
Devil May Cry - No Longer Human

Why did she have to die? He was just a normal boy with certain street smarts to his name. A cheerful and kind child changed for the worse with the events that took everything from him in one day only because of something petty. Experience the story of the boy who was but a weak human to something that demons and the likes to began fearing.

JAzure · Others
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

5 - Magic Core

The abrupt shaking and noise that occurred from below was suspicious due to having encountered less demons from the lower floor. Perhaps it was some of the mechanics of the tower and the structure itself being of old age that had caused such reaction, but it didn't matter to him. There was no reason in bothering going down just to see what the whole hassle was when he was already near the top of this place.

He could feel him, his brother was near. So why was is that he could sense the demonic energy that strictly resembled his own just moments ago? It was also during the limited time of when the shaking occurred however, the power which lurked had diminished soon after, as if not having been there in the first place. It was strange, the energy was abnormally similar but not at the same time.

"Probably something I missed or something down there." He muttered, although it was more than likely he had missed certain areas of the room or haven't really explored thoroughly. If that was the case then he believed it to also be that girl's doing if anything else. "She did have a launcher after all…"

Shrugging his shoulders, he proceeded to go further up than go the extra mile to simply do peak his curiosity of what happened. There was already enough tasks just getting to the top as is.

Such as those trials he had done, the first two seemed to have done the trick in breaking the boulders for him to pass, and yet he proceeded to go to the final one door. He wondered what the third one was for anyway if only two of those gems did the trick. But it didn't matter to him either way. He got his answer with the small pedestal having released its hold of the weapon which fired out lasers. A gun named, Artemis.

Quite a classy name if he said so himself. The weapon was no doubt created by a demon who seemed to have some interest in the field of creating weapons. The only reason he could tell the weapon was constructed by demon in the first place was due initials it possess from the side. The slight insignia as well also helped him with the answer too. It was one that was popular even though humans wouldn't be able to use it in the first place.

The weapon was indeed handy, but was there really any use for such a weapon when he relied solely on his two main pistols? Nah, who cares. He'll probably find some use for it sooner or later.

Although he cleared the wreckage which prevented him from opening the door, the sound behind him seemed to have shaken the room and caused another parts of the roof to fall and cover up the door once more. The door opened but was not pushable meaning it was indeed blocked again. "Just means my second thoughts of going back down is no longer an option."

Looking to his right side, an open area which was broken down allowed him to see the city which was destroyed and along with his shop which he could barely see from the distance.

The sight wasn't visible as it was dark, but he noticed the destruction around the city to not have calmed down at all, in fact it seems to have increased further.

Even so, it's a nice view from up here. Looking down at the edge from where he stood, the cool breeze caressed his bare body while the red coat he wore fluttered and flowed with the wind.

His long white hair moving side to side and he continued to watch as such.

'Hm?' Looking up quickly, he heard the sound of the air being pushed aside and something falling towards his velocity. Instantly grabbing the object which was falling, he noticed it to be the girl he saw during the time he killed that ice breathing dog.

The girl immediately pulled out her gun and aimed for him head. Hmph, like that was going to help her from falling down. A 'thank you' would at least have been nice from saving her.

"Well, this is my kind of rain." Looking up, he smirked, "No wonder the sky looks so funny today."

"Let me go!"

He blinked his eyes at her words, does she not want to live or something? "Let you go? But it'll be a waste if you ended up as just a pretty stain."



The impact of the bullet hitting the centre of his forehead caused him to let go of the girl who shot him before dropping to the ground with a slight groan. What's with this girl?!

It seemed as though the girl didn't need his help as she swung her launcher to the tower, her bayonet which was attached to the weapon halting her velocity downwards and allowing her to swing herself on top of it.

She immediately pulled out her pistol once more and aimed at where she was grabbed, looking wary as he spoke agin after being shot.

"What the hell was that for?! Here I am trying to help you, and you show your thanks by shooting at me?!"

His only response was for another shot to hit his head again. Growling silently in annoyance, he turned away from the girl, "Whatever, do as you please." Honestly, if he was human, he could have been dead just now.


He could only believe it to be his own fault for this wreckage to be blocking his path upwards. The tower was old as it is and the fact the shockwave which recently happened was undeniably his own action or perhaps, this was another set back designed from that blue demon for his own pleasure of entertainment.

Shaking his head, his dirty dark hair blocking some sight from his eyes, he pushed his hair back to allow a better view. His hair was never a nuisance before until now.

Looking at the central area of this room, a statue of some sort seem to be aiming it's direction towards the path which was blocked. How and why the statue was looking in general direction in the first place was a mystery itself if there was nothing blocking was a question he knew wasn't going to be answered. And so he ignored the idea for answers towards this weird design and merely looked at the facts.

Was it used for the door? He didn't know but, he was currently stuck from proceeding further through such path.

Joshua groaned and sat down, leaning on the statue as he tried to calm his heart and breathing. So many things has happened in this tower that it looked to have come out from some fiction.

Him, a normal boy who was five years old no less killing demons in order to get his revenge just to do what next? What was he going to do next, his home was long but emptied and it's inhabitants long but dead along with a part of himself.

Bringing out a chain from around his neck, he looked at the small circular blue gem which was embedded as a case. The inside containing a small picture of his mother.

