
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasia
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113 Chs

029 Gift for Poche Quinn

Go west along the Charles River and enter the Western District of Porto city. As a city whose entire eastern border is wrapped by Massa Bay, the Western District of Porto is the origin of Porto.

More than half a century ago, Porto didn't even have a name. It was just the undeveloped wilderness in the east of Massa. Together with the current western district planning, it was under the jurisdiction of Newton city in the east of Porto. A group of visionary elites took the current western district as a springboard, developed to the East, and built the current Porto.

After transferring the center of power to Porto North District, this group of people retreated back to the original western district, forming a unique polarization in the current western district - you are either very, very rich and called the master, or very, very poor and become the servant of the master.

Benjamin's van drove along the cobblestone road and stopped outside a manor.

"Anderson house, we have an appointment with Mrs. Quinn." Benjamin leaned out of the window and said to the formal security guard.

The security guard had a headset in his right ear. The bent line was stuffed into the inside of his shirt, and the radio pinned to his waist could be seen. The security guard received the instruction, bowed slightly and opened the iron gate of the manor.

Benjamin nodded, started his muddy van again and entered the manor.

Ryan adjusted his posture on the passenger seat and looked at the decorations on the iron bars on both sides. His expression was also a lot more serious.

"What's the matter?" Benjamin glanced at the vampire around him. "Scared?"

Ryan looked sideways. "Let's pray that the title deed of this manor doesn't say 'Poche Quinn' name."

Benjamin chuckled and bypassed the fountain in the front courtyard of the manor. The upper body of the fish man holding the Trident leaned back, and a winged eagle on his left arm was attacking!

Eagle - the totem of the Commonwealth aborigines. This means that Ryan will be bound by the territorial protection of Aboriginal origin. If the owner objects to Ryan's presence on his territory, Ryan will die.

However, Ryan did not think that Mrs. Quinn will distribute her estate in advance, let alone now.

Benjamin jumped out of the car with an old briefcase hanging on his shoulder. He opened the back door, and an adult Dane jumped out of the van and looked at the manor in front of him indifferently.

"Keep up, Kim." Ryan waved to the dog and walked ahead.

Entering the hall, Aboriginal style carpets, decorations and heraldry. It can be seen that Mr. and Mrs. Quinn were people who respect tradition very much.

Poche Quinn hurried through the hall with some information and found the two "uninvited guests", looking surprised.

"Why are you here?" Poche frowned and looked at the passing servants: "who allowed you to come in!"

"We were invited by Mrs. Quinn to explain the specific process of the funeral." Ryan leaned slightly and answered with a smile.

Poche frowned more tightly and looked at Benjamin's briefcase on his side: "give me the process and you can go!"

The two men did not move. Only a big Dane who looked fat approached Poche slowly, but his eyes seemed to be paying attention to the cakes held by the passing maids.

"What is this!" Poche stepped back and made way for the approaching big Dane: "no animals are allowed here!"

"Kim." Ryan smiled and said, "his name is Kim. He seems to like you very much."

Poche stepped back, looking a little embarrassed. The Great Dane named Kim ignored his dislike and kept approaching him.

"I don't care what its name is! Keep it away from me! And you! Leave the process information and leave! Get out of my home!"

The servants calmly did their own things, but their eyes were all flashing with banter and secretly looking this way.

"Young master." On the left side of the hall, the revolving marble stairs connect the second floor. The female nurse who has been around Mrs. Quinn held the guardrail on the second floor and whispers, "Mrs. Quinn is still waiting for guests."

Ryan smiled at the young nurse and turned to Poche: "it's a pity, I don't think this is your home."

Ryan let Poche, who was still avoiding the big Dane, step up the stairs. Benjamin behind him patted Poche on the shoulder: "here's a suggestion. You can give him some food. He likes food very much." Benjamin thought for a while, then added: "by the way, don't use bones to perfunctory it. It hates bones."

Under the guidance of the female nurse, the two aliens walked through the winding corridor and entered the balcony of the atrium, where they could see the landscape of the whole atrium. In front of Mrs. Quinn was a Porto Daily newspaper. On the carved wooden table, there were some cakes on the exquisite plate. It's tea time for Mrs Quinn.

"Madam." The nurse gave a warning and withdrew from the balcony.

Mrs. Quinn looked sideways, saw the two men, motioned slightly, and they sat down at the small table.

Mrs. Quinn's face looked very good. It seemed that she had recovered from the pain of losing her husband three days ago. At least that's what Porto Daily said, but we all know the real reason~.

