
Devil May Cry - No Longer Human

Why did she have to die? He was just a normal boy with certain street smarts to his name. A cheerful and kind child changed for the worse with the events that took everything from him in one day only because of something petty. Experience the story of the boy who was but a weak human to something that demons and the likes to began fearing.

JAzure · Outros
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11 Chs

4 - The Devil’s Art

The room blinded him for but a moment, due to amount of shine it gave with the amount of riches that was scattered across the floor. Gold coins and ornamented weapons. Chests which contained a variety of jewels looked to seen better days yet gave a sight of beauty in its own way. The room was filled with such things that if Joshua had felt the desire to be greedy at this current moment, and gain some money, he would hoard as much as he could. The room looked to me more like a vault and presented no actual threat to his action in grabbing a ornamental necklace.

If it was any other day and such predicament wasn't occurring, he knew of this place to be left spotless in a matter of a day. But that was IF the demon's flocked around the area didn't exist. What good was money at this point. Nothing, gold would not solve anything for him in this tower.

Though it distracted him a little, the boy stopped his sights of the items after noticing the ripple across the the air near the front of the next door becoming distorted, the presence of something...or someone was felt when the ripple was ripped apart and revealed a purplish rift. He wouldn't say he actually felt a presence but more of an intuition and his instincts.

The rift began to settle and leave as if it had not occurred in the first place and yet the feeling of something was indeed present. The slight feeling of his hair from his arm and legs stood up only gave him more reasons to believe that he was currently not alone. Bringing out his gun, he was thankful that he reloaded the gun for both and held the gun tightly to shoot at any given time. It wouldn't do him well, if the same thing happened again causing the gun to become jammed.

Aiming directly in front of him, he breathed softly and focused on his hearing, waiting for any sudden movement to be heard.

"You would rely on a gun instead of that blade you carry?"


His sweat felt as thought it shot down the opposite direction from his body after hearing the distorted voice coming directly near his left ear, his eyes widened at the sound and immediately ran forward and cleared the distance from where he once stood.

'He was behind me! How?!The demon made no sound at all!' Shooting from general direction of the voice, the bullet indeed did contact something, another metal in fact from what it sounded and had caused the bullet to be deflected to the ceiling.

Shooting two more times left with the same results as the first. Growling in frustration, he placed the gun back to his holster.

Before bringing out his bayonet. "Now that's more like it," although the distorted voice was abnormal, the tone was so smooth and flippant towards his actions. "Relying on guns does not show your strength, only your weakness."

Joshua raised a brow while continuing to raise his guard up for any sudden movement, "Oh yeah, and how is it that you know about guns in the first place?" He had thought that with something like demons, it was more likely they knew nothing of human technology or weapons that were created overtime. The demons he had encountered were simply one minded in killing humans, yet the demon near him even if he could not see him gave some sort of intelligence that excelled to what he had seen from the others. Just remember caused him to shiver of the demons feasting.

"...I am knowledgeable of such tools, especially your capability. Your style of movements, habits, patterns, the very way you look around the area to be used to your advantage. Such actions does not come almost immediately, it had to be trained, and developed. I've seen your skills against the weaklings."

The statement the demon made caused him to raise his brow. 'How is that possible? The demon was never seen in front of him…no, wait. If he could be hidden so wel even in this room with no hiding space, then it was possible for him to be near him unnoticed in the first place.'

"You are partly correct," Joshua flinched at the voice which was close once again, he swiped the blade from behind while moving his body along with it. A contact of flesh was made with the bayonet, "But wrong all the same, I've noticed you the moment you first entered this tower."

The demon looked unfazed of the slash of the attack given to him. Jumping back again to clear the distance, he heard the beating of his heart hasten. The presence of this demon was unlike any of the others.

Was it because the demon had the intelligence to be able to speak, or was this one a special case?

"Are you going to hide and preach all day or will you reveal yourself and fight?!" Though he had said that only to agitate the demon, the chuckle it gave out felt as though he had failed to do so and the demon looked to have found amusement of his goading which echoed across the room.

"Making your enemy angry is a good plan in order for them to force them to make mistakes however," the air in the room shook and blew him back skidding on the floor. "That is if it was a lesser demon."

He couldn't sense what was leaking out but instead felt the raw power flood around him, the boy's instincts told him this demon was not to be trifled with. He couldn't win, he knew it, he felt it, and this angered him.