The women looked so beautiful and young, she was the very image of a well maintained person which he adored and loved with all his heart. Her smile which was small but bright to look at always caused him to disappoint her with anything he did.

Her brown hair which looked silky and nice to touch when he was younger and could only have interest in touching whatever was in his presence. The blue eyes he had inherited from her was good to look at from her well angled face. She was his world and was something he wanted to cherish till the day he grew up to be able to take over and care for her until she was finally satisfied with her life.

Looking on the other side of the picture, there was no one else but himself. His father was always busy, and therefore also too late for any time for captures of memory to be presented and kept close.

His father was never one to have time but he understood well enough of his priority of maintaining some sort of income and so the boy never complained. The talks about his stories the man spoke about regarding his adventures of the world when he was around the legal age caused him to always forgive him for being outside from of his free days.

"If only, I could hear another one of your stories fully...Dad." The slight shudder he breathed out was heard to him and he knew the tears would soon appear, "I want to see you again...Mum."

Joshua closed his eyes allowing the darkness to consume his sights, it was the only way to visualise his mother clearly. The memories of himself running downstairs and rushing to where his mother was humming a light tone in the morning. His father shouting at him to slow down to prevent himself to trip on the stairs. He had ignored him and ran towards the garden, the back of the house door open allowing him to see the women crouched while tendering to her plants she had recently planted. Joshua had smiled stupidly even without knowing how he looked. The small arms he had wrapping around the unoccupied arm of hers with a giggle.

The slight sound of startle but knowing look of him running towards her. Her mouth opening to speak with her angelic tone of voice. Turning around, the women looked at him while caressing his head before placing doming around his neck. Joshua smiled at the pretty gem which was the colour of her eye. That was his first though whenever he first saw it.

"Happy birthday, sweetheart."

Reaching his arms out to give another hug...


The memories soon faded away...

His eyes opened quickly, wide, the action of trying to wrap his arm around nothing in front of him. His stayed there, open, trembling before clutching tightly and holding the necklace tightly.

"...Mother, please come back to me."

His suffering haunted him every second, and he tried to block it away to his own subconscious. The sound of growling and slight sludgy spurge from his stomach forced him to acknowledge his hunger and thirst.

The thirst could be dealt with the vital stars and yet, it was important and not merely for him to waste for a mere usage o filling him up. It wouldn't work anyway. The purpose was to replenish lost energy and recover drastic injuries unlike the green orbs.

The demons was stronger with every level he continued on, there were many things he had missed and yet he felt as though it was not by his hand that he would have to deal with the problem but with someone else.

But who....?

The blue devil continued to talk about strength, power. Was the demon not strong enough, or was there others even stronger than the devil which he will soon encounter when proceeding onwards. The thought frightened him dearly that he hugged his knees to give himself some slight warmth from his own body heat.

Power. Was it worth sacrificing your whole being? The ability he has received, was not for the use of humans and yet he was able to perform just a miracle and handle the pressure it put onto his body. It was something special if such skills could handle provide the person to wield an art style and handle the masses of demons.

No. It wasn't that special 2,000 years ago was it, there was probably times when humans had achieved the ability to utilise magic against demons and other foul beings. It was only due to the passing of time that there was little history towards it unless kept in secrecy for those who know of the existence.

He was able to achieve some sort of weird things, in books as such, they would call you a witch or in other words; a magician but he knew that was a false.

The knowledge of magic was difficult to understand but he knew that magic starts with a core which were inside every being. Everyone possessed one and therefore it wasn't unique or rare for some to use during that time, it was merely the act of using it amongst the people who couldn't which led to the faulty rumours of these 'witch' as an example being tortured and killed.

Nevertheless, even if a magic core existed in his body, it wasn't obvious to sense it, he didn't feel of anything amiss. Although, the knowledge related to the art of war gave him clues as to what was described related to the feeling as was the simple steps that had been taken from the visual memory.

If learning to activate one's magic was like walking a certain distance, Joshua was given a bike to simply increase the hurdle of achieving the same results. Magic was indeed learnt and performed through certain actions. By him simply being given and receiving the knowledge of it only made him feel as though he had cheated.

He was nothing but a freak...nothing has changed even before this incident happened. Fake friends and such. Loneliness wasn't anything unusual if you were used to it in the first place since starting in a new environment. But now, the passing of his parents only caused him to actually realise that this type of loneliness was completely different and suffering to endure. A crybaby through and through is all he can do.

The lingering pain from his lost arm started to once again pulse. The constant rhythm of the beat was felt, his rash coughing caused him to spit out some blood, the taste was disgusting and he had to wonder if it was his own or something else. The cloth which was covering the damage was no longer pure and white but coloured with his blood. The belt which held the cloths in placed tightly while making sure to keep pressure in order to prevent blood leaking out seemed to have lost some of its strength.

Was it the constant fall he had done to his sides or was it from attacks which loosened the hold, he didn't know but the pain was starting to get to him once again. He didn't want to see the wound, it would only cause him to remember his own incompetence to escape that demon.

Now that he looked at it with attention, the arm smelled badly. His guess was because of the fact that he was always preoccupied and ignored everything around him.

Inspecting the clothes that he wore, the dark armour vest looked to be ripped from different sides and bloody, the left sleeve of his long dark green shirt which was loose and ripped was flimsy and empty.

