
Different Alpha

This is book is about a 17 year old girl named Christy she and her weird gang is having a normal year in Moon Hill Academy (aka werewolf school) until she finds out she is different in many more ways than she thinks. She also find a dashing jet irritating boy name Connor who make her feel different like never before.Can he be her mate?

chrisstie1703 · Fantasia
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5 Chs

Vacation NOT

No school going home the firts time this yaer.... "Hey Christy....how will my parents going to react to me being home... CHRISTY". "What where oh hey George so glad your finally back how was the trip?". "Oh great lots to do there and stuff". He sounds down."And stuff....? What happend is it Jp.?"crossing my arms over my chest. He went silent for a while and looked at the ground. Finally he looks up at me again "Yeah he made friends with a fay..." he says friends with  air quotations ...."And is they like they say I never met one before". "Yeah I guess they are like people says they look like but he ditched me the rest of the camp for her"he said with a little sadness in his voice . "Oh sorry but hey now that your back you can go home to your girl to so the fay is just important to Jp like Lizzy to you so don't be hard on him". "Yes your right!.... See you after the vaca." he says while giving me a wide smile. "Sure bye".Back to my mind. I don't go home much my adopted family is great but they are not werewolves....After getting my things in my locker and room it is time for my flight back to LA.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~At home~~~~~~~~~~~

"My baby girl is finally back".  I hear my mom screaming from the house. I lived here all my life I was little when my parents disappear and there is when Tom and Hannah came into the picture. They wanted a little girl and there was me. When I first shifted they didn't care the loved me for me I own them so much. I drop my bags and hugged my mom so tight like if I let go she will also disappear. "Mom!!". Mom is little shorter then me and has blond hair that stop at her shoulders and my dad has brown hair he is a little taller than me. "Dad". He welcomes me with a wide smile. "Long time no see kiddo". "Yeah sorry school was a mess this year". "Came baby I made you favorite...." I stop her in the middle sentence "Mac and Cheese, thanks mom school's mac and chees is just not the same" . "I get your bags kiddo.... And over dinner you tell us how is school". "Sure dad like always." After dinner and a lot of talk is time for bed". "Mom I going to bed see you tomorrow." "Sure punkin see you tomorrow." "Night dad". "Night kiddo". My room is just like I left. Purple and galaxy everywhere with posters of all my favorite movies and bands. Just like old times....

~~~~~~~~~~~A month later~~~~~~~~~~

At home was great I had a great birthday party with my parents and some of there friends. Al my friends is not at my home town but it was still great. I can finally find my mate I'm 18 yeah.And I went back to my old job at Starbucks. What else..... Oh me and my wolf is on a friendly term. Mom and I went on a lot of shopping trips. And I promised I will visit more often. So here goes another boring day at school. I didn't see Connor jet some how I feel sad an happy at the same time. Alpha class I bet I will see him there that makes me walk faster. That smell, is so good....have to follow it. And who do I find smelling so great Connor. 'Mate' my wolf scream as hard as she can.....but.... He has girl in his arm. And he kissed her. Just as I am about feeling a urge to throw up and leave Connor looks at me and I can see the reality hit him like a tons of bricks. "Lets go for a run" my wolf says in a sad voice. "Yeah lets". Before Connor can get to me I run as fast as I can out of the school and shift. I don't know where I am going I just need to get away frim him. Me in my own word I don't see the two rouges behide me. "Hey true moon" is the last thing I hear before a needle is pushed in my neck and everything went black and blue. In less than a whisper is Connor all I can manage. Darkness in gulf me.