
Dimension-Defying Chat Syndicate

Seeing a suspicious chat app appear on his smartphone, he ventured to tap on the app. *Click* A display appeared on the screen and suddenly a Chat Group formed by itself before she could even touch or approve it. ____________ [Ding! Congratulations "Beyond All Dimensional Chat Group" has been created!] [Ding! Congratulations you have become the Administrator of "Beyond All Dimensional Chat Group"!] [Ding! Congratulations you have joined the "Beyond All Dimensional Chat Group" using a 'Secondary Account' with the permission of the 'Group Authority-Admin'!] !] ... ____________ "Huh? What happened to my smartphone? And what the heck is the name of this tacky chat group!?" ********** Current Crossover Story: - CrossWorld [MC World] (Masamune-kun No Revenge, Kaguya-sama Wa Kokurasetai, Shokugeki No Souma, Saenai Heroine No Sodatekata, etc???) - Chuunibyou Demo Koi Ga Shitai - Sword Art Online - Strike The Blood - One Punch Man - Naruto - ??? I was inspired to make this novel from the work: - "Cultivation Chat Group", - "WeChat Connecting The Three Worlds" - and "Sis-Con With Dimensional Chat Group" ********** This Novel is a Multi-Fanfic Novel, I do not own the rights to all characters that do not belong to me, they belong to their creators, I only borrow them, and I only own the rights to the characters I created (OC-Original Character) and the story I created myself (OS-Original Storyline). But if you feel like you can't wait, you can go to my patreon or check the link below PA TREON LINK:patreon.com/touyama I WILL POST MANY INTERESTING NOVELS THERE

Bakakeju · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Members from other dimensions

[Ding! 'BulletproofSpectacles' has joined the Beyond All Dimensional Chat Group!]

[Ding! 'LustfulSage' has joined the Beyond All Dimensional Group Chat!]

[Ding! 'CyberPrincess' has joined the Beyond All Dimensional Group Chat]

[Ding! 'King' has joined the Beyond All Dimensional Group Chat!]

[Ding! 'DarkFlameMaster' has joined the Beyond All Dimensional Group Chat]

Seeing that various strange nicknames had joined the group, Masamune felt a little saved, it turned out that he was not the only one with a strange nickname.

Holding her chin with her right hand, Masamune thought 'Hm, I better make sure first, whether they are really from another dimension or not!

LustfulSage: "What is this? Is this one of the new technologies? Can it be used to help me search for materials?"

DarkFlameMaster: "What kind of weird group is this again? Dimensional Chat Group? Are you Chunibiyou?"

DarkFlameMaster: "Tu-wait, why is my nickname DarkFlameMaster? Does anyone here recognize me? Come out! Who invited me!"

King: "Is this an Otaku Chatting App?"

CyberPrincess : "Is this a piracy or wiretapping app? How can this be on my phone!? It even has my profile and personal data on it!"

Narcissistic Prince (Mod): "Everyone please calm down, I'll briefly explain it first, after that we can confirm whether it's true or not, then you can either believe it or take it as a joke!"

LustfulSage: "Alright, I don't really care, what matters to me is whether this thing can help or not!"

DarkFlameMaster: "Hm, looks like you do need to explain everything!"

CyberPrincess: "I don't mind"

King: "Me too"

Bulletproof Glasses: "..."

Seeing that the group members ignored him, Masamune smiled happily, it seemed that none of the group members were too radical.

Masamune felt that he knew some of them, but he had no evidence to confirm it, so it was better not to directly accuse or state that you knew him, it would only cause panic and lower his friendly impression, it was not a good thing.

Shaking off her wandering thoughts, Masamune started typing on her cell phone again.

Narcissistic Prince (Mod): "Have either of you seen the Group or Feature Description yet?"

LustfulSage: "I don't know what you mean by that"

CyberPrincess : "I checked, but I still can't understand it, is this group an extreme joke? @LustfulSage isn't there an Icon in the top right corner? The Group feature is located there, you just need to press it"

Narcissistic Prince (Mod): "Alright, maybe you don't believe it but this group is really real, if you don't believe it, you can test the Security Feature [Soul Binding] and confirm it with your own eyes to make it more believable, because if I just type it with a message, you will probably argue and not believe it at all, if you have tried it then I will continue to explain further!"

