
Destiny Harem

"Wait...You want me to what? Go on dates with who? I am literally just now starting college can this wait?! I'm only 19 years old! Allow me to at least ready myself for this! Being a virgin doesn't sound to bad right about now..." A "lucky" 19 year old male named Shiro Moji has been chosen to start his own harem with many women of different races and species! A truly momentous moment for him to finally escape his old virgin lifestyle and finally become a man! As he goes on dates, a tiny demon guide named Lustie, helps him keep track on how much affection each girl has and has other useful features! Join Shiro as he builds his very own harem with many different girls!

AisuruOfficial · Fantasia
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137 Chs

The Edge Queen

I followed where Lust-E wanted me to go and walked into a mall called North Park Mall. Lust-E led me towards two girls who were talking. I stopped walking and Lust-E stopped beeping then I watched the conversation.

"Come on Ash, you never want to do anything with me! Let loose and actually have some fun for once in your life!" The blonde haired girl placed her hand on her hip.

"I didn't even want to come here in the first place, Aubrie. I wanted to stay home and listen to my music. The fact you even dragged me out here..." The black and blue haired girl responded then held her left arm.

"Ugh you're unbearable! Be like that you edgy boring bitch! I'm going to have some real fun!" Aubrie walked away.

"Seems like we got an edgy one on our hands. I'll be honest I'm not the best when it comes down to dealing with edgy and depressed girls. Just...say anything I don't know." Lustie vanished.

I walked to girl who was standing alone then looked back to where Aubrie walked off to. I looked back at the girl who's name was supposedly Ash. "You two are polar opposites huh?" I said then stood beside her. She looked at me then looked down.

"Yeah. I don't like getting out much..I'd much rather be in my room listening to music or wasting my life away than have human interaction." She responded.

"Huh." I said. There wasn't much I could say to her...better yet I didn't know how to respond to her.

"By the way, my name is Ashley. Nice to meet you." Ashley spoke quietly.

[Ashley's data registered into Lust-E!]

Name: Ashley Ayami

Age: 18

Species: Human

Likes: Flirtation, Lust

Dislikes: Talent, Romance

Favorite Food: Spicy foods

Favorite Drink: Juice

"Hey Ashley." I looked at her after looking up from my phone.

"Yeah..?" She responded, still not looking at me.

"How about we go to a place you do enjoy? You know instead of sitting here bored and waiting for your little buddy." I suggested.

"I...I don't know. We just met and my friend should be ready to leave at any minute now.." Ashley looked up and saw her friend gone. I pointed to the left of me with my thumb. She looked at that direction and Aubrie was with some guy, getting spoiled by him.

"I'm sure you don't want to wait another hour for her. Look I'll pay for the things you want. What do you say?" I gave her a smile.

"A-Alright. I hope she doesn't see me gone...not that anyone noticed me at all other than you." Ashley said then walked off.

"Geez man...I can also sense her sexual desire so she might be easy to make a bond with. It's always the depressed ones who have the best y'know what I mean." Lustie nudged me. "For girls like these, it only takes three dates, but for a drawback of they won't be available most of the time."

I rolled my eyes then caught up with Ashley. She looked back to make sure I was keeping up. I walked up beside her then she looked forward.

"So what sort of things do you like?" I asked, wanting to break the ice and the awkwardness.

"I usually don't get many things other than merch of my favorite bands, maybe a few toys for my own pleasure, or go out to restaurants with spicy foods. I don't get out much. It's either I'm cooped up in my room doing God knows what or being dragged around with Aubrie." Ashley said then held her arm.

[Ashley's Affection: 8%. Succession Rate of Date: Less than 10%]

I turned Lust-E off then took her hand, deciding to take action of the date. Ashley looked surprised and followed me. "Listen, we are going to have some fun. I refuse to allow you to continue like this. Even though we just met, I can feel you can have fun but you need to be at the right places. Let's start here! The Arcade."

