
Different every morning

Q: What does it feel like to become a different person every morning? Mia: Thanks for the invitation. I just turned into a dragon and now I am worried about how to hide my ears and tail from my new family. Also, my throat is not feeling well due to a cold recently. I hope I won’t breath fire/worry in front of them. .jpg When the Bat family saw Mia for the first time, they noticed the difference between her and them. She was optimistic, lively, innocent and cute, just like a bouquet of flowers growing in the sun and had not been exposed to any darkness, which also made them When facing her, he unconsciously became a little more protective. Until one day, they discovered that their daughter/sister suddenly turned into a dragon and could breathe fire. Everyone:... This is not original but translated All credit goes to the author Thank you

Queen_world_1001 · Filmes
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42 Chs

Chapter 21

To be honest, it is not easy to find Batman. After all, as a man with bat caves all over the universe, his hiding places are as many as the stars in the sky, but when you have a Rick, this Things are obviously much easier.

They passed through the portal and arrived at the meeting room of the Resistance Army. Batman, Batwoman, Batgirl and Harley Quinn were all sitting inside. They quickly did what they did when they saw Rick and Morty suddenly appear. Make an attack action.

"Wait, we're the good guys!" Morty shouted immediately as he watched the Batarang fly past his cheek. He raised his hands and looked at Rick to try to get him to explain something, but he just took it out of his pocket. Wine Bottle, "I can help you deal with Superman." That's all he said.

"What?" Batgirl said. She frowned and looked at Rick, but did not take back the batarang in her hand. The same goes for Harley Quinn, who eagerly raised her hammer, but was stopped by Batman when she was about to attack.

He looked at the two people standing in front of him with a cold face, Rick Sanchez and his grandson Morty Smith. In view of their reputation in the universe-he had seen Rick when he went to outer space with the Justice League before. Rick's wanted order, and immediately after returning to Earth, he and his family were included in the key observation targets. However, after Rick accidentally killed him and his family during a certain experiment, he He put his information into another folder, which contained all dead people. But judging from the portal just now, they should be Rick and Morty in the parallel world.

"What do you want to do in this world?" he asked with a frown.

"Of course, to help you defeat Superman." Rick replied with a burp. He didn't take this matter to heart, he knew that the Batman of this world would definitely agree to him. He needs help. In the last battle between him and Superman, the resistance lost too many people, including his daughter, Mia.

She was killed by Superman.

That kid who had just turned 16, at the end of the showdown, just before Superman was about to win, hijacked Wonder Woman. No one knew how she did it, but she just put her knife on her The neck told everyone to stop.

She almost looked at Superman who was choking Batman's neck with an expression of resoluteness, telling him to put Bruce down quickly, if he didn't, she would kill Wonder Woman.

"You know I will definitely do this, Clark, I won't be like Bruce and expect anything from you!" She shouted at him, looking at him with eyes full of sadness and hatred.

She hated Superman after she learned that her Aunt Chloe died. He said that he just wanted to protect ordinary people. He said that he just didn't want to let more people die, and that's why even after The reason why she still has full confidence in Superman after choosing to follow Bruce is that he is the best person in the world. No one can be better than him. He is just going the wrong way now. As long as they bring him back, everything will be over. Everything can be restored to its original state.

She could still run to Bruce's apartment after a big fight and soothe her wounded soul with the hot cocoa Louise made her, and sometimes, if she was lucky, she could taste Martha's apple pie.

She would curl up on the sofa with the blanket Louise had prepared for her. Clark had a soft, cozy blanket specially prepared for her after she would often come over and tell Clark about what Batman was doing, and Clark said that Lois would often curl up in another one that was just as comfortable as it when working on deadlines. blanket, which will help her feel relaxed.

"But it's really comfortable!" Mia said, holding her hot cocoa and watching "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" on the TV. She has become the same since she last watched a few episodes with Red Arrow. It has become a loyal audience of this variety show. After all, those gossips can really satisfy people's desire to peep into other people's lives, and watching this when they are sad or stressed can really make people forget those troubles.