"Angry are you, boy? Understanding the power between us from that small introduction?" The amusement of its voice did nothing to settle Joshua's impeding rage. "Good. I've found that Humans too can reach a level beyond what they possess."

"What do you mean?"

"Do see yourself, your body has evolved in these area. The power you've obtained, the knowledge you've received, the anger that surpasses several demons while nothing special seems to enlighten a boon to you."

"Nothing has changed except for my hate for demons to grow, like you just said, Humans too can reach a level even stronger if they took the time."

"And what of the wisdom you carry? The knowledge you now possess is far too much for your age no doubt."

"That doesn't matter! I'm still the same no matter what changes!" The demon vanished once more and Joshua trusted his instincts and gave a thrust from behind which was stopped. "....Gugh!"

"No...you are wrong," His wrist was suddenly grabbed, and he was lifted up while dangling in the air. The pressure of his wrist the demon put on was slightly bearable, but he was unable to move except for kicking his legs at the invisible demon. The attack as usual did nothing to harm it from his useless attempts of escape. "You are so much more than you think, we share the same path, child..."

"W-what are you talking about?! I saw my own parents corpse inside my home! The hand that held me with care, left there with blood and their organs painting the room...!"

Joshua glared, looking up. The sound of its deep breath being heard. "How can you say-!"

"...Ah yes, the tale of a dear one killed by demons while you wasn't there to do anything, correct?"


His eyes widened at what the demon said, it was as if, "H-How is it..." the demon himself told him that he noticed him as he entered to the tower, the situation was not something that anyone knew besides him, and yet how was it that he…

"We are more alike than you really think, child."

Joshua shook his head, "We are nothing alike." Moving his shoulder to reduce the demons grip to his wrist. It didn't make any difference but cause his wrist to ache even more.

"Deny as much as you want boy, but sooner or later, your course of actions will define what you truly are. You will weep for your weakness and you will always grow hungry in wanting more power."

He's wrong…

"Might controls everything, understand?"

The demon swung the boy to the door which caused him to gasp in pain to the sudden pain, his breath came out too suddenly while his lungs was hit with a sudden shock.

"All this time, coming here floor by floor, have you not killed without hesitation? Have you not done things which is clarified as...inhumane?"

"Shut it, this was only to survive!"

"Survive? Lies, you would have simply left the town when the low class demons was lessened." The demon spoke with smugness as it outsmarted the boy with his words.

Joshua was speechless and thought of excuses to be made, "There was no escape when the demons covered the whole city!"

"Enough of your excuses, I can see the truth through those eyes of yours."

"No you don't!" Charging at where the sound radiated, his swiped his blade down only to be whacked and countered, the recoil caused him to have his arm up high while his body left defenceless.

The force of something hitting his stomach pushed him back. Coughing out blood, the damage may have ruptured one of his lungs in the process.

D-damn him! Bringing out a vital star, he drank the liquid source while covering his mouth with his hand to not throw up. The taste never got better than the first time. And during that few seconds of doing so, the demon took no action in hindering him when using the vial.

"How savage you are. Your rage blinds you. Attacking senselessly would do you no good. It will only show that you are weak to hold your emotions."

A jolt of his memory for when he was cornered by the demon. Powerless, he wasn't strong to protect anyone. He couldn't stop any of them.

"Is your anger the only way for you to attack?"

What did he need?

"It is admirable to have come this far with your own strength, it truly is. But you will be no match for that demon who haunts you."

The words the demon spoke dwelled into the boy's thoughts. He was too weak to fight this demon and it meant he was weak to the others that pass this room.

He was told of his weakness, told he was unable to handle THAT demon.

But the boy didn't lose faith...

"You will be die," the demon seeming to have been walking around Joshua. "the phantom pain of that lost arm of yours lingers. Your energy is gone while your hunger revolts."

Stop it.

"There is no one who will provide food, only suffering till you die."

"...That's enough."

Joshua stood up groggily, the coins around him moving away, the tears shedding from his eyes.

'Oh~. That's more like it, show me the extent of your power.' The demon watched in glee and anticipation as the boy was covered with a layer of a swerve clear aura. It was interesting to what he has achieved in this short amount of time.

Was it magic though, the use of it was something which required quite care if one does not possess the necessary containment and would break the Human body if there was no proper control.

