
Different every morning

Q: What does it feel like to become a different person every morning? Mia: Thanks for the invitation. I just turned into a dragon and now I am worried about how to hide my ears and tail from my new family. Also, my throat is not feeling well due to a cold recently. I hope I won’t breath fire/worry in front of them. .jpg When the Bat family saw Mia for the first time, they noticed the difference between her and them. She was optimistic, lively, innocent and cute, just like a bouquet of flowers growing in the sun and had not been exposed to any darkness, which also made them When facing her, he unconsciously became a little more protective. Until one day, they discovered that their daughter/sister suddenly turned into a dragon and could breathe fire. Everyone:... This is not original but translated All credit goes to the author Thank you

Queen_world_1001 · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
42 Chs

Chapter 3

Bruce didn't respond to Mia's words. He just looked at her innocently, as if he didn't know what she was talking about.

This made Mia start to wonder if her voice was too low and he didn't hear her clearly. After all, he is still wearing a mask no matter what.

So she wanted to go over and say that sentence again, but before she could take action, the reporters rushed to raise the microphone in front of her. They asked her what she had just said to Baby Brucie, and some asked her Her relationship with Superman... The voices were chirping together so that Mia couldn't hear what they were saying.

She looked at them dazedly. It was clear that Superman did not need to breathe, but she still felt a little suffocated under the siege of reporters. "I..." She opened her mouth, and after a while, she pointed not far away. She said to the long table, "Can I take away a portion of the dessert on that table?"

But unfortunately the reporter did not answer her question. They looked at each other in confusion, never expecting that the newly appeared young hero would be there. The first words you say when facing the camera will be this.

"Can't you?" Mia asked again, looking at the desserts on the table with regret.

As a serious sweet tooth, she noticed them the first time she entered the venue. After all, those cakes looked so cute, and under the influence of her super sense of smell, those sweet flavors seemed to linger on the tip of her nose. , making her begin to imagine involuntarily what they tasted like.

"No, of course." Bruce suddenly smiled and replied. He stood up and told her in a grandiose tone that she was his savior. Of course she could enjoy those snacks, and if she liked it, he could even ask the hotel chef to prepare them. More.

"Thank you, Mr. Wayne, but this is all I need!" Mia shouted happily after hearing Bruce's words. She almost couldn't wait to fly to the table, completely ignoring the seriousness in his eyes. .

Bruce pursed his lips and looked at Mia, who was floating in the air and carefully choosing cakes. As Batman, he has always been willing to use the utmost malice to speculate on others. What's more, the timing of the child's appearance was too coincidental, and the abilities she showed made him have to wonder if her appearance was related to Luthor.

After all, as the Minister of Reproduction of Krypton, he almost single-handedly carried the banner of revitalizing Krypton and successfully enabled Kryptonians to achieve a major breakthrough from three to five.

Green Lantern once teased at the Justice League party that Luthor was so dedicated to getting Super's genes that he had a crush on him, and then he got a horrified look from Shazam - as a child, this was a bit beyond him Acceptance range - and Superman's bitter smile.

The surrounding reporters also looked at Mia, and after realizing that they could not get what they wanted from the young hero, they quickly set their sights on Brucie.

Some of them wanted to know from this rich man what she had just said to him, and the other part of them had already begun to conceive of reports to be sent out later, striving to send them out as soon as possible.

But these have nothing to do with Mia now. She is happily holding her cakes - they were put in the packing box she asked the waiter for - and slowly flying towards home. .

But when she was halfway through the flight, she suddenly heard someone shouting "jump off the building", which instantly made Mia alert. She used her super hearing to make sure that her teacher hadn't noticed her leaving yet. By the way, it also reminded her of the gadget that Bruce had placed on her body. She had forgotten about it because of the reporter's question.

She lifted it off her shoulder, the tiny bat-shaped tracker beeping in her hand.

Mia didn't know what it was or what its use was, but she knew she couldn't just throw other people's things around, even if he took the initiative to put them on her.