The armour vest he wore didn't seem to have anything which prevented liquid substance from entering whoever wore it. The blood was soaked in and somehow stained some areas of the shirt he wore.

The pants he wore was filled with bloody cuts and holes which was the results of those singled eyed demons who shot beams of light.

The soles of his shoes with his constant running this whole day was resulting with damaging and ripped. It was bearable but not something he wanted to worsen even more than he liked.

His hand...his only hand looked scratched and dirty. It was nothing surprising with him carelessly attacking cutting demons with it. There was no water or something to clean the blood away.

His mum never did like the house dirty and so he created a habit of trying to stay clean whenever returning from school or from the park. He shook his head trying to stop himself from tearing up once again, crying was not going to help was what he said before and yet, he couldn't perform the actions he said to himself. Stupid. Dumb.

The pulsing of the hilt from the glowing sword brought his attention to it, the action causing him to pull the hilt out of the sheath, allowing the hilt to grow its sharp edges and released from its restraints.

Looking at the blade was just another incident to show he was powerless to do anything as a human.

Who was he to tell humans they were weak? There were many people who performed unbelievable things in their life that was seen as impossible.

A memory from the old man brought to his attention a year ago, he never thought much of it but listened for the future as he had said every time.


"Humans were capable of many things if they bring their minds to it. I have learnt that lesson during my years. What was it that limited us humans to proceed our ideals, our future, our use of knowledge to create new history for the next generation. Was it money, acknowledgement of their ideas, their status or merely just pure stubbornness to proceed further ahead."

He had shook his head while looking at all the kids which had sat on the ground, crossed legged while listening to him. Some did not listen but merely pretended while others left to play. The old man did not take any actions towards the children. He just smiled and spoke even when the passing of days left with less and less of these kids to sit and listen while only leaving him by himself.

The progress of humans to go further ahead...what was it? He didn't know but the answer from the old man was so simple that he looked embarrassed from it knowing it.

"It is fear, the fear of failure which leaves us humans to further evolve ourselves. We fight to survive but never pay attention to the consequences until it arrived towards them the last second."

Joshua asked as to why fear was the reason for us to go ahead.

The old man smiled and caressed his wooden walking stick he used to walk. "Fear is something everyone has, others can hide it, others can show it clearly, but no one can never escape it once it is felt."


The pulsing of the sword became stronger. Sighing at the memory, he struck the sword to the ground to use as a leverage to get up from his siting position.

The blade vibrating from the action but he did nothing to show his apology and stood straight, breathing slowly and easing his beating heart to a normal pace.

He had wasted time from his light rest. Though he was able to stand, his stomach had enough of his own stubbornness to feast. The disgusting noise of crunching and ripped flesh only caused him to ignore the fact he was hungry and that he would only puke out was he would consume.

The green orbs he had used didn't have the ability to fill his hunger, only for slight injuries and lingering pain. The permanent throb of hunger didn't seem to subside like his arm but enough to not groan constantly in pain.

Looking at the statue once more, inspecting anything which indicated any of its function towards the door he needed to go to. He noticed a lot of difference between this statue and the others he had encountered.

It was nothing like the golden statue, the inspection towards it led to no indication of it wanting to speak or provide evidence of it's existence.

Only an inscription near the front of the statue was visible enough in the slight darkness of the room. The statue's shadow prevented him from seeing more than required.

Looking at the blade he still held on his hand. He brought it towards the words, using it as a torch from the shadow.

"The goddess statue's piercing stare is focused on the front door."

He raised a brow at the sentence. Looking back to the wreckage, he sighed before walking on the stairs leading towards it.

"...It's piercing stare focused on the front door." What was meant by it? There was a meaning he was missing, was he able to cut his way through, it was worth a shot at the least.

Holding the blade tightly, he brought it skywards before striking down.


The attempt was decent enough to show the mark he had just made but, a single hash of cut against this must blockage wasn't going to help him quickly, it was only going to exhaust him more than the little rest he just recovered.

If he however had the stamina and time to waste on such things then...no it didn't matter at the moment. There was no time to think of other times, he was here right now in a situation where he was stuck with no one to help but by himself.

Separating some distance from the door, he brought the sword into a lunging position, the blade was strong from he knows so the only result it would lead was the wreckage to have no result of movements while the blade was still intact.

Inhaling some air slowly, the blade looked to have understood his gesture as the blade started to pulse for a second before brightening. Was the meaning to it's brightness an indicator of the blade getting sharper, he didn't know but only guessed as a good thing.

Charging forward, with all his strength he could muster, he lunged the blade forward to the centre. The sound of crumbling was heard however, it only reduced the amount of the path blocking door.

The centre appearing to have a crack to similar to that of a cobweb. Joshua groaned as the result led to another failure, the sound only showed that it was plausible but was not something he could do constantly.

Thinking nothing else with this action to lead nothing good for himself, he returned back to the statue, he noticed the gems which was placed had three of the three slots placed inside.

It was filled in, but there was no switch anywhere to make whatever this statue work.


Looking at the top carefully while using the sword as a torch, it looked to be have lost whatever it was holding, he looked in surprise. Understanding why the statue didn't do anything, "Someone took the item?!" He kicked the statue in frustration, "Damn it. Who took it?"

