
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

022 The Truth

"Are you talking about wolves?"

Ryan felt a chill on his back neck. This is very normal speculation. It's just that when there are werewolves around, it's best not to say it.

"I don't know! I've never seen a dog or a wolf-like that. It's so big! It's like a bear! It's black." Neil's face was full of fear, "but his teeth... Cold and pale..."

Ryan frowned. Neil and Daphne's disappearance happened the day after the full moon. It shouldn't be a werewolf. Is it the dreamland of an Illusory man? The content of the delusion was that two people were eaten by a big black dog or a wolf? Someone's imagination was a bit too rich.

"You said it attacked you, but you weren't hurt." Ryan thought for a moment, "in fact, none of your clothes are damaged."

"No!" Neil's head began to shake. Ryan continued to press his chin to keep his eyes from leaving.

"It bit Daphne's head! Right in front of my eyes!"

Neil's body struggled. Ryan forced his arm and leaned closer to him. "She's fine. She lies next to you, you know. She's not hurt, but now she will hurt herself. You need to help us, and then we can help her so that she won't hurt herself. Do you understand?"

The struggling body calmed down again, and the veins of the vampire's forehead had burst out. Ryan felt a little tired.

As Neil kept mumbling 'to help Daphne,' Ryan continued, "what happened then?"

"I, I wanted to hold her, but I, I was caught by another monster! its claws are like blades! It stabbed me! It pulled me out of the bus!"

"Two?" Ryan confirmed. If this is a new 'werewolf' created by Papa Midnite, and there were two more, the vampire who hadn't even solved Revenge would be very depressed.

"No! A bunch!" Neil's eyes widened.

The answer was terrible.

"And then." Ryan looked gloomy. "You've been missing for nearly four days. What happened in these four days?"

"I, we are tortured!" Neil's face was full of fear. "They bit our bodies... I, I saw my own internal organs... They ate Daphne..."

"I told you! Daphne is fine. She's not hurt at all!" Ryan was beginning to be impatient. If the other person's eyes were not still full of his own red pupils, he would think that the madman had been out of the control of the charm pupil.

Ryan continued to strengthen his control, "you too. You have no injuries all over your body. You are both very healthy and no one has hurt you. Now the only person who will hurt you is yourself. You need to help us find the reason for you. For yourself, and more importantly, for Daphne, do you understand?!"

"I... I..." Neil's eyes stared, his jaw was shaking, and his eyes were confused. It was not the bewilderment of the enchanted pupil trying to invade the brain, but the bewilderment caused by the conflict of reality. If you need an example, Kyle who saw 'Connor' reborn is one.

"I, I saw it! They... killed us, again and again... There was no end... He, he kept asking us... Who, who opened the door..."

There was one more person.

Ryan wanted to try his best to find a little breakthrough in the words that seem to be crazy.

"Who is he? Tell me where you are first."


The red reflected in Neil's eyes was suddenly replaced by the white light! The vampire suddenly sprang up from the bedside, covered his dazzling white eyes, and stepped back!

Losing the dominance of the enchanting pupil, Neil's mind was instantly broken. As soon as he opened his mouth, Benjamin's hand had grabbed the rubber stopper at the edge of getting up and put it back in his mouth! Wide palms pressed firmly on Neil's head, which began to swing violently!

"What's going on!" Benjamin's shoulder muscles tensed, his hands pressed Neil's forehead and chin, and looked sideways at Ryan with his head down and his eyes covered. There was a burning stench in the air.

Benjamin frowned, took out a hand, picked up the newly untied belt, fastened it again, and continued to shout to the vampire, "are you all right?"

"No, I'm not." Ryan's voice was bleak. His hand under his forehead moved away slowly, revealing his closed eyes.

The vampire's sunken eyelids slowly wriggle and bulge, forming the shape of the eyeball and turning slightly. His eyelashes moved up slowly in vibration, revealing a gap in his eyes.

Benjamin stared at the vampire, and the movement of his hands did not stop. Neil had been put on his mask again, and the belts on his forehead and neck were tightened again.

Benjamin left the bed, walked to Ryan, and pressed Ryan's shoulder. Benjamin was much taller and stronger than Ryan. The werewolf pressed his neck and stared at the vampire's slowly opening eyes.

White, no pupil, and no iris, only a circle of light red was printed on the position that should be the pupil. Benjamin's tightened pupil can see that the red silk thread was slowly extending into the circle, trying to reconstruct the pupil and improve the structure of the eye.

"You are blind." Benjamin frowned.

"I know." Ryan replied coldly, "they were burned. I need to heal myself."

"What do you see?"

This was a very brainless question. If Ryan can 'see', he doesn't need to ask. But now, the vampire's eyes had been burned and maimed. The only possibility was that he saw something he shouldn't have seen and was backfired.

Ryan had already taken his wine bottle in his hand, unscrewed the bottle mouth, looked at the front with white eyes, and the bottom of the bottle had turned to the ceiling.

