
Detective Tennis (Detective Conan/Prince Of Tennis Crossover Fanfic)

This is a four-book/four-volume series uploaded and compiled into one book. This is something I wrote way back in 2009. If you read TLSOTE, then you'd see some characters that are similar to the OCs I placed here. This fanfic was the foundation of the plot I used for that story. Vol. 1 - The Targeted Tennis Player Of Seigaku Echizen Ryoma and Shinomiya Kourin... Two different people suddenly met when an enemy of a gruesome past tried to take them down for good. And yet their past was unknowingly connected in a way. Will they be able to survive the danger that lies ahead of them? How will they be able to outwit and eventually defeat their unknown enemy? Vol. 2 - Tennis Court Murders Dangers don't want to leave Ryoma and Kourin. That's what they thought when they decided to solve the serial tennis court murder case happening all over Tokyo. But finding the killer turned out to be harder and more dangerous than the last case they've dealt with that one of them might die from doing so. Vol. 3 - Dangers Of The Forgotten Chronicles Vol. 4 - Final Blood Connections

jo_yi_seu · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

A Wedding Celebration

Two weeks later...


A smile appeared on Doctor Yanai and Doctor Miyuzaki's faces as they were greeted by their guests when they finally got out of the church. This location was located near the area selected for the wedding reception—one of the few original Shinomiya mansions just a few kilometers near Beika District.

Among those who greeted them were Ryoma and Kourin.

That day was one of the most anticipated events of the year to the Miyuzaki clan, the other two families namely the Yumemiya and Azuraya, and of course, to Kourin herself. It was the wedding of Doctor Yanai and Doctor Miyuzaki. The nine-year-old princess of the Shinomiya clan was undeniably happy to see them overwhelmed with love and joy as a couple of doctors had finally tied a knot.

The preparation for the wedding was done in five and a half months. But because of the Dark Rose incident, it was delayed for some time but the newlywed couple didn't mind the delay that time. After everything had been settled, the preparation continued. They invited other people to that grand wedding as per the request of Conan and Kourin.

Among those other guests were the Seigaku regulars and the Echizen family. The wedding was done on a Sunday morning, that was why they haven't hit a bad schedule for the guests.

"Thank you, everyone," Doctor Miyuzaki said gratefully as there were unshed tears in her eyes. A proof that she was really happy with what happened.

After all, Doctor Yanai and Doctor Miyuzaki were fated to meet each other on the day Kourin's brother Hitoshi got injured during a winter training at Hokkaido. Kourin knew back then that those two doctors were destined to be together for the rest of their lives—just like what her mother had said to her.

Kourin was happy to know that she was one of the people who became a part of their love story. It was a complicated yet beautiful love story that she would remember for many years to come.

After that, all of the guests went to the Shinomiya mansion's garden for the wedding reception. All of them were having fun and sometimes, dazing as the couple began dancing on the dance floor.

Ryoma, for some reason, noticed Kourin smiling as he saw the girl looking at the newlyweds.

"You're envious of them?" he asked which made the girl change her focus and looked at him. She smiled as she looked at him.

"Not really," she answered.

Ryoma was, no doubt, happy to see her eyes glowed with certain positive emotions after recovering from the trauma she received during the case.

"I'm smiling because I'm happy that they're finally together and that nothing can break them apart. I was one of those people who somehow witnessed their love story and the hardships that they had to go through just to be together for the rest of their lives." Then Kourin's face went serious. "It wasn't really easy for Yanai-sensei to become part of the Miyuzaki clan, let alone be involved in their mission to protect my family from many threats. But he proved himself worthy of Shouda-sensei's love. That's why I'm happy for them."

"If you say it that way, then I won't argue with you," Ryoma said after moments of silence had passed between them.

That was when they finally paid attention to the celebration and they noticed that it was already the bride's traditional tossing of the bouquet. Both of them somehow got fascinated, that was why they watched closely.

When Doctor Miyuzaki threw the bouquet, everything suddenly felt like it went to slow motion. As if the feeling was to somehow delay and create a sort of cliffhanger as to who would catch the bouquet.

Well, much to everyone's surprise and joy, it was—

"Sakuno-neechan did it!" Kourin exclaimed as she turned her gaze to Ryoma.

'Maybe I could do some matchmaking once I met them again...' she grinned mentally at that thought. Without a word, he left Ryoma and approached Sakuno who was somehow still in a daze while holding the bouquet she caught.

"You did great in catching the bouquet, Sakuno-neechan." Then she smiled. "When you're finally getting married to the one you love, can you at least invite me?"

"Eh?! B-but I'm s-still young t-to get m-m-married!" Sakuno frantically exclaimed and she stammered but it only made Kourin laugh for reasons so obvious.

"Of course, I know that. What I meant is about the future."

It was only when Sakuno heaved a sigh of relief.

'I'm going to wait for more progress on this one. I'm not sure who to root for but I guess there's progress in that department. Oh, well... Maybe someday, I can see that progress for myself...'


"Thanks for inviting us to the wedding, Kourin-chan. I'm really glad you invited the Seigaku regulars to this kind of grand event," Momoshiro said to Kourin after the celebration and the newlyweds proceeded on their month-long honeymoon.

The girl smiled. "It's nothing. Besides, you're all my friends. Why wouldn't I invite all of you?"

"You're right," Fuji agreed and smiled. "But you know that we won't be meeting each other again because... we're about to face our own lives."

"I know that. But I'm pretty sure that we'll be able to meet each other again so I don't have anything to worry about. I could only hope we'll be meeting again on normal circumstances and not because of a case," Kourin said seriously, facing Ryoma afterward. Then she went towards the freshman rookie. "We'll be meeting again, Ryoma-niichan. I'm sure we will, someday."

The freshman crouched down and after a few seconds, gently hugged Kourin. The kid returned the gesture to the same degree. "I know that. That's why we'll just say 'see you to each other for now and not 'goodbye'."

Kourin nodded in agreement. She was happy that Ryoma felt the same way about her.

All of those people watching them found the scene quite dramatic and endearing, that was why some of them were teary-eyed. While others were already crying and sniffling.

After that, she waved happily as the bus that Ryoma was riding in started to move away from the mansion's gate.

"See you soon, Ryoma-niichan!" she shouted as the bus started to speed up. She saw Ryoma in the far back seat of the bus and he was waving at her. He was mouthing the same words she had just spoken, except for the name (of course).

That's right. They would meet again one day. She and her newfound friend would find each other once again. She couldn't wait for that day to happen. That was why she had to stay strong to protect them just like what she had promised on her family's grave.

This journey won't have to be the end for them.

At least, she knew that much.

THE END (of Volume 1)

And finally... we've come to the end. Though Sakuno caught the bouquet, it's still unsure if it involved her with Ryoma or with another guy. Well, who knows? Still need to carefully think about that idea, though.

There's a sequel to this. I just need to type it down. And this time, the plotline of this sequel involves Fuji Yuuta, Fudomine, and Hyoutei Gakuen (or at least they're partly involved). I'm still planning on writing a Part 3 (there's already a clear plotline and will probably focus on Sanada's family and of course, the Tezuka family) which will involve Rikkaidai and Part 4 (no clear plotline but will probably focus on Chitose and surely Shiraishi) will be set in Osaka involving Shitenhouji (which might have Hattori Heiji and Tooyama Kazuha having a small role in the story—I guess). But Part 3 and 4 will not be a crossover anymore and is planned to be placed in POT fandom.

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jo_yi_seucreators' thoughts