Looking around, he scrunched his face when he realised about the other entrance. The lit candle which faced the other door, showed him there was another way but, he felt as though the room was not used for the purpose of going up the tower.

There was no point guessing, it was better to look around and find a way to leave this area quickly. The haunted sound of nothing felt unsettling.

Gulping and walking towards the door, he placed his knuckle on the door, the blade still held with enough grip to not make it loose.

The door looked to be unlocked. Placing his ear to the door, he heard nothing but the ever deep echo of the abyss which would lead to his demise if he was to ever drop by accident.

Pacing his breathing, he opened the door.


The area didn't seem to have any demons around here, no sounds they gave out or any movements which was heard except for his own with each step he took towards the tablet near the the centre of three pathways.

The slight glitter to the side startled him before he noticed the appearance of the golden statue. Similar to the others, the statue held an hourglass from its shoulder.

He has to practice more awareness to his surroundings, who knows when something would get the drop off him out of his carelessness.

His heart easing itself, he walked towards it, as usual there was no act of it starting the conversation.

It meant that he will always have to start it, he took a note to the fact. "Hello?"

....Silence huh, it was probably because he did have any monster blood with him to start the actual initiation.

"Those who desire to acquire the ancient ways of war shall offer the blood of monsters in exchange."

Ah, guess it did always start with those words of affirmative.

The pulsing of the sword he held pulsed, he looked at the glowing weapon continued to do so. Raising a brow to the action of the sword, he brought it closer to the statue. The pulsing became weaker. before he brought it further away. It soon started to pulse stronger in agitation.

'It wants to touch it?' he pondered as to why but nodded his head nonetheless and brought the weapon to touch the slot of the statue.


? "What was that meant to...."


"...Do?" He blinked and rubbed his eyes with his wrist. It worked?! Why? Wait...the sword was made from a demon in the first place wasn't it...so the the only explanation towards it working was for the statue to recognise it as an entity of something not humane.

It worked for the boy anyway, the thought of carrying blood was disgusting to even think about as a choice.

It was best to continue on otherwise, he wouldn't know if the statue would simply kick him out of the void dimension.

"Then...what can I get right now?" He asked the statue which continued to hover in the void. It's golden glow brightening when speaking to him.

"...You do not possess enough amount for purchase..."

He figured as much, but it didn't stop him from groaning at the waste of orbs he had just used previously. The statue which continued with its fluid motion of slight movements without being noticed spoke to the dissatisfied child.

"...Sell what is not required to receive another." Selling huh, so it can work like that as well. But what could he sell? What did he currently have.

Pondering so, he closed his eyes and thought of the skills he had received from the statue. The image of the blue devil who easily pushed his back even when he tried to counter with the ability he had recently received from the statue.

[Mirage Will]. The information was given to him when he first received the ability. Could he even call it such in the first place. The skill was based on the user's energy. Magic uses energy as a basis but he knew he didn't have one in the first place.

So what was he using then? Well it was of course the meagre residue that apparently leaks out from the magic core. He didn't have much understanding towards how it occurs but to be a natural thing that every other human has veiled.

What he had been issuing against the blue devil called [Mirage Will] could be seen a starter point. There was no continuation towards such ability but nonetheless, allowed Joshua to experience the feeling of magic only slightly even if it cannot be called using it at the same time.

Using such ability, it uses the opponents force of gravity against him to be slightly mimicked and repelled. An illusion for them to believe to be on par at the very least. However, the recoil was a high punishment to his very body. It was due to the fact that the unimaginable strength which was used was not something he could muster. It caused the muscle tendons to rupture and start to shred from the overwhelming force. He experienced it first hand against that blue devil. It was not something to be used constantly without something supporting it. Whether it being an equipment or another skills, he would have to figure that out soon.

Selling the skill was not something he was thinking about, it gave him the slight edge to oppose stronger opponents by using their own strength against them even if it wasn't really true. The small brief moment of uncertainty could be a fatal blow which was required for him to exploit.

Then came the other skill; [Dragon Flash], an incomplete technique which wasn't meant for his body and structure. There was no current risks given to him but for it being not fully used to its full potential.

Though the skill was not fully completed, it provided him an advantage towards the demons which was close by. Was it really worth selling this skill, he felt it and get at the same time it wasn't.

The feeling of wanting to throw something away but don't know the risks it would have in the future. It bothered him dearly since he was in constant danger.

"Hmm?" He opened his eyes to see the images of the skills and techniques being used by a projection of a figure. It was unexpected but the boy sighed at the aid from the statue. His thoughts was shown in this void and so was what he has in person.

The projection of a move he did not receive from the statue soon appeared before him. This was...the blue demon's sword play movement.

The very move he had soon tried to get a feel from when the blade requested for an action of play.

The skill name was unknown, the very inscription of the text constantly jumbling and changing form to prevent him from seeing the actual name.

"...Knowledge of wars can be re-visualised later on when enough amount is supplied." So the statue says, the hint of the statue gesturing to the fact that selling the skill which he received can be later retrieved at a different time point.

Then the contemplative thinking was halted because of what the statue said. It was only for a little while but, he had to do it in order to progress further.

"Then, please sell the skill." The statue flowed brightly once more, the glow soon started to corrode his body but no harm was done. The ball of light which he saw placed inside his head was pulled out. The feeling of forgetfulness was covered to his face when the procedure ended swiftly.