So she planned to put it in her pocket, and wait until she solved the "jumping off building" thing first before returning to give it to Bruce, and also tell him that it was rude to put things on other people casually. He is already an adult, he should understand this.

It was only after she touched her body for a long time

that she realized that the uniform had no pockets, and her coat was thrown away at home, so after thinking about it for a while - in fact, it was only for a second or two. After all, there were still pockets there. Waiting for her to save people - she decided to put this gadget on the roof of a nearby building and come back to get it after she finished saving people.

She found a safe place, and after making sure that no one would find it - to be honest, if she didn't have super hearing, it would be difficult for her to find out that there was anything hidden here - and then quickly flew to the place where someone shouted to jump off the building.

A girl was sitting on the edge of the roof and was stunned when she saw Mia suddenly appearing in mid-air. She had never seen this young hero in any media, but she was relieved when she saw the "S" on her chest. This is an ordinary citizen's subconscious trust in a hero.

"Are you here to persuade me to give up?" the girl asked, her voice was very soft, and it sounded like it would be blown away by the wind at any time.

"Of course," Mia replied, holding the cake and flying in front of her, "so can I ask you now why you want to jump off the building?"

"What do you think?" the girl asked, but she did not answer Mia's question. , but lowered her head and looked at the crowd on the ground. They were talking noisily. She couldn't hear clearly and didn't care. She just looked up and continued to look at Mia. She tilted her head. Thinking.

"Is it because of men?" she asked. In those TV shows Aunt Chloe watched, girls always committed suicide because men abandoned them.

"No." The girl smiled and shook her head, "I'm not weak enough to commit suicide because of a man."

"Is that because you were bullied?" Mia asked again. She raised her fists indignantly, as if she would teach the bad guys a lesson if only she could nod and say "yes."

That made the girl feel a little funny. She patted the seat next to her and motioned for her to sit over, "Unfortunately, no," she shook her head, "I just miss my parents a little..." "

What?" Mia I asked subconsciously. She flew over and sat next to her, the sound of police officers in the building behind her ringing in her ears as they discussed who she was.

"My parents died a few weeks ago on the road directly below us, because of me." The girl pointed to the road below.

A few weeks ago, her parents specifically applied for early leave from the company because they wanted to celebrate their daughter's birthday early. Unexpectedly, she became the victim of the villain's carnival party on the way home.

"So I was wondering if it's not good for me to be alive alone. Do they miss me as much as I miss them? Should I go find them..." "

Of course not!!" Mia heard. The girl's words immediately shouted, and she looked at her with wide eyes, "Of course they will miss you, but rather than letting you go to them, they definitely want you to live happily in this world!" She continued.

That's what her mother once said to her. At that time, she was seriously ill in bed, and Mia was lying beside her bed. She didn't understand why her mother had not recovered after being ill for so long, and she didn't understand what the doctor's uncle meant by death.

After all, as a child, especially a child with superpowers and the ability to occasionally see ghosts, death to her is probably just another place to continue living.

So she asked her mother if she died, could she go find her?

When her mother heard what she said, she was stunned for a moment, then smiled and rubbed her head, telling her of course not.

"Why?" Mia asked again.

"Of course it's because it's too early for you," her mother said. She leaned on the bed, and the sun shone in through the window, covering the cold ward with a layer of warm tones. "You know you You are just a child now, so you should stay in this world, eat what you like, and do what you want to do..." "

Then can I have two ice creams today?" Mia asked expectantly. She didn't quite understand what her mother meant, but she heard her say that she could eat what she liked.

"No!" Mom replied immediately, looking at her with helpless eyes, "We agreed that you can only eat one piece a day." "

But you just

said that," Mia pursed her lips, and she She lay down on the bed, then turned her head to look at her mother. She looked very haggard, and the pain that tortured her made her look almost ten years older, "Then will it still hurt when you go to that world? " she asked again.

"No, death will take away all my pain." Mom replied. She patted the place next to her and motioned for Mia to sit next to her.

