
Different Alpha

This is book is about a 17 year old girl named Christy she and her weird gang is having a normal year in Moon Hill Academy (aka werewolf school) until she finds out she is different in many more ways than she thinks. She also find a dashing jet irritating boy name Connor who make her feel different like never before.Can he be her mate?

chrisstie1703 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The Man

My head is spinning like crazy.Where am I? ."She's wake"says a deep voice that sounds like miles away." Oh, the wolfspane will wear off eventually". I can just hear the smile from him."So you must wonder why you are here well that will be answered late for now....."I hear him caming to me but I can't move and my wolf is not here, I feel a sharp pain in my arm. " That is the firts of many Christy darling". And with that he walks away and slams the iron door of the room I'm kept in. I need to get home and where is my wolf? Hours past well it felt like hours I don't know is it day or night. I can hear foot step caming closer and closer. "Christy its time for a others". He said with a happy tone. What is he injecting in me. I try to move and it works looks like the wolf spane is working of but still no wolf. Let's try something... Hey... Nothing. HEY... "Stop screaming my head is bursting." I hear my wolf say soft. "Well try to answer me the firts time then". " I tried but the thing he is injecting us is making me feel funny I am is just so tired..... and the she gone." I see you talked with your wolf how is she doing " the creepy man says." The treatment is taking it's toll on her isn't it". Who are you and what are you doing to me.? my voice laced in anger. "Well I am your new family and I am turning you in my newest creations. A tribrid. But it may kill your original wolf but sacrifice for the greater good". "Greater good of what?"I scream ." Well darling the greater good of MY world". He start walking the bed I am tied to. Nope not going to happen. Just as he is close enough to me I jump up but what a mistake that was the chains that was al over me burned my skin al over the more I move. "Oh love the is no escape so let's get it done then you can go as crazy as you like".I growl more and more the more he move closer to me. "Don't be difficult remember bad dogs gets put down in my world". DOG I am no dog. I tied to get up and rip his head clean off but the sharp pain in my arm made me weak al over again. "It looks like sleep time again let's continue later goodnight sweetheart". Basterd is one word that comes in mind for him. And with that I am greeted by darkness again.

~~~~~~~~⭐Connor (Pov)⭐~~~~~~~~

Christy my mate...SHIT she just saw me kissing Alex. "Well done dumass you hurt our mate and you did even talked her" my wolf say before cutting me of. Thanks for the help wolfie. I push Alex who is still sitting on my lap off me and start running after Christy. I follow her scent but something smell of about it, it is mixed with... rouge with that I pick up my speed but her scent just stop the took her. No..no I am supposed to protect her and now I lost her. I need her. I link my pack to sent the tracking wolf to my location. "l will find you Christy just hold on I'm caming and I'm going to kill the people who took you from me" .

And that is a promise