But, the demons thoughts was thrown away when the boy showed no reaction of the damage given. There was no end to the child surprising me, 'how much more can he handle, this boy...'

His blue eyes seemed to glow in the slight darkness. His long black hair seem to have spiked up with the air pushing it up. The veins twitching, his teeth clenched tightly.

"Show me your motivation!"

Joshua's body started to ache but he gave no heed of it. "This pain is nothing to what I have lost!" The muscles in his arm and leg began to bulge a little. "NOTHING!!!" He charged ahead with the blade ready to strike.


A shockwave erupted around them, the collision caused the centre between them to spark and while the demon looked slightly surprised, Joshua took heed and didn't stop his momentum.

The more the demon pushed, the more force the boy attempted to push him back and attempt to find an opening. "I see…"

Joshua felt his blade being tilted before he was thrown back once again, hitting the back of the door. The metal shield making a sound of making contact with something hard.


A light blue silhouette starting to soon appear from out of no where.


"A nice attempt, is that the knowledge of war you've obtained? Using my own strength against me, a good idea to use against a being stronger than you."

Groaning, Joshua once again stands up in pain, "Yeah...argh...what about it, nothing happened."

"Yes...it indeed failed, there was only a reason as to why it didn't work well for you properly," Joshua waited for the answer, "You're too weak." His eyes twitched are its word but have no arguments. "Human beings are incapable of reaching the physical prowess of the Demons but, that knowledge however, does gives you the edge..."

"What the...?!" The demon began to be visibly now;

A blue, humanoid creature, blue and silver. The chin was like a white tusk-like crest, and his body physique is bare.

It'a scale tails either function like it was a trench coat or open up to spread out like they were wings. The spine looked to have merged with two of his dark-colored bones exposed at the top as well, his left arm had some sort of sheath grown attached to his sleeve while looking like a claw appendage, the bright blue aura he gave out radiated from the body and his fangs was shown towards him as if he was ready to devour him.


The feeling of death overcame him, the feeling to his legs was unresponsive, his arm shook violently out of fear.

Move! Damn it! Move!

"As compensation for the light workout you gave, allow me to show you how to truly wield a blade." The demon created a blue projectile of a sword, it looked so surreal and fake but the contact to the floor said otherwise. "Let this be a lesson when using a weapon."

And so the onslaught started, using the skill to compete against its strength though the attack, it was unsuccessful.

Every hits was brutal and quick. However, Joshua felt as if the attacks was intentionally slowed. Was he mocking him?! The slow attacks allowed him to see the way the demon moved, the footwork, the way his body rotated after every move.

But even then, Joshua made a fatal mistake and that was...

*Slash!* *Slash*

"Argh!!! Nnnnn!!!" Not focusing. Following the attacks was a difficult process even if it was slowed down for him to look at, the strength was not something he could rival.

The process of the fight stoped after a few more minutes before he dropped to the ground, bruised, battered and out of energy.

"It seems this is your limit."

"...No...I can...still fight!" Joshua struck his bayonet to the ground, sticking it in place while using it as a leverage to get up on one knee.


"Huh?" Looking at the bayonet carefully, he noticed cracks starting to appear on the blade, how...was that possible?

"Quite shocking indeed, the weapon must of lost all of its durability. It was bound to happen sooner or later," The blue demon pointed to the bayonet directly, "Blood still lurks on that blade, you did not provide that much care. Of course, your excuse can be due to the environment as well, right?"

Checking the kitchen knife, he noticed the sharpness to have dulled. His eyes widened at what was happening. It meant he was currently defenceless.

"How unfortunate, and I was just seeing results from this little playtime of ours."

Quickly bringing out his gun, the trigger was pulled immediately however, the barrel was split in half before the bullet even came out, the action was instant and unnoticed to his very eyes. "Humans have a sort of instinct to rely on anything which allows them to show strength to others, they don't seem to change."

"No. Humans are stronger than you think."

"So it would seem, if they were to become like you."

He looked to where the barrel of his gun was. What was he going to do with it anyway, the gun was cut in half so it pointless to search for it now.

What could he do?

The boy was confused and felt diluted to his surroundings, the weapons he had; broken and dull, his gun; cut in half, and now what was left was the current requirement he had and one gun which was difficult to handle with one hand.

With fear overcoming him, the boy did not weep in despair. No, he tried to find a solution to his problem, because he knew like last time, fear would only mean he was unable to do something which would get him either way.