After seeing this, Mia immediately took off her shoes and climbed into bed, and even leaned closer to her mother's arms. The cold body temperature spread through the skin they touched, making her a little worried that her mother would get sick from this, although she is now I was already sick.

"But I will miss you when you leave," Mia muttered. She didn't want to be separated from her mother. "If you go to that world, will you miss me?" "Of course I will miss you

," Mom said, putting her chin on Mia's head, "It's just that rather than letting you stay with me, I want you to live happily in this world."

"Maybe..." the girl heard Mia She shrugged and stood up from above. The onlookers below screamed when they saw it. They shouted at her to stop being impulsive, and some asked Mia to stop her quickly.

The police opened the cushion below to ensure that she could land on it when she jumped. Mia also felt panicked. This was her first time doing such a thing, and she didn't know what to do next.

In panic, she suddenly saw the cake she had placed next to her when she just sat down. Her mother said that desserts always make people happy, "If...if I give you half of my cake, can you?" Don't jump!" she yelled at her.

The girl was stunned for a moment when she heard her words, and then suddenly laughed. This made Mia even more worried. People who suddenly laughed on TV would die after laughing, so she gritted her teeth and said, "I'll give you three-quarters!" She continued to shout.

Although she is reluctant to part with it, if she can use those cakes to stop her from jumping, then it will all be worth it. At worst, she will ask him for some when she goes back to deliver things to Mr. Wayne later, just like he said , she is his hero, so asking for some more cake is not too much.

"Can I ask if anyone has ever told you that you are cute?" the girl said with a smile. She did not sit down, but jumped down while Mia was stunned by those words, making a loud noise. Ringing in her ears, the weightlessness of freefall made her sick.

She began to recall involuntarily why she jumped, and the words of Mia and her parents repeatedly appeared in her mind. They said they loved her and that she was the continuation of their lives. She said that her parents hoped that she could be happy. Stay alive, the wishes on the cake and the notes mixed with the gifts... Before she could finish thinking about it, the wind stopped.

Mia caught her.

She held her in mid-air, and the sun shone from behind her, making her unable to open her eyes. "Your cake is gone!" Mia shouted unhappily just as she was stunned by this.

She took her to the ground, and the police quickly ran over after seeing her. They put a blanket on her, and the voices of the surrounding people became clearer.

"Because you jumped, I won't give you any more cake!" Mia shouted again unhappily. God knows how scared she was when she saw her falling. She was afraid that she had not caught her, and she was even more afraid that she would die.

Mom said that if you weren't an adult like her, death would be very painful. Children were not welcome in that place.

And Mi Xi's mother also said that if you commit suicide, you will go to hell. She said that it was a very scary place, with no sunshine, no ice cream and sweets, and no video games... To be precise, Mi Xi should have given the second part of the sentence. She summed it up by saying that there was everything there that she hated, and she didn't like it.

But when she saw the tears in the girl's eyes, Mia started to feel at a loss again. She wondered if she had said it too harshly. After all, she would also be sad if she was forbidden to eat cake by Aunt Chloe.

So she added later, "But seeing that you are so sad, I can still give you some. As long as you promise me that you will never commit suicide again in the future, absolutely!" She stretched out her hand to her seriously

. She showed her little finger, as if she would be very angry if she didn't agree.

This made the onlookers feel a little funny. They watched the girl hook her little finger with the same serious expression.

Cake never makes people want to give up on death, but the love conveyed through it can support them to live.

By the time Mia finished sharing the cake and rescued a few cats that were stuck in trees and couldn't get down on the road, it was already very late when Mia got home.

She carefully flew in through the window while wondering if she had forgotten something, but before she could remember, she saw Aunt Chloe appear in her room, pointing at the news on her phone angrily. She shouted her full name loudly.

Mia:! ! !

Mia: My life is at stake QAQ

On the other side, Bruce, who was located on the roof of the building because of the tracker hidden by Mia:...