

Russel: I will die for u Cristine: Go ahead She wants him dead and he will die for her This story involves the dark fate of Cristine and Russel with the opposite personality... Cristine's cold side makes her different from others while Russel's warm personality provides everyone comfort...Will their tragic fate let them be together!??..

itsomega026 · Urban
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31 Chs



It's been a week since Cristine is in coma....my life is empty without her... it's like my one half is dead without her ...i pray to the lord daily for her..but i think my prayers aren't reaching till god.. i and jack were sitting in our private office of home..while we were finding about the traitor we got a text from an unknown number..


Jack looked at me with wide eyes..

jack: Sir..is this maybe??

Russel: His girlfriend.. yea here she made a mistake! i was waiting for this move.. !

Jack: Huh? why?

Russel: Check out the sim right now ! the location of this number and who buyed this number alright? if we got that person we can reach till his girlfriend too !

Jack looked shock yet happy...i continued

Russel: And yea..we have to take care of aunt and nancy too... because they are also related to us...so it could be possible that his girlfriend may Target them...

Jack: Okay sir i will call nancy mam and tell everyone to stay here tonight...and we will go to that sim card buyer ! we will catch the traitor tonight!

Russel: Perfect! u collect the information and till then i will arrange all men and weapons.. tonight she will die too..

I said with the smirk...after 2 hours jack collected the information...i checked upon Cristine before going... i kissed her forehead and spoke while holding her hand...

Russel: Today i will take ur revenge..my girl.... don't worry no one would be alive from those who were involved in turning u to this state..

I went downstairs and met Nancy..

Russel: Nancy..u have to stay here for ur protection...i need to protect u all..

Nancy looked at me while raising one eyebrow

Nancy: From who?

Russel: just someone from my enemies.. don't go anywhere till we come back..and take care of Cristine,mom and jennie..along with u.

She smiled at me as she held my hand..

Nancy: Don't worry..u go i am here...

I smiled back at her and we went to the location where jack find out about the person who buyed that sim..we directly broke into his home and held his collar..his family was shivering as nobody tried to come forward..why would they even try..jack has the revolver around his waist..that man joined hands infront of us while begging for his life

Man: Sir... please! I don't have anything to do with this...i was given money for buying that sim.. please spare me

Russel: Who was it? just say it and we will spare u

Man: Sir she will kill my family

Jack: If u don't tell us we will kill u

Jack spoke sternly... sometimes i think how this man becomes so scary that sometimes i get scared of him..and that worked on the man.. he gulped and spoke

Man: I was taken by a stranger man to a house where that lady was sitting..she was very long and pretty...i don't know their name because everyone was calling them boss

Jack pulled out the picture of my family where everyone was present...every maid...aunt Cristine,jennie, nancy,me and jack...that man's eye's widened as if he saw that girl here

Jack: Is someone from here?

Man: ye..yes..

Jack: who ? speak faster otherwise this whole revolver will be in ur head..

Man: thi...s lady..

Both of our eyes widened as he pointed towards Nancy...

Jack: Sir... Everyone at home is in danger !! we did the biggest mistake

Russel: Fucking run!

Jack pulled over the car and drove insanly...he called Jennie multiple times..but no-one picked.. we were scared to death..who is going to help the ladies..we called every bodyguard but no-one picked from them too...jack was hella scared yet angry... including me.. we fucking lost at that time..


They made their own grave...i smirked as i saw them going behind the man that i left for them.. i left the hint purposely.. haha these pathetic men.. can't even caught me unless i drop a hint.. and they call themselves agents.. fucking loosers.. i called my all men as they slowly killed all of the bodyguards that Russel ploted.. i looked over jennie and her aunt who were tied up to chair near That half dead Cristine..i didn't tied her because she already is half dead tho

Jennie: U r the fucking traitor Nancy

I smirked but didn't spoke anything as i just pulled out my gun and slowly travelled on her bruised face

Nancy: The blood on ur face looks good jennie.. but it seems like u r still not scared huh?

Jennie: U r a pathetic looser who attacks from behind.. snake!

i just laughed at her weak words and turned to aunt

Nancy: I gave u one work...make me marry Russel but u couldn't even do that!

Aunt: i tri...tried but he..

Nancy: I hate loosers

i said as i directly shot her into head...Jennie's eyes shot opened.. as her tears started flowing continuously...i love watching fear in people's eyes..

Nancy: Aww don't cry babe.. next is ur turn..

As i said that i saw her struggling with ropes while crying..i placed the barrel of my revolver on her temple..she spoke while sobbing hardly.. unable to breath due to her fear..

Jennie: Why are you doing this to us ?

Nancy: Aww...do u really wanna know the reason u pathetic thing?

I spoke while smirking as i pressed barrel hardly on her forehead..she closed her eyes tightly ready to face the death of hers... i smirked satisfiedly...but suddenly someone kicked my arm harder that made my gun drop

Nancy: "CRISTINE?"