It was weird...the move he had received, he can remember it so clearly, yet the way he performed it felt so...weird. As if he was trying to find a toy which had a name but was unable to actually remember the characteristics.

So this was how it was like removing a skill from his whole body. At least it didn't hurt.

"...Total amount has been transferred."

Shaking his head of the empty memories, he watched the statue's face directly at him. The feeling of the statue staring at him curiously was becoming usual with every meeting.

Though Joshua didn't know as to why he spoke later next, he thought the statue wanted to speak.

"What is it?" The words came out as he suggested. His body seeming to have loosen its hold of the built stress on his tiny body.

"...Child of human, thou have changed principles of strength." What did that mean, Joshua couldn't get his head to grasp onto what the statue spoke. "Requirements have been met for ascension..." Asking for more information only led for the silence to linger once more. As expected, the statue did not answer his question but nevertheless continued to speak, "Thou spirit is pure and bright, yet cradles darkness within."

The ball of light came out of the head of the statue, the object was similar to the others and yet the feeling it gave off wasn't.

The small sphere of light stopped in front of him, tempting him to actually grasp it himself. It was usually pushed towards him, why was this one so different to the others? Looking at the statue for some answers.

The statue complied, it did not hold its silent tone, yet for every moment of it's words was but small and brief. "...The act of providing power was not meant for the uses of Human."

The sphere of light soon lessened before reforming into a small golden shade. The flow of the flame moved slowly, fluidly, and uncaring.

This was completely different. What was going to happen to him? Why did it feel so strange to look at? His beating heart started to pulse quickly and the feeling of the unimaginative pain coursing though his body.

The sweat came down his face, his hard breathing being heard clearly.

"...However, I have come to change my decision with thy existence. The resolve of the weak shan't prosper in acquiring what they seek...take hold of thy next step."

Why am I scared?

"Does thou lack resolve?"

Resolve....I just need to take hold of this. That's all it is!

Do it!

Grab it!

His hand reached steadily towards the orb. Shaking every second for every inch he came close to it. The sound of his heart became clear to his mind. The fear overtook his judgement, causing him to pull his hand back to his chest.

'Resolve of the weak shan't prosper.'

I'm not weak...I can do this, stop being scared!

Motivating himself to reach out again. He tried to forget his fear of the pain. Trying to not think about it only made him do so however.

The pulsing pain of his lost limb brought his attention. The shocked expression coming to his face before being replaced with a growl. I'll kill it!

I'll kill all of them!

He reached quickly, not in a right state. The tip of the finger touching it before it started to grow large.


"W-what is this?!"

The sphere swallowed his body, enveloping him into a sphere around him. He inspected himself, he was floating, as if he was underwater but he could breathe clearly.


His right arm started to hurt soon after. He looked at it to see it dissolve into particles. The action terrified him, yet he could still feel his hand even though he couldn't see it.

"What's going....URG!!!"

The pain soon started from the right hand he had seen being swallowed and gone.

The feeling of the arm was lost yet, it felt itchy. He felt the liquid source which was his blood warm up to a high degree which only made the pain even worse to experience.

It hurts!

Stop it!

He shut his eyes tightly to close off the leaks of his tears yet they escaped anyway. The tears did not extinguish the burn of the orb whatsoever but merely evaporate into small steams.

The glowing light soon continued to go further up his hand; towards his arm, shoulder. The same pain was felt and the cry for it to stop did nothing for his current suffering.

The sudden feeling of his eyes burning inside was the worse. When he shut his eyes the heat became worse yet when when he kept it open. The light blurred his eyes and fried him.

His throat started to feel dry and hot.

Water...I need WATER!!!

"Hugh..." There was no scream but a gasp, his mouth and eyelids was opened wide, the ray of light shooting out from inside Joshua's body.


The boy couldn't see from the brightness enveloping around his small body. The light which had covered his form was flaring it's ray from the mouth and eyes which he didn't and couldn't notice but the statue herself.

He was screaming yet, it was blocked to her and so she could only watch as he experience the act of creating a source of energy.

The glow of light started to change its colour to that of the being's soul. The knowledge of war differs from users to user from their overall compatibility towards them.

The statue never expected for a child, human no less to have been reached this far immediately.

Magic cannot be taught without knowledge of how it is used and how it is created. Humans was limited to such things. Their energy was beneath those from other races. Yet they too was capable of such sorcery.

A magic core is embedded to all beings.

It is the source to wielding magic. It is a part of their being. If by chance some were to be able to wield magic without a core; a starting point to casting spells, it would harm the body drastically.

Demons were more capable wielding magic. Their ability to possess and use it as their source of gaining more power was very much the general use that is applied to them.

Then what did the Humans have? They too were able to utilise magic, but they did not have anything which they can say it's their general ability to use this spell.

It was simple as that.

There was always many disadvantage for humans to counter those who did not live in their world. And so they created weapons with their mass knowledge, they improved their core to withstand them by the constant brink of death through the overuse of magic.

Yes, they did eventually suppress the demons who invaded as much as they could but even then, their natural strength was later left forgotten to be improved.

Magic allowed them to boost their own strength yet the humans of old did nothing to improve their own body itself.

Years had long past then, humans growing old and supplying their knowledge of sorcery and kind to their kin. The children of the old learnt quicker and faster. The core inside them was already implemented inside them from the beginning of their birth.