Sometimes they would invite Kara for a girls' night out if Louise's deadline coincided with her arrival at the Kents' house.

They would lie on the sofa with a big bucket of ice cream and watch those

shitty TV series, and they would discuss the plots in the middle of watching. Louise would share with them the interesting things she encountered when she was a reporter, while Kara would I would tell them about Krypton, those things are always interesting.

Mia loved that time. She wanted to go back. She wanted to have another girls' night with Kara. This time they could call Barbara and the others. They would love it. She wanted to watch Clark hold her again. The computer fretted about deadlines, and she loved the reports and bestsellers he wrote... She missed Louise's blankets and hot cocoa for her, and Martha's apple pie.

But during the long war, she watched Oliver die. She made an agreement with him that he would teach her archery when he had time later, and the death of Martian Manhunter. Before that, they ate Oreos together, As well as Black Canary's departure, Dr. Fate tells her that he sent her and her baby to another universe, one where Oliver has lost his little birdie.

She understood that this was the best choice. In the second year, Black Canary almost died in the hands of Superman, or should I say she really died. The heat vision passed through her abdomen, and she watched her fall. Down, and she couldn't save her.

She didn't turn into anything that could help that day. She could only stay in the base with Barbara Bruce and watch Hal and Sinestro gain the upper hand. The Green Lantern Corps was losing, most of them. They all died there, Guy Gardner, John Stewart...the Green Lanterns she was familiar with, her friends, and even her Aunt Chloe, they all died in this war. .

Superman did not keep his promise. He made everyone live under fear. He took away their happiness and freedom, but never gave them safety. In other words, he and his companions are the biggest threaten.

"Let go!" Superman shouted when he saw her like this, with panic in his tone. Even though he had killed so many people, to him Diana and the others were always different, especially Diana, she She was always there to support him when he needed help, and no matter what anyone else said, she would always be by his side.

"Then let Bruce go first!" Mia continued to shout, looking at Superman with a cold face. Now that the Resistance is centered around Batman, if he dies then they'll never have a chance to defeat Carl.

"Impossible!" Superman replied. He could not give up this opportunity to defeat Batman. He was his only threat.

"Then I will kill Wonder Woman!" Mia put her knife closer to Wonder Woman's neck, and bright red blood flowed down the wound, but Mia didn't care about it at all.

During these wars, she had long since given up her feelings for those heroes, and she no longer still had high hopes for them like Bruce did. He wants to bring them back, but she just wants them to pay for what they've done.

She had had a big quarrel with Bruce over this. She said that if he had let Dinah shoot Superman's heart, then nothing else would have happened, Guy wouldn't have died, Helena wouldn't have died... They were not supposed to die in the first place.

She knew she was going too far. Superman was Bruce's teammate. They were once the best partners in the world. The relationship between them must be deeper than she thought, but she couldn't control herself.

After so many years, she no longer thinks that death is simply moving to a far away place as she did when she was a child. Death is painful, sad, and unforgettable. It is like a weapons room. The arrows that no one was using, the Oreos in the cupboard that were still uneaten, and the house that was so empty that no one would come home from school because she was skipping class...it made her feel lonely.

"No, Superman, leave me alone..." Diana yelled after hearing their conversation, but was quickly interrupted by Mia, who brought her knife a little further forward.

"If you are willing to let your lover die, then try it!" Mia continued to shout. She deliberately used the word lover. After all, no one in the world didn't know that Wonder Woman liked Superman. If it weren't for this, how could she fully support him? But she wanted to let her know that Lois was Clark's wife. , even after so many years, all he thought about was Louise.

Just as Superman was stunned by her words, Bruce

shot a kryptonite bullet into Superman's chest. He didn't kill him, or rather he never thought of doing so.

Bruce always said that no one died in this war in vain, but he never thought about killing those who killed them.