Mrs. Quinn handed the newspaper to Ryan who had just sat down: "look at these reports! I don't remember Quinn's decline!"

Ryan took the newspaper and glanced at it with a smile. "Madam knows that the current reports are always like this. People like dramatic stories. I like this picture very much." Ryan pointed to a picture in the newspaper that showed Mrs. Quinn talking in front of the microphone, which was completely different from the former depressed look of curling up in a wheelchair, "but I thought Mrs. Quinn would be more..."

"Better?" Mrs Quinn took up her tea cup. "Low key?" She sipped her tea and shook her head. "The consequence of being low-key is being poisoned by her grandson. I want to change it."

Mrs. Quinn's generation withdrew from the media very early. They knew that their time had passed, so they gave way to the younger generation. So in recent years, they rarely appeared in newspapers. This time Mrs. Quinn held a press conference with great fanfare, which was really a great change.

Ryan did not answer. He took the briefcase from Benjamin, took out the information, and spread it out on the small table: "the funeral will begin at 3:00 p.m. tomorrow, first at the memorial ceremony in the church, and then..."

"I know the funeral process!" Mrs Quinn waved impatiently. "What interests me is what you do with Poche."

Benjamin looked at Ryan with a light smile. These days, Ryan had been worried about this.

Ryan thought for a while and inquired: "madam, can I ask a question? Does madam want Poche to disappear forever? Or just punish him?"

Mrs. Quinn was silent for a long time, then frowned and looked at Ryan: "the reason why I entrusted you to do this is that you don't want to judge. Now, you ask me."

Sometimes, people are so strange that they don't want to cross the line, so they go to seek help, let others decide, and then keep their hands clean. Mrs Quinn is such a person.

Ryan and Benjamin looked at each other and nodded. Ryan looked at Mrs. Quinn again: "madam, I have a proposal. We know that Mrs. Quinn doesn't want to do anything beyond the boundary. Even if the other party has crossed the boundary, he is still Mrs. Quinn's grandson..."

"I don't need you to analyze my psychology!" Mrs Quinn seemed a little annoyed. After all, what they were discussing now was not honorable!

Ryan didn't care and continued: "in a word, we thought of a way to make Poche lose the qualification to inherit everything from Quinn as a punishment."

"Not enough!" Mrs Quinn's fingers were clasped on the armrest of the chair. Obviously, she would never forgive Poche for trying to murder his grandparents! But at the same time, she could not testify against her grandson in court, because that would become a 'Quinn' scandal!!

Mrs. Quinn had buried a bad family scandal in her life. This time, she still had to uphold this' tradition '!

"No, madam." Ryan comforted the excited Mrs. Quinn: "the important thing is not the result of losing the right to inherit, but how to make him lose the right to inherit."


"No famous family will leave their property to a person who lives in a sanatorium." Ryan replied.

"No!" Mrs. Quinn denied that the sanatorium was just a euphemism for a mental hospital! Although mental disorders often occur in the descendants of famous families, they are still scandals.

"Madam, please think about it. Now is the best time." Ryan induced Mrs. Quinn, "people will enter the sanatorium, not necessarily because of coercion!"

Mrs Quinn's eyes widened. In this world, there are two places that are considered completely isolated from the outside world. The first is prison, and the second is sanatorium.

People often take the initiative to enter nursing homes, such as suicidal tendencies, early manic depressive disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder... When they realize that they will pose a threat to others and themselves, people with self-knowledge will take the initiative to seek help. Instead of disdaining them, people encourage them.

As Ryan himself said, now was the best time for Quinn. Poche's only two relatives in the world had just passed away. No matter how disgusting he was, for public opinion, he was experiencing bereavement, one of the most difficult situations in life.

These ewre the resources that Mrs. Quinn can use to transfer the scandal!

Mrs Quinn thought for a long time, no longer excited, nodded calmly, "what do you need me to do?"

Ryan breathed a sigh of relief and patted Benjamin on the thigh because it was Benjamin's idea.

Of course, Ryan's relaxation was also due to Mrs. Quinn's simplicity. She didn't ask Ryan how to accomplish this, but asked 'what do I need to do'. For Mrs. Quinn, she knew that there were some things she didn't need to know. It came down to the miraculous revelation!

"Madam doesn't have to do anything." Ryan smiled and shook his head. "However, we have just adopted a big Dane. It seems that he is very close to master Poche Quinn. It might as well be a gift for the master."

Mrs. Quinn picked up some cool black tea and said plainly, "then I will thank you for him."