That was when the hierarchy soon later started after the invasion of demons lessened for it to begin. People who had achieved mastery or even knowledge of the world of magic was placed highly while those who were unable was thrown to the dirt and left there.

Arrogance had soon appeared similar to that of the demons. There was no stopping the flow of time and even she was just there to watch the times change around her from wherever she goes.

Where others used their developed magic core, the existence of substance was created for the weak.

It was by using this very sources that having an undeveloped magic core was nothing of an issue, but more of just a starting point towards it.

Though it was less effective than usual spell casting, the ability to utilise this was but generous and less consuming to the user. The very concept for being able to create what is desired.

It allowed a more easier way to convert one substance to another, it also allowed more creative ideas to be developed with the act.

It too was related to their magic core, but at the same time it didn't require the actual use of it being mastered. The feeling was completely different to magic yet it was all the same. It would be even more simple to say that humans was more capable with such skill rather than actual magic.

After all, although Demons were able to do the same, they lacked proper knowledge or understanding towards the very idea and concept of such things.

What was it that they called now? Ah yes, the new source of magic was called; Alchemy.

Alchemy, It was based more on scientific technique of understanding the structure of energy. Deconstructing and reconstructing spells was but another option for better use.

In a way, Actual Magic was the most efficient, natural principles does not apply towards it and can be used to create unimaginable things.

Whereas Alchemy was another method designed for magic cores which were undeveloped. As it was related to natural principles, many things was limited towards it however, the concept of creating a better view of original spells into something else allowed it to be more reliable.

The very air was a resource for them to utilise at their will. What they only required was understanding of matters, the very structure, the flow of energy before it can be used to reshape into something that the user desired.

The knowledge towards this arrived to the higher standings of humans, they took this as a mean of rebellion and searched for her stationed area. Their lust for power to suppress was starting to become inhuman.

But alas, time has changed with magic being vastly rare to the humans while the demons carried on after the suppression they had suffered.

The invasion 2,000 years ago allowed demons to once again overpower humans. Those who had inherited the Will of magic from blood were only prideful yet not act upon so and was killed through their weak constellation.

Humans was easy to manifest fear upon them, quite well unlike the demons. Humans and Demons can never coexist during the time.

Perhaps that is why it was surprising when the existence of a young man who carried the blood of both Humans and Demon had first came into existence later on.

They were rare while others was merely the act of pleasure or force. Yet the compatibility of the being allowed them to obtain their own source of power through both their humans and demonic sides.

Times has indeed changed so much, weapons of death was developed to only allow humans to fight against each other.

The statue watched the boy who had from a few hours ago had been using something quite similar to that of magic unconsciously to overcome the limits of his own body.

The air around him was silent but it was still visible. It could be the training the child was brought upon when fighting. But even so, it was a miracle in its own way for the child to have used his undeveloped core at this age.

It was something impossible to look, seeing a small frightened child become something more. She could only believe in him to receive his own peace for what the future awaits for him.

The boy's need for breathing caused him to gasp and inhale quickly, the process immediately dimming the light show.

His medium-length black hair now has some teal undertones. The aura of the slight tinted gold was being overlapped with another.

...It was strange, the boy didn't possess this previously. The action of this foreign aura had modified he boy's energy. It was perhaps related to the sword the child now carries. The sense of demonic power it gives out was ever present yet tamed to adhere the boy's call temporarily.

The boy who possessed a colourless aura, being colluded with the demonic blue aura to form something else. But what was it meant to create? Whatever it was, the magic core the boy possess has begun its motor. The body he now possess can no longer be returned to that as a normal human would be.

She did not know if it was a good thing or not. Yet she can only observe and speak curtly for him to survive.

He needed that much at least...


How long was he screaming for? His dry throat only caused him to let out a raspy like scream. This was hell. Everything hurt so much. He wanted it to end.

He didn't know when, but during the whole process of breathing. Joshua had realised he wasn't breathing at all. Only knowing this caused him gasp the warm air around him, the moment of the blinding light soon evaporated at the same time.

The feeling of his blood vessel and insides being melted and fixed every second.

He coughed and breathed in and out as much as he could. The air exhale stirring his vision to be clear, the smell of his sweat allowing him to smell something which didn't burn him.

The slight bolt in head caused him to flinch and lay down on his back soon after. His breathing still loud, but his heart calming down to a normal rhythm.

The knowledge was sent to his brain. Whatever this sphere gave him, it was all new. They were not finished or in other words this whole thing was new in the first place.

"It feels strange..."

"Knowledge of skill is redundant, thy mind is applied to create what thy desires."

"Create...?" Joshua closed his eyes and focused, though the insides of his body feel different, more warmer, using it without proper understanding was a no no. "Wish I knew how to use it in the first place."

"...Practical test shall be provided."

"Huh? W-Wait!"

The shift of reality changed and he was soon placed within a realm completely different from before.

The plain was filled with sand. The blue was clear with no cloud present, the very air allowed him to feel the breeze of cool air touch his skin. 

The puddles of water was near his feet. There didn't seem to be a sun but the place was bright.

The statue which was in front of him had ascended upwards. Why? The sound of a growl was his answer, he looked back to see the demon he has fought more than he could count now.

The robed demon with the scythe.