"Does my appearance frighten you, boy?" The blue demon raised an arm while the glowing blue sword he had broke into particles, disappearing. "This is absolute power, do you think you'll ever achieve such a thing and defeat demons that far surpass those that you have fought? Those that are smart and quick witted?"

The demon walked towards him leisurely.

*Tap* *Tap* *Tap*

Until there was a two feet distance between them. "Without Power, you can't protect anyone. That is what Humans lack, whereas us Demons can obtain such things." The boy looked down as if he was trembling. "Look upon yourself, you grovel beneath me."

The boy gritted his teeth at the hard truth, even with all of the skills and abilities he achieves, he was still powerless against the demon. He thought he was stronger, powerful enough to get revenge. Was he still too weak?

The blue demon looked down at the boy, emotions sullen in defeat.

The blue demon internally sighed, 'Will you reap in defeat?'

"...Years ago, Humans was powerless towards the invasion of demons," Joshua raised his head slightly while hearing it preach, he didn't want to hear it but it's tone of voice spoke as if telling him to listen carefully of the story. "It was two thousand years prior to this time, the Dark Knight Sparda; a demon and the right hand of the Prince of Darkness; Mundus woke up to justice and revolted against his legion and brought peace to the Human World. He defeated Mundus and his legion alone."


The blue demon looked at the boy who looked at him as he spoke. "The demon wanted peace and by defeating Mundus, he sealed the underworld along with his own power with it."

Watching the boy who listened, the boy looked his age to what his appearance is. It seemed as though the boy had forgotten the danger of him to be aware of the fact that a demon like himself was telling a story long ago to a normal human. No, he wasn't normal. The boy was like him, powerless and weak to stop the cruel fate of his parents death. And was left to fight against the world, alone.

He felt in some way, a small sympathy. The boy may not want it though, he sneakily entered the tower unlike his brother, but became more cruel the more he experienced and prospered to those that he battled.

The knowledge he received, used as a weapon against demons who attacked him. The human child was different, he could no longer be seen as a normal human, he was special.

He was changing whether he knew it or not, every second of demonic aura and blood was being spread to his body unconsciously. While they could not utilise such power, the aspects of immunity becomes stronger the longer one continues to stay with such energy.

Humans were able to overcome the lesser demons with the right weapons, however it is the demons that are able to control humans fear of them to make them shiver in their feet rather than fight to survive.

It was because of the aura demons radiate, it can be hidden well from higher ranks but those that are weak were unable to do such.

The boy somehow overcame that with the use of rage, was he fuelling with his own fear and paranoia or was he simply oblivious now to the aura radiating around him? It looked to be the former, the boy looked cautious and frightened of his outer appearance.

"He lived his life in the Human World, with his power sealed. You can say he was human."

The shocked looked the boy cave amused him and it gave him some sort of interest to see what his reaction would be like if he was to hear the demon had a human wife that bore him children .

"...That's impossible."

"Oh but it certainly is, Demons are able to alter their form into that of a human too..."

"Yes I've seen it before..." The blue demon wasn't annoyed at the interruption but nodded his head, so the boy had understanding of the fact too. "And...."

It raised his head a little, confused before the boy clarified. "You...didn't finish the story."

"Ah, did you forget that a demon is standing in front of you?" The demon chuckled as the boy shook his head slowly.

"I can't win against you...Even with all my attacks, it wouldn't faze you if you can heal the damage immediately…I've lost. If you wanted to kill me, you would have already."

"So you understand well, it appears I gave you less credit than when you first arrived," What did the demon by that, Joshua didn't know but it felt as though he was evaluated rather than attacked to put him to place, "Then the story will have to wait then."

"W-what?! Where you going?!" Joshua stood up slowly as he watched the demon turn around and walk away.

It turned his head slightly and looked at him with it's blue slit eyes, "If you wish to hear for more of the tale, get strong, heal your wounds." Walking towards a the several rusted blades, the devil grabbed one before observing it carefully.

Joshua looked confused as to why the devil would take a weapon from here when it already has one. But his thinking was wrong that the devil was going to take the weapon.

The blue demon's grip of the blade caused it to shine before it started to reform. Creating a familiar blue blade which was small, thin and sturdy. The demon threw it towards him which had startled him.

"What are you doing?"

"Take it as a little gift from me, you'll need it with those blades of your not in shape."

"I don't need it!"