"Not enough." Ryan put away the bottle, and the red circle in his eyes was still thin. He patted Benjamin on the shoulder, his lips wide open, and his sharp teeth pierced out in front of the werewolf's face. Even without sight, vampires can still accurately locate their food!

Benjamin frowned and tried not to look at the vampire eating. He blocked Daphne's sight. Even people with mental disorders do not need to see their newlyweds taken as blood cans.

Neil's struggle became weak. Even in his wide eyes, the terrible blood disappeared a lot.

Ryan raised his head with satisfaction, and the tip of his tongue licked away the residual bright red when the sharp teeth were retracted. When his eyes opened again, the red slowly shrunk to the pupil on the iris, and then retreated to the depth of the eye, leaving only a pair of normal light green eyes.

Ryan looked down and saw that Neil had fallen into a coma and the two wounds on his neck were slowly healing. Ryan took a long breath.

"What's going on?" Benjamin asked again, "what is it?"

"Hum." Ryan turned around and smiled helplessly, "we were wrong too much. It wasn't Papa Midnite, nor was it an Illusory man." Ryan looked at Benjamin. "Benjamin, do you know where they were those days?"

Benjamin frowned tighter and looked at Ryan waiting for the answer.

"Hell." Ryan revealed the answer, "they were dragged into hell by hell dogs."

The atrium of the Qwest manor was not large, and the swimming pool and surrounding facilities accounted for more than half of it. Careful people will find that there was no reflection of Ryan next to Benjamin. But now there was no one in the atrium, only a man dressed as a servant. When he saw Anderson's two brothers coming out, he immediately turned and walked in. It seemed that he had gone to report.

When Ryan and Benjamin returned to the main hall, Mr. Qwest had come here in a hurry. He ordered several servants to return to the suite. His face was still gloomy, but he looked at them expectantly.

"How's it going? Did you find anything?"

"It went well." Ryan smiled. This smile was very sincere. Neil tastes good. If you can, the vampire will say 'thank you for your hospitality'.

Benjamin rubbed his nose and his eyes drifted to one side bored. Ryan was always entrusted with the task of speaking.

"Fortunately, we found out the name of the kidnapper." Ryan ignored Mr. Qwest's anxious and excited mood and deliberately slowed down his tone.

"Who?! who is it!!"

As soon as Ryan finished, the controlling Qwest owner shouted loudly. It went so well that Ryan was embarrassed to continue seducing him.

"Daniel," Ryan said a name.

"Who?! who is he!"

"Oh no." Ryan falsely frowned, "Mr. Qwest, I'm sorry for the superfluous words. We should go and bring him here to complete the entrustment."

Anderson's two brothers turned and walked outside the manor.

"Wait!" Mr. Qwest stepped forward and grabbed Ryan's arm in surprise. "Who is Daniel?! you don't need to complete the commission! Tell me! Who is Daniel! I can find him myself!"

Benjamin couldn't bear to look at Ryan's frown.

"Mr. Qwest, do you want to change the content of the commission again?" Ryan turned his face sideways and looked at Qwest with great dissatisfaction.

"Yes! I want to change the content of the commission! I want the name of this person! Daniel, Daniel what?!"

Ryan shook off Mr. Qwest, grabbed his hand, and said darkly, "Mr. Qwest, are you playing with Anderson?"


"No more! You are a very bad employer. Now Anderson is quitting this commission!"

"Wait!" Qwest chased the two people who kept walking outside, "wait..."

Benjamin turned around and pushed his thick arm away. The servants in the main hall bowed their heads and watched their master fall on the gray floor tiles.

Ryan stood behind Benjamin and gave Mr. Qwest a cold look. "Please send the check to Anderson's mailbox for the last commission. Good luck, Mr. Qwest."

Benjamin's van started and drove out of the manor. The security guards looked at the faces of the two people in the van, and at the owner standing in the manor door who was trembling with anger but did not give an order to stop them.

The van headed out of the west side.

"Are you sure that the illusory man has been dragged back to hell by the hell dog?" Benjamin twirled the radio button, hoping to find a channel that suited his interests.

Ryan shrugged. "Whatever! The gates of hell have been opened, and those guard dogs (hell dogs) have owners again. The souls wandering in the world are their owners' favorite things. What do you think?"

Benjamin babbled and cocked his head. For Alpha, it was hard to choose between a group of demon loyal dogs and an illusory man at the bottom of the alien race.

"We have more important things to do now." Ryan stretched his body for a while as if thinking about something serious, "go tell James I was wrong, and go to church to find the guy who burned my eyes. Which one to do first?"

Benjamin found a radio station, his finger moved with the rhythm, smiled, and looked at Ryan, "how about James first."

"Oh, Ben!" Ryan looked at Benjamin. "I'm so sad!"

"Ben, Jia, Min."

Now Benjamin decided to really go to James first.

Never mess with the person who controls the steering wheel.