This made Mia feel powerless. She watched Superman kneel on the ground because of the bullet. Wonder Woman wanted to go up to save him, but that would only make her more seriously injured. Batwoman took the opportunity to rush forward and hit her. Others run to Batman, who has been badly injured in the fight, including his spine.

Those villains always have a soft spot for his spine for some reason. Bane broke his back, and then Superman broke it again. If it weren't for the support of money and willpower, he would have become a useless person long ago. .

"You have no idea what you are doing. Fighting for a cause that is destined to fail will not make you a martyr, it will only make you look stupider!" Diana shouted, looking at Superman with a look of death, "Do it, Carl," she said at last.

Superman nodded after hearing Wonder Woman's words. He endured the pain and fired heat vision at them, violent, scorching flames burning on their bodies.

Speaking of which, Mia had seen Superman use his heat vision many times to target villains who wanted to invade the earth, to damaged ships and watchtowers that needed to be welded, and to use it to shave in front of the mirror, but she never thought about it. One day he will turn it on himself.

She wants to let go and go home, but she can't, she can't let go of Wonder Woman. If she lets go, then everything she has done will be in vain, and she will be burned to death, but Wonder Woman will not Too much damage will be done.

So she just gave Superman a provocative look and then slit Wonder Woman's throat. Even if she dies, she will die with her.

No one won that war. Superman immediately stopped shooting his heat vision after seeing the blood. He covered his wound and ran to Wonder Woman. As a demigod, she did not die, but this war still brought a toll on her. There was a lot of damage, and if nothing unexpected happened, she would probably have to return to Paradise Island to recuperate for a long time.

Mia was lying on the ground, looking at the sky in confusion. The pain in her body made her feel sad. She wanted to cry and seek comfort from her mother and Aunt Chloe. They were there when she was injured. He would always run up to her immediately to bandage her wounds, hug her and tell her not to be afraid.

She also wanted to eat the cookies prepared by Ah Fu, go shopping with Barbara, go to Cassian's ballet performance, go on night patrol with her family, wanted to...she wanted to There were too many things to do, but she knew she couldn't, so she just turned her head and glanced at Bruce, Barbara, and her family and friends. She wanted to see them one last time before she moved Went to live in that far away place.

She had told her mother that she would come find her, and now it was time for her to keep her promise.

"No, we are looking for Mia," Morty said suddenly. He took two steps back when he saw the expressions others looked at him because of those words, but soon he continued, "She was Superman took him away."

On the other side, Mia was obediently following Superman and carefully observing her surroundings. This place still looked different from what she remembered.

The superhero statues placed in the hall disappeared, and the heroes in the league also became a little different. At least she had never heard of it before, nor had she seen the yellow light. Xia. She remembered that Huang Lan was obviously a bad guy. And for some reason, the heroes looked at her with surprise and defensiveness, as if she was some kind of villain.

This made Mia confused, but more so, she was afraid. She almost subconsciously wanted to get closer to Superman. All children know that Superman is the best hero and will be the first to protect them when they are in danger. However, Mia hesitated after thinking about the look he looked at her when he asked her who she was.

She had never seen Superman like that before, or it should be said that after she came to this world, everything became a little wrong. The store was no longer crowded, the faces of pedestrians no longer had smiles, and even Superman He no longer looks like Superman.

Of course she's not saying he's fake, he can fly, has super hearing, heat vision and all the superhuman abilities, plus he has the "S" logo on his chest. They all knew that was Superman's symbol.

But she had seen Superman several times. When their school organized an autumn outing to the metropolis, he flew over their heads, his bright red cloak fluttering in the wind, looking like the sun, a warm and dazzling sun.

And when they raised their hands to greet him, he would smile at them, and he would squat in front of them, with his cloak hanging slightly to the ground, still warm to the touch.

"I, I am Mia." Mia replied softly. She mustered up the courage to look at Superman floating in the air. He looked more serious and more fierce.

If the previous Superman was like a friend living around them, then this Superman is more in line with what everyone calls him, the god on earth, yes, the god on earth, the god who has powerful power and rules the world. .