"...Thy very imagination shall create thou desire."

With those words spoken, the demon charged while he was left weaponless and unequipped. He moved away and kept some distance, making sure to be aware of the demon's every move.

"...Protect thy self, remove the threats, in order for thy nightmare to no longer occur once more."

He flinched at the words.

Protect...was it such a simple thing to do. Can he truly stop others from losing what he had?

There was no reason to question it, he need to believe in himself. He had to. In order to stop the torment from happening again.

His words had called upon the flow of the energy inside his core. The feeling of it flowing to his hand like a stream of warm water swirling around towards his whole clenched hand.

He felt it's presence yet he was unable to release the flow of energy outside the body. Was this feeling magic?

How was going to release it out from his body, the statue did not explain as such but only created this void. The demon was still present, readying itself to attack.

Magic was used with understanding and its concept of use. The use of the magic core is applied as the fuel to casting. The core was linked towards the users energy.

Meaning all he had to do was to first start from where it began. Concentrating, he tried to find the being source of the core, it took a few seconds before he found the area to be centred near his chest.

It was close to his heart, it wasn't something physical to touch but more just to view. The sphere was clear as if it was a glass, filled with a misty substance which was coloured like a rainbow.

Was it the energy? He ignored the question and continued on. The next thing was to move the energy towards his body, thinking as such; the energy answered his call and moved slowly but rigidly to each part of the body.

It warmed his insides and the feeling of energy which started to flow felt so nice that it could become addicting.

Now that he was able to move the energy inside his body. He now had to somehow release the energy builded up to his palm. That was the first step he had decided.

But it didn't work...

No matter what he thought, the energy never came out and the very fact of that caused him to groan in frustration, losing concentration and returning to see the dimension again.

'...Thou very imagination shall create what thy desires.'

Scrunching his face, he placed his hand in front of him. The palm facing the charging demon. The visual image of the energy being builded up towards his clenched fist.

'Magic is done by casting a spell..."

He thought of creating something with his energy. His hand began to throb, it didn't hurt him but the feeling seemed dangerous, as if the hand was to be ready to explode.

He opened his hand, his palm having released a small spark of green to come out. The sudden jolt of the unexpected feeling on his palm caused him to feel jittery and lose concentration, losing the flow of energy on his hand.



The demon growling directly in front of him, slashing down with its weapon.

Since he was stuck inside the void with only his wits in front of the demon who attacked him.

The quick step to the right allowed him to leave without any damage to him. The attack was indeed ready to hit mark...if he still had that left arm of his.

And so for several minutes turned into hours. The boy finding difficulties to channel that very skill he had done previously.

And with the demon's rash attacks which was too close for comfort was not helping him concentrate. However, this too was a way of learning for when the boy will have to focus on more than one thing at a time.

The slight flickers of green light in front of his palm showed that he was able to use it, and yet...

He dodged another attack before taking some distances.

...the boy was unable to fully grasp on how to use it properly.

There was no full knowledge of the application in its method of teaching. The method was based on being able to actually use magic as if it's another limb, yet he knew himself to be not have experienced at the matter.

'...Protect thy self,' Joshua's eyes hardened, the image of his mother's hand left inside the bloodied room.

'Remove the threats.' He didn't want anyone to go through what he had.

Clenching his fists before positioning it to his chest. His heart beating quickly, the flow of the magic meeting the same pace.

The warmth of the energy was starting to be filled. As if a cup which was being filled with water was going to spill if he placed anymore.

It was the only way he could describe the feeling of the energy being outputted. It was weird that he was at least doing something instead of a failing to at least release a speck of magic.

The demon charged once more, watching the child who had merely closed his eyes and stood at the same position.


'Calm the mind, make the energy do what you want.'

The warmth of the energy soon started to alter itself. It felt...different, cooler.

The very sound of the energy whirling itself around the fist.

The loud footsteps of the demon's feet was close, it was coming near with it's weapon raised up high to attempt in cutting him down once more.


As if the sound was an indication for the energy to completely filled on his hand, the very aura brightened. The feeling of it covering him like a glove.

Opening his eyes immediately, he pulled back his arm. Corking his fist, the flow of energy being filled to the brim, he felt the need to extinguish it immediately.

With a mighty scream, he swung upwards to the demon's abdomen, the streaks of teal light following the motion as a trail.

The sound of impact was small but the damage looked to be impressive. The light ripple of shockwave which came from behind the back of the demon's body meant that it was effected, but by how much was the question.

Was it enough to hinder the movement or simply just place enough damage to knock it out.

The mouth of the demon widened, the blood being spat out towards his face. He brought his arm back and stepped back and saw his handiwork of the action he had just done.

The demon stayed there, stuck in a hunched position soon after. It's weapon not fulfilling its last attack because of him.

Joshua's eyes widened after looking lower to where he had made contact. The very point of impact forced a small mark of his fist to appear to the body, the blood leaking out from the demon's mouth not stopping, but the silent growl of pain was minimised.

The demon's grip of it's weapon soon left, leaving it to drop before disappearing, the demon soon followed along and scattered away.

He inspected his hand again, mesmerised of the coated glowing green aura which covered his hand. The feeling felt so surreal but he was actually seeing magic fully in front of his eyes.

It was different to the demon's existence being shown once more to the human world. He was actually using magic.