5× : "..."

"Hm, looks like they're trying it out, well let's wait a bit" Masamune said then lay down on his bed.


A knock sounded from the front door of his room.

"Young Master, your breakfast is ready, please come to the dining room, the master is waiting for you, he said he has a mission for you" A soft female voice was heard calling him.

"Okay, tell Otou-sama to wait for me in 10 minutes, I'll be right there!" Masamune said.

"Yes, Young Master!" The voice said and then disappeared.

Although this was the Makabe Tokyo Base Branch, this place did not all look like traditional Japanese houses, there were two main houses here, one was the Modern Mansion he lived in, and the other was the Traditional Mansion with the architecture of an ancient Japanese Traditional Palace, it was quite large in size and spanned hundreds of meters, almost all of its parts were made of wood, in stark contrast to the Modern Mansion he lived in, which looked more like a Modern High Palace.

Turning his attention to his phone once more, Masamune had seen many responses in the group.

CyberPrincess: "How did you do this? Are you around me? If so, please get out or I'll report you to the authorities!"

LustfulSage: "Is this some kind of new Jutsu? This looks like a Space-Time Jutsu, who developed it?"

This Cyber Princess is probably someone from the Modern world but also has magic, what world is that? She seemed to be the smartest in this group compared to the others because she directly checked the group first before getting involved in it.

Quite a lot of Anime or Manga have that kind of world setting, but not many are really popular.

As for the Lustful Sage, it seems like Masamune already knew her identity without even confirming it further, from her nickname and the 'Jutsu' she spoke of, it was definitely 'her'!

DarkFlameMaster: "Impossible! How did this happen? This is really cool, is this app a supernatural app? This is really amazing, cooler than the magicians that often appear on TV!"

King: "Is this the Otaku Group of the Hero Association? I didn't know they could make something like this! I was surprised at first, but this is really cool!"

CyberPrincess: "Wait! You guys can do it too? So, this is some kind of large-scale magic? Awesome, is this some kind of secret organization?"

Bulletproof Goggles: "Am I dreaming? Or am I hallucinating because I'm too traumatized?"

5× : "..."

As for this Dark Flame Master, it seemed like Masamune had heard his nickname somewhere but he didn't know for sure because there were many who had the same nickname.

But from the looks of it he wasn't a Wizard or an Esper, it seemed like he was just a teenager from the peaceful modern world like Masamune, so Masamune had some guesses in his head about who he really was.

For King, Masamune felt that he knew him very well, he looked like an otaku but had a less extreme personality, he also talked about the Hero Association, there were indeed several works that used the Hero Association, but King's nickname and name were best known to only one person, coincidentally that person was also an otaku like this King, so his identity was also confirmed.

And as for the Bulletproof Glasses, Masamune couldn't think of who he was, bulletproof glasses? What is that for? Wouldn't a bulletproof vest be better? He seemed to be from the peaceful modern world just like the Dark Flame Master.

"Hm... They're starting to get along, good then, 10 minutes should be enough to explain everything!"

CyberPrincess: "Can you come out @Carcissistic Prince! Hurry up and explain to us what's really going on!"

LustfulSage: "That's right, the person who developed a Time Space Jutsu like this must be a great person, you have to explain it to us!"

King: "I'm in."

DarkFlameMaster: "I agree with the others!"

Bulletproof Glasses: "Same!"

NarcissisticPrince (Mod) : "Alright then, let's start by changing our nicknames to our real names!"

CyberPrincess : "Does it have to be like that? You're not playing a prank, right? Don't you already know our identities as seen in our Personal Profiles? How can this app know our true identity if you don't enter it?"

NarcissisticPrince (Mod): "Don't you know the [Soul Binding] feature? The information is taken directly from your soul, through the Soul Scanner so the phone will record in real time all the user's personal data information, you can hide it if you don't want others to know about it, so it's not me taking your personal data, I'm just a 'Moderator' and I don't really understand!"

CyberPrincess: "What..."

Narcissistic Prince (Mod): "Just shut up!"

5× : "..."

NarcissisticPrince (Mod): "Now you change your nickname to your real name, and tell me your previous nickname!"

5×: "Okay!"

