
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasia
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113 Chs

014   General's only son

Seven or eight extended limousines started in front of Anderson's house. Except that Mrs. Quinn's car left on the West Road to Anderson's house, others left on highway 27. However, among the luxury vehicles, a dirty and dilapidated truck was suddenly mixed among them.


Benjamin's car and the roaring engine had attracted enough attention. Benjamin was not enough. He continued to ravage and ravage his car radio, and the sound of clapping made him more prominent!

Finally, the rapid drums and humming guitar replaced the noise. Benjamin looked at Kim in the passenger seat with a satisfied look: "look, it just takes some time. It will never disappoint me."

Kim's attention was not on the cracked radio. His eyes swept around the luxury cars. He knew all these people. Before he came to Porto, he had information about the older generation of "nobles" in Porto in front of him.

Entrepreneurs, philanthropists, abdicated politicians... No matter who controlled the upper class of Porto today, these people were the real foundation of Porto.

Kim didn't deliberately cover up his appearance. He knew that his exposure as an outsider was not enough for these senior Porto dignitaries to know him.

"Where are we going?" Asked Kim.

"The [Ford funeral home] in the North District, if you are lucky, I hope you can buy a statue of Gabriel." Benjamin handed the order to Kim.

Kim looked at the old order and his eyes fell on the Booker - Quinn. Was it the Quinnes? Kim's eyes were a little sad, and then he looked at a limousine. Then the man who just got in the car should be the legendary 'loser' - Master Poche Quinn.

Benjamin put his thick arm on the steering wheel. He found Kim's eyes and asked, "why do you know that boy?"

Kim folded the order and returned it to Benjamin. He shook his head. "I don't know him. I just know some rumors about him. Bad rumors."

Benjamin raised his eyebrows. "What rumors?"

"Quinn group has a project to support the return of veterans in the whole Federation. It is rumored that Poche will transfer funds everywhere in the name of Quinn for private ownership." Kim thought for a moment and said.

"Did he steal your money?" Asked Benjamin.

"How could it be! It's just that my father had a partnership with Quinn's project..." Kim immediately alerted and stared at Benjamin: "you're trying to set me up!"

"Ha ha!" Benjamin laughed and a row of white teeth showed through his lips covered by a brown beard. "Kim, are you serious? You know, if we want to know your identity, we don't have to bother so much!"

Kim frowned. Two hours ago, he saw Ryan's eyes turn red and said to the woman named Louise, "from today on, you work and live in the Anderson house. You can't contact anyone or step outside the Anderson house without my permission."

After a moment of confusion, the woman abandoned her original life and became a new member of the Anderson family.

"Louise, what will happen to that woman in the future?" Kim asked Benjamin, who was still laughing.

"What? When the shapeshifter is cleared, she will be free." Benjamin stopped laughing and replied, "maybe, just maybe, Ryan will consider creating offspring. Don't you find that Ryan seems to have a good feeling for that woman?"

Kim had a bad feeling. Benjamin said a guess he shouldn't have known: "I don't care about Ryan's offspring '! I just want to know why Ryan's eyes distort people's will? Will he do the same to me?"

Benjamin showed a thoughtful look: "why? Who knows. As for whether it will do that to you, it depends on your willpower."

This was the truth. Although Louise was smart, she had insufficient control, which can be explained by her personal insurance. Once really in danger, her weak body was not enough to protect herself.

Benjamin glanced at Kim with a bad face: "so far, you're fine. But you should understand that if you want to cooperate with us, you'll eventually tell us your true identity. We've all seen your reaction after hearing about the shapeshifter. You know your identity will be very helpful to our investigation."

Kim thought with his head down. He was hesitating. From the early morning, facing them in the woods, he was considering their reliability. In Porto, he had no one to trust and no social relations to use. Did he want to establish a relationship with two beasts now?

"Can I trust you?" Kim looked at Benjamin and asked seriously.

"Of course." Benjamin shrugged. "You're still alive, aren't you?"

"OK! I have more requirements! Ryan will never use his red eyes on me! I don't want to be his' offspring '!"

"Deal." Benjamin's body swings with the music. It doesn't matter. These requests seemed to have nothing to do with the werewolf. Benjamin agreed with Ryan, "well, start with your real name."

"James Lance."

"Oh? Are you the only son of general Lance?" Benjamin became interested. "Why did you come to Porto?"

"I retired and was transferred to Porto police station." Now that he had decided to trust, Kim had nothing to hide. Of course, the most important reason was that speaking by himself was different from being forced to say by Ryan's red eyes! I have to admit that Kim is at a disadvantage over the two non-human beings.