"...I used magic, right?" His energy felt slightly depleted. Calming his breathing allowed him to ease his heart from beating rapidly. "Real magic..."

It was difficult to push out that same flow of energy to come out again after immediately closing it again. He practiced in finding the switch which tapped into his magic and as to when to shut it close which he found it to be difficult after his first usage. Perhaps he too tired since his body ached from all the motions of movements he had done and therefore was preventing anymore harm.

This was a familiar pain called: muscle soreness. He had experience it before during his time doing activities over his time in the streets the next day after rest.

It hurt to move the limbs which was trained and all he could do was rest on it to continue on the next day.

The magic core felt similar to the very situation. The very first experience gave out an extreme sense of soreness to the energy but it did not hinder his stamina for other uses.

He had to take measures towards this and make the situation doesn't occur again at a drastic time.

The sound of something rubbery landed near him and he turned to notice his save in grace; the green orbs.

There were several of them and he chews on them quickly as much as he could before he took the moment of preventing himself from throwing up.

The energy flow of his body returned to normal, or how the flow of the energy in his body was going to always function. The very sore feeling to his body and magic core was healed, the muscles having looked to be fully rested and stronger than before.

There was that knowledge of with every use of the magic core's near depletion; it would increase the amount of control towards the use and also it's maximum capacity.

'Does it mean I can control it better?'

He thought of creating something simple which can be created with only the use of the magic core. Thinking so, he started the flow of the energy again.

The flow of the energy swirling more smoother. It looked to become more quicker in it's use but slow all the same. It took around half a minute before something even appeared from his own desire.

The flow of energy heeding his call. The energy felt comforting, he pushing a little as he could to see how much was needed.

After few tries of failure and flickers of sparks, a small speck of the green aura appeared once more around his palm. It looked be like a flame yet there was no temperature given towards it.

The inside looked to have a yellow glow to it. The very thing which caused the slight vibration to be felt. As if it was the created core of his magic; a second heart to his body.

The statue had said his imagination can create what he desires. Believing that to be the case, he focused onto the green aura which moved feeling around his palm.

He imagined it taking another form, the very aura being hardened like a diamond but clear to the eye to see through.

The aura answered his thoughts, shrinking into a ball before disappearing. Joshua raised a brow before noticing the flow of energy around the palm to be gone.

He failed...

Sighing, he tried again, but the results was the same once more.

It briefly a few minutes until it had come the point that he had spent enough of his energy that he soon ate the remaining green orbs which scattered the dimension. Some were dirty but the boy showed no signs of being picky since they all tasted disgusting anyway.

The sand was not going to make him have a dry and crunchy texture be placed in his mouth when biting.

He didn't know how it had been now, constant failure of melding the energy to something else was becoming a lost cause until he saw little results.

The energy had shrunk before a single thin glowing thread coloured green was on his sights. It looked small but it showed he was making process.

Having been able to at least create threads, he had soon tried combining it together. The edges of the line coming together to form a two dimensional green crystallised hexagon that was similar to a panel.

It floated up and down his palm and he looked at it, amazed at the very thing he had created.

It was amazing to look at no matter how small it was, the presence of the statue being unnoticed to the boy hovered from above. Approving the boy's compatibility towards his magic core. A child's mind is more creative than does of an adult.

"...The next step shall soon begin, fatal damage shall be healed."

The growl from behind him was heard, turning his head at the vast amount of demons wielding weapons for his own demise.

He looked surprised at the amount, it was too much, but he didn't run away. That was only for the last result of all hopes was lost.

The green shaped hexagon shattered like glass, the residue not being felt or seem to him when he clasped his hand around it, squeezing it to bits.

"...Prepare thyself for the practical use of the skill."

The sudden light of from his left waist brought out the blue sword inside the sheath to appear along with the armour vest and shield he had on him.

'This is a test for a more practical uses.' He knew as such and so he prepared himself for the worst around the mass that surround him.

If the damage he received are going to be healed then this place was more similar to that of a dojo's practical exam to see where he was at.

But even then, Joshua didn't want to take damage in the first place, he decided for this current time to be a chance to see what he can achieve against the mass of demons. Will he fall first or slaughter them before it happens.

But first...

Breathing in and out slowly, he held the hilt which was still inside the sheath, the blade flaring to existence. He readied himself, pulling the weapon out and aiming directly to the front of the demons.

Imagine what to create.

The sensational feeling of the heat inside him flowing through his body. The structure of the shape in front of him; a thread made out of his magic, creating six in total. Each threads of energy forming a hexagon shape.

Now to make more.

Creating the very construct of the hexagon itself, he soon started to multiply it before him, the movements of the shapes starting to move together.

Then combine.

The shapes soon started to form half a barrier dome in front of him. Creating a light green dome. It rotated slowly before starting to shrink it's size.

The created barrier soon encasing his body, the boy was soon clocked with a teal glow which blinded the demons for a second.

The ending results was shown to have no change to his physical appearance to others if looking at him but the feeling it gave out to him was like being wrapped inside a warm light from outside his body.

His eyes narrowed against the horde of demons who stood in place, as if waiting for some initiation. A slight sweat dropping down his forehead to show his uneasiness to the situation surrounding him.

The statue spoke once more.


And so the demons charged towards him. While he stood there waiting for the perfect time to strike.