"Huh... Looks like it's harder than I thought!" Masamune sighed while looking at the group chat.

At an inn in a small urban area.

A middle-aged man with long white hair was seen looking at the cell phone in his hand, he had just bought it from a random merchant who claimed to be a fan.

The random merchant claimed that the item was very good, the random merchant said that the cell phone he was holding was the latest model cell phone equipped with a camera and recording device, even though he didn't understand, the middle-aged man still bought it, because the merchant gave a very low price.

Taking it inside the inn he had rented, the middle-aged man began to fiddle with the cell phone he was holding, he didn't know how to use it, it was always dark on the screen.

The middle-aged man was almost annoyed that he had been scammed, but suddenly the phone he bought came to life and displayed a blank white screen with only one application icon on it.

Unsure of how to use it, the middle-aged man simply pressed the icon that looked different from the screen.

Suddenly he was invited to an unfamiliar group, but he didn't think much of it, he just wanted to know the function of the phone he was holding.

In just a few minutes he began to understand the mechanics of the phone, such as writing messages and sending them, but he was still cautious for fear that this was a trap of some kind of Jutsu.

And then he started testing the Time-Space Jutsu which turned out to be successful!

He was surprised, the way this Jutsu was applied was very unique, perhaps better than his student's Flying Lightning God Jutsu.

He looked at his cell phone and felt that he was starting to get interested in this strange group, and also he was interested in who created this thing, he really had nothing to lose by spending hundreds of Yen to buy it.

While looking into his cell phone he said "This seems very interesting, maybe I can find a lot of materials for my novel if I follow this strange group"

"Looks like I need to quickly understand this group first, let's change my nickname first! My name is Jiraiya, maybe one of them is my fan!"

In a room in an apartment located in an ordinary residential neighborhood.

A teenage boy was in a cold sweat, he looked nervous and excited at the same time.

The teenager looked at the cell phone in his hand, he was looking right at the screen that displayed the group conversation he had just joined.

Feeling incredulous and nervous about what happened earlier.

She had previously tried putting her phone inside her sleeping pillow and then she sat at her study table.

"Huh... Looks like it's harder than I thought!" Masamune sighed as she looked at the group chat.

At an inn in a small urban area.

A middle-aged man with long white hair was seen looking at the cell phone in his hand, he had just bought it from a random merchant who claimed to be a fan.

The random merchant claimed that the item was very good, the random merchant said that the cell phone he was holding was the latest model equipped with a camera and recording device, even though he didn't understand, the middle-aged man bought it anyway, because the merchant gave a very low price.

Taking it inside the inn he had rented, the middle-aged man began to fiddle with the cell phone he was holding, he didn't know how to use it, it was always dark on the screen.

The middle-aged man was almost annoyed that he had been scammed, but suddenly the phone he bought came to life and displayed a blank white screen with only one application icon on it.

Unsure of how to use it, the middle-aged man simply pressed the icon that looked different from the screen.

Suddenly he was invited to an unfamiliar group, but he didn't think much of it, he just wanted to know the function of the phone he was holding.

In just a few minutes he began to understand the mechanics of the phone, such as writing messages and sending them, but he was still cautious for fear that this was a trap of some kind of Jutsu.

And then he started testing the Time-Space Jutsu which turned out to be successful!

He was surprised, the way this Jutsu was applied was very unique, perhaps better than his student's Flying Lightning God Jutsu.

He looked at his cell phone and felt that he was starting to get interested in this strange group, and also he was interested in who created this thing, he really had nothing to lose by spending hundreds of Yen to buy it.

While looking into his cell phone he said "This seems very interesting, maybe I can find a lot of materials for my novel if I follow this strange group"

"Looks like I need to quickly understand this group first, let's change my nickname first! My name is Jiraiya, maybe one of them is my fan!"

In a room in an apartment located in an ordinary residential neighborhood.

A teenage boy was in a cold sweat, he looked nervous and excited at the same time.

The teenager looked at the cell phone in his hand, he was looking right at the screen that displayed the group conversation he had just joined.

Feeling incredulous and nervous about what happened earlier.

She had previously tried putting her phone inside her sleeping pillow and then she sat at her study table.

But if you feel like you can't wait, you can go to my patreon or check the link below

PA TREON LINK:patreon,com/touyama