

Russel: I will die for u Cristine: Go ahead She wants him dead and he will die for her This story involves the dark fate of Cristine and Russel with the opposite personality... Cristine's cold side makes her different from others while Russel's warm personality provides everyone comfort...Will their tragic fate let them be together!??..

itsomega026 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs


Russel held the collar of the doctor aggressively..as the tear left from his eyes

Russel: What the fuck u mean by sorry?

Doctor: She's in Comma... the wound on her head made her difficult to survive..but she did...she is out of danger..but we can't say when will she wake up..it hard to tell..and the marks on her body...she was sexually abused.. her back has multiple marks of belts.. her private areas have multiple bites...u need to take care of her completely till and after she comes out of comma..

The doctor said as his grip loosened on him and he fell down on his knees...jack and jennie arrived hurriedly and went towards Russel..jack picked up Russel from floor and made him sit on the seats near waiting room..while Jennie spoke

Jennie: How is she? what did the doctor say? what happened to her?

She spoke in worried and speedy tone but Russel didn't spoke anything...he was in shock and wasn't able to collect the words..jack signaled jennie to stop as he spoke while rubbing Russel's back

Jack: Sir...is everything alright?

Russel: Sh..she is in comma...that bastard.. sexually abused her...

He spoke in low tone as some tears rolled down his eyes...he have losted many missions before...got hurted million times...but seeing Cristine in that state..that was an unbearable pain for him..jack and jennie also sat with him in shock and sadness...he explained her situation to them while they comforted each other..

Russel: I swear if that bastard was alive i would have tortured him to death...i regret giving him so easy death

He said as his eyes redened due to the anger he was holding...jack spoke

Jack: Boss... there's something i wanna talk about..

Russel: What?

Jack: We all were too busy with kai that we forgot about his girlfriend..

Russel: But she hasn't made any move yet..maybe she is unaware of these things?

Jack: No sir...u r wrong here..u forgot that only some people have access to enter ur home.. and what i think is that it's someone from our known persons who was helping kai..

Russel's eyes shot up and he spoke not believing him

Russel: But..who could it be? any maid ? cause in our home no one have any contacts with kai..

Jack: Sir give me some time i will find it out somehow..

Jennie: For now guys.. let's collect our courage and be the strength of each other!! id we will be strong only then we can take care of Cristine..! .

Jack: Yes boss... let's shift Cristine to our home and we will tighten the security..the doctors will

be well certified only then we will allow them to enter in our home..

Russel noded in understanding and spoke

Russel: Shift her to my room

Jack: As u say boss..


Jack started tracking each and every person's phone but didn't found anything as he didn't knew how clever Nancy was..she isn't a kid who won't keep another phone to have contact with Kai..apart from that..she visits Russel's home very few times so no one is suspected of her..Nancy was sitting on her balcony when she got the news of death if kai...she fumes in anger and stood up and throwed her phone in anger breaking it into many peices

Nancy: Russel u r dead now !! how dare you kill kai ! Now u will see what i really am capable off..

She said as she went to Russel's home while fuming in anger and went to his mom..she told his mom about each and everything that Russel is still working as an agent and he just killed the great mafia man Kai..and all this just because of Cristine..As the Russel entered with jack and jennie in home while Cristine was in ambulance that was out his home..His mom blocked his way

Mom: U can't take that half dead girl inside

He raised his eyebrows and signaled doctors to go out for a movement while jennie spoke

Jennie: Watch the tone please..

Mom: U r telling me to watch tone huh? and what about the things this girl created huh? are u planning to target all mafia's to this home?? a mafia Kai just came home and kidnapped her what if u was the one who got kidnapped Jennie?

Jack: I won't let that happen..

Mom: Your so called boss said the same right? and what happened? Cristine was kidnapped and now u came after killing that mafia... what do u think Russel? the things will end huh? I won't let any outsider ruin the peace of my home

Russel: Peace? ( chuckles) u call this a fucking peace? u was the one who ruined whole peace of my home ..what do u think I don't know that u was the one who cheated on my mother with my father? A slut is telling me that i ruined the peace if this house? .

Everyone was shocked at his confession as jennie spoke

Jennie: If you knew from the start then why didn't u told me before??

Russel: Because this is the real thing that ruin the peace right aunt?

She gulped down and spoke

Mom: Still this is my house...ur mother named it under me and jennie..and the biggest portion is of me so i will decide who will live here and who won't..and that half dead can't stay here

Russel: I dare u to call her again with that name and u will be six feet under ground..and Jennie is the one who owns this house officially so she will decide not a fucking whore like u

He said and signaled the guards and doctors to move and shift cristine to his room...he didn't knew that he wasn't saving Cristine like that..he was pushing her into a grave by himself by keeping her close with Nancy..when Russel came in the room he saw her laying lifelessly with oxygen and glucose..he sat on his knees and held her hand..while putting his forehead on her hand he let few droplets of tear fall..

Russel: I m..sorry for being late.. please wake up soon love..

He slept like that while keeping his head near her...