
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

013  The unworthy descendant of the Quinn family (2)

Poche began to gush about the benefits of the funeral home in Porto north. It seemed that in his mind, there was no idea that the deceased is the greatest. In this era of competition between tradition and trend, as the final decision of the deceased's life, the living should follow.

Of course, in his words, Poche's mouth often abused the Anderson family.

Ryan ignored Poche's words. He was judging whether Mrs. Quinn and others' disgust with Poche came from this one thing or something else. He began to think about Poche Quinn.

Quinn's son, a doctor, died on the battlefield with his wife in the war ten years ago. At that time, Poche, who was only 13 years old, was raised by his grandparents. Perhaps this was the original intention of the two old people to carry out charity.

But in the process of growing up, he appeared very few times. Ryan can't even remember that his photos appeared in any media. This is very strange. Photos of upper-class children always appear on the gossip page of Porto Daily and occasionally on the social page (crime).

"Poche! I've made a decision! If you still want Quinn's legacy, shut your mouth!"

The hoarse voice echoed in Ryan's office, and the room became quiet. Only the pendulum of the clock against the wall could be heard.

Poche's face was very bad, distorted by anger and hatred.

Ryan pressed the bell to call Benjamin, stood up, and calmly looked at the old lady: "our Anderson house will try our best to fulfill Mr. Quinn's last wish."

The old lady nodded, and her body, which had just been raised because of excitement, retracted back into the wheelchair.

Ryan withdrew from his desk, fingered on the button of his coat, sorted out his clothes, and came to Mrs. Quinn: "the time is a little tight. If Mrs. Quinn doesn't mind, please go to the church in the West with me. The places that need to be decorated can also start earlier."

The nurse shook her head. "Mr. Quinn's church has been booked..."

"Cancel." Mrs. Quinn glanced at Ryan and put her dry hand on the back of the nurse's hand. "You tell my friends to go back first and let them not be too sad. You can go, too, Poche."

The nurse hesitated, nodded, and left the living room.

At this time, Ryan was a little confused. He wanted to be alone with Mrs. Quinn because he wanted to confirm something. Seeing that Poche didn't want to stay here for a moment, Ryan felt that if he kept the old woman, the annoying young man would leave by himself. Unexpectedly, the old lady seemed to want to stay.

However, Poche stood motionless and didn't mean to leave. His eyes seemed to be watching!

Benjamin pushed open the door and entered the office.

Once the deal was confirmed, everyone would be busy. Benjamin had been working part-time on tombstone carving. Now Ryan needed him to go to Anderson's competitors to buy statues and tombstones and got Poche away!

"Do you have anything to say, brother?" This was what werewolves always call Ryan in front of outsiders.

Ryan handed Benjamin the reservation form on the table. "You have to go to Alan and Ford and buy stones or finished products."

Benjamin took a look, put it away, and glanced at the situation in the room. Ryan's little move was caught by the werewolf. He turned and saluted the still ugly Poche: "Sir, I'm sorry for your family's departure. Now can you come with me and choose a suitable tombstone for your relatives."

Poche seemed to have just discovered Benjamin's existence, and looked at the werewolf with disgusting eyes: "you? Why should I go with you? I have other plans today! I don't have time to spend all day on the tombstone!"

Mrs. Quinn's eyes slanted upward and her slightly trembling body was held down by Ryan.

The werewolf still wore the clothes he changed in the morning, and the mud on his beard was cleared away before breakfast. But the whole person looked like a miner.

Benjamin looked at Poche with brown eyes and said blandly, "it's a pity that your plan must be postponed."

The secret doesn't exist in Anderson's house, because the owner here, a vampire and a werewolf, has superhuman sensory power. Although his eyesight can't penetrate the wall, it's easy for the werewolf to hear the voice of Ryan's office.

The werewolf was not interested in why Ryan wanted to be alone with Mrs. Quinn. He was no longer a leader. He just accepted instructions.

Benjamin's tall body approached Poche, and his strong arm had been put around Poche's shoulder. Before Poche had any reaction, he took him to the front of the office.

"Let go of me!" Poche wriggled his shoulders and faced the nurse who came in again. Benjamin turned his body to let the way out, which made Poche angrier! "Let go of me! You rude guy! What are you doing?"

Benjamin stopped because Poche dragged the eaves of Ryan's office. Benjamin looked puzzled: "I didn't tell you. We're going to see the tombstone!"

"Let go of me! You stinking guy!" Poche's twisting body felt light on his body, and Benjamin let him go.

Poche still cursed, while tidying up his wrinkled clothes, a large light gray handprint on his shoulder, from Benjamin.

Well, there's some truth in this guy's curse. Benjamin doesn't care much about his personal cleanliness.

"Look what you've done!" Poche looked at the gray handprint on his shoulder: "do you know how much this suit is worth! You reckless man! Stay away from me!"

Benjamin stepped back and shrugged.

"What the hell is this place!" He left the office angrily. In a straight line, you can see the open door of the reception room. A group of old people left slowly under the protection of their bodyguards. They looked back gloomily and shook their heads in disgust.

"I don't want to stay in this place anymore!" Birch turned and strode to the door of the meeting room.

Unfortunately, the old people in front of him didn't seem to want to give the boy a little space. Their slow steps were slow. The exquisite walking stick would only move one centimeter at a time, and the distance of this centimeter will take those old people half a minute!

With his back to Ryan, their Poche seemed to be shaking. A blood vessel burst up at the side of his neck, and his fists were white on his side. It seemed that the next moment, he would rush into the old man and squeeze out a way!

Two men with a similar figure to Benjamin moved to Poche and spit out two words coldly: "step back!"

Poche trembled violently, took two steps back, fell on the armrest of the sofa, and fell into the sofa. He rolled over and looked at Ryan with hateful eyes, locking Mrs. Quinn curled up in her wheelchair!


Benjamin shut his twisted eyes out of the door!

The tight body of the curled-up old lady finally relaxed. The female nurse squatted beside her, caressed the old lady's chest with white and tender hands, raised her head, and gave thanks to Benjamin and Ryan.

Benjamin's task was finished. He turns to Ryan and nods slightly. Now he's going to buy the things on the order from his competitors - the statue of Gabriel. The werewolf didn't think his claws can dig out such a fine image

There were only three people left in the office. Ryan squatted down beside the old lady. He deliberately accelerated his heartbeat and pushed the blood to his hands to make his hands less cold.

Ryan pressed the old lady's hand, comforted her, and said softly, "madam, the church is ten minutes drive from here. This is the southern suburb, and the road will be bumpy."

The wrinkled hand raised, touched Ryan's face, and put his dry fingers around the back of Ryan's brain. Ryan felt the old lady pulling himself closer!

Ryan leaned forward again. The old lady didn't stop until she put her face on Ryan. A low voice sounded in Ryan's ear.

"I don't care! As long as I can make that unfilial guy sad! I will do anything! I don't have much time! But even this last time! I will never give that guy a trace of satisfaction!"