"Then you are a fool, do as you wish. I've given you a weapon created with my power, the only results required is if you have the willpower to handle it well enough."

"...Why help me...You're a demon too aren't you? The way you act is more Humans than the others."

Opening the door but not fully, the demon looked back. "...You're testing my patience. Kill THAT demon that clouds you, if you were to die, then my hopes of entertainment was not long lasted."

So that was the reason, the boy was a show for him to watch while he struggled to survive at every corner of this forsaken tower. Bringing out a vital star, he drank it once more allowing his injuries and bruises to heal.

"Heed my words well boy," Joshua begrudgingly looked at the back of the demon, "The demon was and still is the pet of Mundus."

Saying such, he soon disappeared from his sight with the door shut while Joshua thought of what it had said, a pet of Mundus. Then it was a strong one, it also meant he had to prepare for the worse when battling it.

The words the devil spoke was that of a warning of the danger if he really found and tried to fight the demon. It was probably that very reason the devil gave that blade as an excuse for the child's blade being damaged.

...He wanted to see what he could do with an actual blade for battle, the very limits of a human which had peaked his interests and it was of that fact in which too did not inform of the matter of another human in the tower as well.

Looking at the blue transparent curved blade like katana, he looked at it intently. It could be a trick, his instinct said. His instincts was always right but, 'could?' The blade looked lethal but dangerous if he didn't know the risks.

'The only results required is if you have the will to handle it well enough.' Is what the demon said. If I want to really kill that demon then...he'll have to use the blade.

Slowing grabbing the hilt, it felt rough and smooth at the same time. The blade was sharper and longer than the bayonet.

The size of the blade was that which was perfect for his size, if shown to others outside, they would believe it to just be a toy if it weren't glowing.

The glow of the weapon started to transfer to his hand, it continued to flow to the side of his bicep after.

The feeling was surreal and felt cool to the arm before a sudden jolt was erupted to the limb. He screamed, the flow of the glow looked as though it was trying to claw into his body and while the light lessened, the pain erupted to his head.

The pain was similar to that of when he had used the Divinity Statue but different at the same time, the feeling then was always a shock to the brain while this, started to burn as if melting his mortal flesh from the inside.


The room he stood vibrated and shook from the scream, the pain did not weaken and the tears soon started to appear again from his eyes.

It hurts.

It Hurts!


He soon fell face first to the floor with the blade still gripped, the pain continued on, the glow of the sword looked to ever stay the same as if mocking the being whoever held it.

The boy glared at the blade viciously before standing up groggily. Joshua's veins felt as if it was on fire and the arms was like it was melting. It was fake, an illusion.

'The only results required is if you have the will to handle it well enough.'

...The will!

The nightmare, he wanted it to end! He wanted that demon dead. He wanted it killed by his very hands, he wanted to slaughter it! Let it cry in tears when it loses hope, watch it whimper and plead for its life beneath him!

I will...KILL HIM!


Stabbing the blade to the ground in front of him, the blue aura soon started to settle, the pain began to recede and the burn he felt soon cooled itself.

I'll kill you myself.


What was that? The short haired teen looked from where she stood to feel it shake countless times around her, there was a strong demon there.

But. It didn't matter, she made it this far, she could feel that man was here. Soon this will all end after he dies.

She looked back the stairs which brought her to the next floor. She can only hope that young boy is still alive as of now. Reloading her gun, she got up from her sit on the rock and readied herself to proceed onwards.

"Well, well."


That voice! It was him, the man who killed her mother without any remorse. Turning around quickly and pointing her gun at the man.

He was as tall as she remembered him. A pale-skinned bald male adult. He dressed in a rather simple minister-esque fashion consistently of a purely black-colored ensemble devoid of color or any lightly-colored shades.

His most distinguishing feature aside from his heterochromia which she had inherited from him, a large burnt scar covering the entire left side of his head and barely creeping over his face.

The action of when that time happened, when the death of her mother by his own hands.

The mark felt alive as it seemed to scurry around his face when he smiled. It was creepy. No longer the same loving man she once remembered.

"You've gotten stronger."

"Go to hell!"

"You point a gun at me," his voice creeped into her very being. It was disgusting to hear the man speak now, "Your own Kin, your dear papa?"

She didn't want to hear his voice, continuing to point her gun at the man who held a tome book with his right hand.

