
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
113 Chs

021 monsters

The sharp scissors scratched silver lines in the air. There was no sound of clothes being cut and no blood flying away. Alice retreated helplessly. The light scratches healed immediately after they appeared.

'Alice, Listen to me!' Run approached Alice again. The Banshee with black burning marks on her skirt corner had moved to the corner of the wall. Run's face was almost pasted on the Banshee's face!

"I'm leaving Anderson! I'm going to find my family! Alice! Don't you want to leave?! your real family! Let's go together!"

Alice's arm had been buried in Run's body, suddenly came out from behind him, and the scissors reflecting silver light stopped in the air.

"You, what are you talking about?" Alice's eyebrows screwed together, and her dark pupils flickered under the mist.

"Let's get out of here! Get out of Anderson! We don't belong here. Let's find our real family!"

"This is my home!" The iron scissors fell to the wooden floor and made a soft thump. Alice held her trembling shoulder against the corner and slid down slowly, shrinking into a ball. "Run, get out, please, get out!"

"No, Alice!" Run's body moved down in the twinkling and "squatted" in front of Alice, "Alice, think about it, this is not your home! Ryan and Benjamin? They are not your relatives! They are just using you! Just like Papa used your ancestors at midnight..."

"Stop! Run! Get out! I'll let you out!" Alice waved her arm in vain.

"Alice! You know! You know I'm right! Now is a chance! We have my mother's Witchcraft notes! You're strong! We can go anywhere! You don't need to stay here and seek the protection of a vampire and werewolf!"

One day, I was thinking about why Papa midnight was so special. I mean, there are many people with special talents in this world. For example, a prophet who can see a fragment of the future in the crack of time; A sage who can read people's hearts in the troubled reality; A psychic who can communicate with things that do not exist.

In the third category of aliens, it seems that these people should be powerful. Then, why does everyone remember only one person in this changing era - Papa midnite? Why does he have such a sense of existence?

Of course, I asked the vampire this question.

"This is a very good question." Ryan praised me. "What do you think of 'witchcraft'?"

I thought for a moment and replied, "it looks like a collection of these strange talents." I suddenly understood something, "Oh! That's right! Papa is the one who put it all together at midnight! Then he is really a 'great man'!"

"Smart, but more than that." Ryan smiled, "what do you think of the werewolf, the original werewolf, the first alpha."

I thought for a while and understood something! "I know! He not only summed up the existing 'talents', but also created! He created the werewolf with vampire blood, curse, and his own blood!"

"Very smart! Madison, he can create. I can tell you that alpha is not the first 'thing' he created. He already has powerful magic power, and alpha people are just a supplement to his power. Now think about what else he needs to be called a real 'great man'."

I shook my head. It seemed to me that Papa Midnite was already my idol.

Ryan reminded, "how do we usually describe great people?"

"Immortality?" I blink.

"Right, Madison." Ryan smiled, "this is the reason why he still makes everyone aware of his existence in the accumulated history. He created a 'thing', which is much more powerful than alpha."

"What is that?" I asked curiously, what is stronger than the Alpha?

The vampire smiled, "it can completely bypass the 'things' of death."

"No! Run, get out!" Alice looked up and stared at Run. "I don't want to see you again! You just want to use me! Get out! Get out!"

In front of Alice's pushing hands, Run's body seemed to be pulled by something. The lumpy light and shadow moved backward and flickered, pushing back one meter!

Under the gaze of the banshee, the edge of Run's body kept beating, and the air was turbid. As Run said, Alice was very powerful.

'Alice!' Run's fingers clung to the floor without any real feeling, and his voice was like a disturbed electric frequency, "I won't leave! Do you want to be an alien rejected by human beings! Live with vampires and werewolves! We have our own family! My own people! We are human! We are not monsters!"

"Get out! Run!" Alice shook her head and shouted, "you are a monster!! look at yourself! You are an earthbound spirit! You were abandoned by your own family to Anderson! Now, you are disturbing my heart! You are a monster! Run! You are a monster!"

The body of the earthbound spirit flickered fiercely, and words were also weapons. Run's fuzzy face began to show ferocity.

"I have not been abandoned!! my mother cares about me! She is protecting me in her own way! So are you! If it were not for her, you would have died in the street!"

Alice put her arms around her knees, and her scattered hair was on her side. She buried her face, and her voice was trembling and weak. "Run, please, go out. I want to be alone."

"No! Alice!" Unlike Alice, who was already weak, Run's mood was still fierce, and the light and shadow of his body was constantly flashing, "I need your help! If you don't want to go, you stay here! I'll go! You have to do something for me! Otherwise, I'll never let you go! I'll haunt you all my life!"

Alice suddenly looked up and bit her lower lip. Her cheeks had been completely moistened by tears, and the white cuffs were stained with wet marks. She stared at run's eyes, and her clenched fists trembled slightly with force.

Run approached Alice again. "This is your choice! What do you want! Let me haunt your life?! or disperse me and let me die again?! or promise me to do something for me! Then I will leave here forever!"

After a long look and silence.

"What do you want?" Alice's eyelashes were trembling.

Run's body was restored to its integrity as if he had an entity again. The 'Connor' who was indulged by old Herman had a good body, strong and handsome. He stuck it to Alice's face again.

The earthbound spirit stared at Alice, whose body and mind were forced to the corner, with a smile on his face, "I have found an illusory man! I want to catch him! I want to know how he broke the earthbound spirit's shackles and gained freedom! You! You have to help me!"