile!!!" Masamune was shocked, and then began to calm her mind again.

"So this is how it feels, knowing more information than I can hold, it feels like my mentality could collapse at any time, haah... Calm my mind, let's try my Smurfs account profile first, hopefully it's normal"

Before changing her account, Masamune upgraded her Smurf account to Moderator, and then she opened it immediately.

[Secondary Account]


Group Nickname: [NarcissisticPrince]

Group Authority : [Moderator]

Name : [Makabe Masamune]

Age : [14]

Race: [Human]

Gender : [Male] [Male]

Bloodline: -

Titles : [Narcissistic Prince] [Fcvk Boy] [Dream Prince] [Martial Arts Genius] [Etc]

Natural Talent: [Major Martial God] (Half Enlightened)

Potential Talent: [Intermediate-Multiversal]

Martial Level: -

Mage Level: -

Esper Level: -

Power and Energy Level: [Intermediate Superhuman Level]

Abilities: [???] (Unawakened)

Skills & Magic: [Extra Skill: Nine-Sense Perception], [Extra Skill: Charisma Enchantment], [Unique Skill: Masamune Seven Martial Arts Style], [Unique Skill: Genius Comprehension], [Unique Skill: Sword Path - Sword Fusion], [Unique Skill: Martial Vision], [Unique Skill: Martial Comprehension], [Etc]

Affinity: Martial Affinity, Magic Affinity, Supernatural Affinity, Female Affinity, All Elements Affinity


The sound of objects being thrown rang out in the room.

"Who's that damn Narcissistic Prince!" Masamune shouted in annoyance.

"Huuh~ huuuh~, today seems like the toughest day of my life, I haven't sighed this much in a long time," Masamune said as she sighed, then opened her palm and her Smartphone instantly returned to her hand.

Sighing again, Masamune put on a complicated face while looking at his Smartphone, he said softly, "I knew it, it seems like this is really real!"

Previously, Masamune still thought of it as a joke even though he had a little hope, because he didn't want to get his hopes up on something that wasn't certain, he still thought of the Chat Apps and Chat Groups that were on his Smartphone as just some kind of joke made by someone or something and didn't look at it with high hopes even though he hoped it was really happening.

But the more Masamune understood this Chat Group through [High Authority Information], he started to get a little confused because the information written down was completely out of what he imagined, he was in a dilemma between believing or not believing.

People tend to believe in something logical rather than something supernatural, Masamune felt that way but he still preferred to believe even though the information seemed like a god-level joke, no! It was a joke that surpassed everything he had ever heard! But he chose to believe, it was because his Reincarnation was also a supernatural thing and could be considered a god-level joke if anyone heard it.

Especially after Masamune tried the [Soul Binding] feature where he summoned his cell phone, it instantly arrived in his empty palm, it made him absolutely 100% sure and believe that chat apps and group chats were real.

Before Masamune could think anymore, a notification went off, and the group chat had a new member!

[Ding! 'BulletproofSpectacles' has joined the Beyond All Dimensional Chat Group!]

[Ding! 'LustfulSage' has joined the Beyond All Dimensional Chat Group!]

[Ding! 'CyberPrincess' has joined the Beyond All Dimensional Group Chat]

[Ding! 'King' has joined the Beyond All Dimensional Group Chat!]

[Ding! 'DarkFlameMaster' has joined the Beyond All Dimensional Group Chat]

But if you feel like you can't wait, you can go to my patreon or check the link below

PA TREON LINK:patreon,com/touyama