"Look." Benjamin seemed in a good mood: "this is the power of teamwork. We have found the identity of the shapeshifter. Maybe we should go to the Porto police station."

Porto North District, East, close to the beach, was a residential area. The whole street was full of two-floor single-family houses. The houses here were as expensive as the apartments in the center of the North District. Curson didn't know whether half of David lying in the freezer was lucky or unfortunate. Fortunately, he inherited this valuable house. Unfortunately, perhaps it was the value of this house that made him the target of some pervert who stole his identity.

Detective Curson opened the door and felt the warm sunshine and fresh air.

He had just finished the on-site inspection. Because of director Cologne's confidentiality requirements, there was no other support. Therefore, he was the only one to complete the survey, and the progress was slow. The pockets of the coats on both sides were stuffed with small sealed plastic strips, which he had to take back to the police station for analysis. However, Curson did not make any hope. The time of David's death was uncertain. As a result, the scene of the basement was damaged many times. Those small samples may not find anything.

The only thing we can do was comparing the evidence here with the evidence collected at the place where the prostitute's body was found to see if the two cases belong to the same person.

"Cur, detective Curson." A slightly trembling voice behind him sounded. It was Fitz. "Now, what are we going to do now?"

Curson turned to look at the thin man with red eyes and sighed: "now I'm going to go to the police station and send this evidence for analysis. As for you, we can't risk letting you go back to work." Curson took Fitz and put the key back in place. Finally, all the things that had been moved returned to their original position. Then he went out of the yard and returned to Fitz's van.

Just opened the door, and a strong smell of fried chicken came to Curson's face!

"James!" Curson shouted, "where did you get these fried chicken?!"

"[McCann fried chicken] it's delicious. Do you want it?" James passed a box of fried chicken without expression.

"& * &%#" Curson lost his speech ability angrily! He was painstakingly investigating the crime scene. The only task for this guy was to stay behind and guard against the surrounding situation to prevent David from coming back suddenly. But this guy went to buy food halfway!

Are you kidding? This kind of person is not qualified to have a badge!

"David also likes the chicken wings of this house..." Fitz seemed to think of something again, and tears appeared in his red eyes again.

"Ah!" Curson suppressed a low roar, hammered heavily on the door, pushed Fitz to the passenger seat, sat in the driver's seat, took a deep breath several times, and suppressed his anger: "now! We're going back to the police station! Fitz! We're going to take you to the safe house!"

"Safe house?" Fitz sobbed.

"Yes." Curson started the van: "as you told me, David doesn't have many friends in the workplace. You are his best friend. This means that you are the easiest person to identify him in his daily contact! So you're not safe now!"

The van rounded the corner. Sure enough, a fried chicken shop appeared on the roadside, but the sign was not [McCann].

"But we can't use the resources of the police station." Curson said this sentence to James: "the director doesn't want this case to be made public for the time being, so we can't go to the safe house of the police station! James, do you have an attic in the city center?"

The van went on until it was about to leave the residential area. Curson saw the sign James said. The anger of the middle-aged detective was not suppressed for a moment, and his whole body turned in the driver's seat: "James! What did you do! You went so far to buy fried chicken!! do you still have a task in your eyes?"

Curson's seat belt was pulled tight and his whole body was about to turn over. He even ignored the steering wheel. It seemed that he was going to rush over and beat James!

"Cur, detective Curson!!" Fitz grabbed the steering wheel in a panic, grabbed the already angry detective in one hand, and shouted: "[McCann fried chicken] there's a phone! You can order takeout!!"

Curson stared at James with his mouth full of food and an expressionless face. He clenched his fist and finally endured it. General Lance's name is too big! Curson turned bitterly and sat down again, holding the steering wheel.

Fitz opened the trunk in a panic and pulled out one from a pile of crumpled paper: "look, detective, take out the list! Detective James must have ordered take-out!"

Curson looked at the takeout list open in front of him, with a cold face and didn't speak. Fitz persuaded him, but he didn't think his partner was ordering takeout! How could James, who had just been in Porto for a week, knew the takeout number of the fried chicken shop! The only thing was that this guy ate all the way and finally chose the best food!

James is too unreliable! Detective Curson gave up the idea of asking James to protect Fitz and thought a little: "Fitz, let's go back to your house first, and then you call for a few days off, park the car at your house, and then go back to the station with me. These days, you are under my protection. James, after returning to the police station, you go to David's workplace and watch that David!"

Fitz nodded timidly. From the back seat, there was only the sound of James chewing chicken carefully...