"Then, who are you?" Mia continued to ask. She tried hard to appear braver, but her fear was still exposed from her tight grip on the gun and her unstoppable trembling voice.

Superman did not miss this. He lowered his eyes and looked at the child in front of him. She looked completely different from the child in his memory.

When she saw him for the first time, not only was she not afraid at all, but she surrounded him with an overly excited look, as if she was looking at some rare animal.

But when Bruce called her name helplessly, she immediately realized this, and turned to look at him with an apologetic expression, "I'm sorry I just did that to you. I was just a little too excited. After all, I had to I know you are Superman, my third favorite superhero, but now that I know Robin is Damian and Bruce is Batman, you have been upgraded to my first favorite superhero!" The girl, who had only just reached his waist, said happily, and made a face at her brother and father when she said the last sentence.

Even if she later chooses to follow Batman, she still has no fear when she sees him. Instead, she expects and gets close to him. She hopes that he can change back to his original self, and she will always retain a closeness to Superman. .

"I am Superman." Superman replied, "I am the Superman of this world."

"The Superman of this world?" Mia repeated his words doubtfully, and then she quickly realized, "You mean? I've traveled to a parallel world now?!"

"Yes," Superman nodded, and he landed in front of her, "Although I don't know where you got that gun, I guess it brought you here. World, if you are willing to believe me, you can give me that gun and I can help you find a way to return to your world."

"Really?" Mia asked hesitantly. The Superman in front of her always gave her a strange feeling. She was not sure that she really wanted to hand over the gun to him, and if she had to say it, she could do it herself. Fire once and return to the manor through the green hole.

But Superman seemed to have the ability to read minds. He told her that there were many parallel universes in this world. Without the coordinates of her world, it would be dangerous to travel through time and space at will, and it might also cause damage to other worlds.

Of course Mia doesn't want this, she just wants to return to the manor and find Alfred. He knew she was in the garden now and would be worried if she didn't get back soon.

So she put the teleporter gun into Superman's hand and looked at him with worried eyes, asking him if he would really send her back.

"Of course, Mia." Superman said to her gently, which made him look a bit like the Superman she remembered. "I will take you home, but before that, I hope you can help me first." Busy."

"What's busy?" Mia asked.

"I need you to help me find Batman," Superman replied.

He told Mia everything that happened in his world. He told her that his wife and children were killed by the Joker and that Metropolis was destroyed. No one survived the nuclear explosion. They They all died in the so-called

safest city.

"I just want to protect those people. The Joker has killed too many people. Before it was innocent citizens, this time it was my wife and unborn child, and Metropolis. They should have a good day." , but because of the clown, everything is gone..." Superman said, he knelt down and looked at Mia, his blue eyes filled with grief.

Even though a long time has passed since this incident, the death of Louise and his child is still a scar in his heart, a scar that will never heal.

"But Batman couldn't understand what I was doing. He had a big fight with us, and then left Wayne Manor and Gotham with others, just to return the world to the way it was harmed by those villains. ."

"I feel sorry for you, Superman." Mia said sadly.

She had never thought that something like this would happen to the superman in this world. In her eyes, Superman should be powerful, omnipotent, and never defeated. He is like a belief and a representative, as if as long as he is there, there is no need to be afraid of anything. But she never thought that after taking off that cloak, he was just an ordinary person with a wife and children.

"Thank you, Mia," Superman said, "So I need you to help me find Batman. I want to talk to him and tell him what I really think, instead of continuing to fight him like this." "

But why? It's me, I mean I'd love to, but I'm not familiar with Batman yet." Mia said hesitantly. Out of sympathy for the miserable, in her eyes, Superman in this world is now in need of help like a newborn baby. Although she doesn't know what is going on between herself and Batman in this universe, but from her point of view Judging from the few times they got along in the world, Batman was not an easy person to get along with.

It's just that Superman seemed to have heard a joke after hearing her words. He told her that Batman was Bruce Wayne.