"The only family I ever hand was my mother, and she's dead!" She mercilessly pulled the trigger. The very act should have killed him however, the man disappeared from her very eyes yet the man spoke around her. She looked around only to find no trace of the man.

"You break my heart. After all, it was I who gave you your name."


Facing her gun upwards, the man defied gravity and stood on upside down while looking directly at her, "My darling daughter."

Before she could even pull the trigger. The man dropped the book on to her face causing her to stagger for a few seconds.

That very seconds allowed the man to dropped down a grab the girls arm before through her from the edge of the tower. The book returning back to his other hand while doing the whole process.

The girl growled while falling but showed no sense of fear but anger towards the man and worry of her own fall. Shooting with both hands, the distance between them increase before she could no longer see him as she fell.


"Huff...Huff...Haaaaah~" Joshua gasped for air as his pain subsided, the shocks still linger but felt as though it has calmed down a little bit. Looking at the glowing blade which lost some of its brightness and colour.

The blade gave no hints of emotions towards him. He rightly pulled the blade out from the place he impaled ground.


The sword felt lighter good on his hand than before. Images started to spread to his mind, causing him to stagger while the process the blue demon performed was being dismantled into pieces.

The memories of his own style soon started to break soon after, fragments of his ability along with the demons' started to merge little by little.

The pieces were too different in size. That didn't matter though, a small smart was good enough if it helps him. As if ordered. Smaller pieces started to fold with another creating a shard.

The images flooded to his brain and he widened his eyes at the memory.

The sword vibrated in anticipation for him to swing the weapon itself. Accepting the silent request, he placed the sword to the left side to where the sheath of the bayonet was for before the blade started to dissolve, leaving the handle to be stuck out for him to pull.

How convenient. The sword understood what he was doing, or was this the demon himself doing this? It didn't seem like it. The blade was vibrating every second the moment he had placed it inside the sheath.

Performing a stance. He blinked at his previous position. It felt...wrong.

Shaking his head, he brought the left leg to the left leg to the front, leaning forward while the right was brought back.

Grabbing the hilt tightly, the sword's pulsing growing even stronger, pushing his right forward while keeping the left stuck to the same place, he pulled the sword out in a flash.

This feeling! It felt exactly right! The first strike from the left to the right. Taking in the total weight of the body while the left was behind it, leaning forward.

The attack brought the tip of the blade to point diagonally upwards, the slight afterimage of the attack was seen.

Visualising the way the blue demon placed his footing for every attacks, Joshua brought the tip down a little, tilting the blade and moved in a soft flow.

Twisting his body to the left, he swung while the arm followed the motion.

The attack creating a clear strike from the right to the left side. Stopping the motion to not lose balance, he brought the weight to his left leg when placing it forward, Joshua titled the hilt which cause the blade to to the same, while bring a halt to the blade's movement.

He struck down to the right side while the body copied the movement and faced the right. The act caused him to lower his head.

The final movement was near. The excitement of the blade pulsed even further. He once again pushed the right leg forward, swiping the sword upwards to meet the sky quickly.

This final part. With a loud yell, Joshua struck down dead centre, causing the ground to be left in front of him with a deep cut.

Joshua widened his eyes at the attacked he had performed, the movement was slow compared to what the demon demonstrated however, the starting process and knowledge was formed.

The move can become quick and slow, the pattern of motion of each slash can be changed softly without it losing any momentum by titling the blade with the work of the user's wrist.

It was quick and precise, an attack which is to deal enemies quickly.

The sword looked to have stopped its violent pulsing and looked as though it was happy with the light glow it started to produce.

Was this sword alive in the first place he wondered, or was he becoming more delusional as time passed on.

Looking back at from where he stood before, his eyes widened when noticed all the sword marks made when he pulled the blade out of the sheath.

Every step he had made when performing his swings left a mark from where he walked and he knew for sure that the blade never did touch the floor once until the end.

The swordplay can become useful, the attack can be used for both arms in order to change speed quicker and rotate among them. But, type of option was not available for him. Nonetheless, there was a lot of variety, and he was going to see check them all.

Walking towards the door which was embedded with spikes all over. He noticed a little handle which gave him a way to open it.

Looking on, he walked ahead. The demon that ate his arm was inside the tower and what the blue demon said answered as such. He had to be prepared for whatever it could appear out of no where.

Wherever it was hiding from, He was going to be killed by his hand...