Ashley looked at the Arcade and her eyes lit up a bit.

[Ashley loves to play games. Ashley's Affection rose to 19%!]

We walked into the arcade and played a few games before Ashley pulled me towards a crane machine and pointed at a pink stuffed animal. I smiled then put a $5 bill in the machine, getting five tries. The first three attempts were failed attempts then on the fourth one we got it!

[Won the Pink Kat Plush! Ashley's Affection rose to 37%! Succession Rate of Date: 24%]

I smiled at her and gave her the stuffed animal. She took the plush from my hands then hugged it. She blushed a bit then buried her face into the plush in embarrassment.

"No one has ever done this for me before...I've gone on dates with people before but they all only care about getting into my pants on the first day..." Ashley said softly. "I wanna ask you...are you just here to get in between my legs..?"

"Yikes...I definitely didn't plan for this. Well other than your ultimate goal of being the ultimate pleaser of women, you gotta be respectful with it. Don't be a dick!" Lustie said and vanished.

I gently held her shoulder and she looked at me from her plush. Her blushes grew more and she looked anxious. "No I'm not here to get in between your legs. I approached you because I saw your dispute with your friend. I just wanna make your night better."

[Perfect Answer! Ashley's Affection rose to 79%! Succession Rate of Date: 60%!]

"Really..? Is that true?" Ashley asked.

"Yeah." I gave her a reassuring smile.

[Ashley's Affection rose to 83%! Succession Rate of Date: 78%]

She gave me a smile back, beginning to warm up to me. We walked out the Arcade and she held my hand gently. She pointed to a clothing store called E & G Paradise. Basically a clothing store famous amongst emo and gothic girls. I held her stuffed animal for her. She went to find clothes to try on. I sat on a stool and waited for her.

"Remember that time you said you weren't good at dates? You've had to have some form of experience." Lustie said.

"I played a lot of dating sims when I was around 17 years old. I guess with stuff like that dating sims seem to help." I mumbled to myself.

"Ahh I see. Is that why you become confident in your skills on dates? I can sense a huge boost of confidence within you. It's pretty attractive." Lustie smiled.

"Whatever.." I mumbled and blushed.

Ashley walked out of the dressing room. I looked at her and saw her wearing an oversized white t-shirt with one sleeve hanging off her shoulder, revealing her black bra strap. Her t-shirt was tucked into a black skirt she also wore. I averted my eyes down and saw she was wearing fishnet leggings and black combat boots.

"Wow...you're gorgeous. I mean it suits you well!" I cleared my throat.

[Ashley's Affection rose to 87%!]

"I'm getting this one then, there were others but I wanna surprise you if I ever see you around. Honestly I like to hang around the Twilight Plaza. It's a beautiful place." Ashley smiled.

"Noted." I nodded.

She walked back inside the dressing room and changed back into her normal clothing. She came back out in her long sleeve black shirt and shorts. She was also still wearing her fishnet leggings and black boots. I stood up and we walked to the counter. She placed the clothes on the counter so the store clerk could scan the clothing.

"That'll be $23.96." The male behind the counter said.

I pulled out $25 dollars and gave it to him. He put my money in the register and gave my change then handed me the bag full of clothes.

"Enjoy the rest of your night." He said.

"You too." I nodded.

Ashley and I walked out of the store, holding hands. She was happy with her items and looked at me. I looked at her and gave her a warm smile.

[Ashley's Affection rose to 100%! Succession Rate of Date: 100%!]

"Ugh where is that edge queen?" Aubrie sighed and looked impatient.

"Ahh my friend is waiting for me. I'll see you around?" She smiled and waited for an answer.

"Definitely." I responded.

"Good. Oh yeah before I forget! Here's my number." She gave me her number.

[Registered Ashley's number in Lust-E!]

"See you around!" Ashley took her items and hurried to her friend.

"Where have you been? And who's that boy you were with? What's with all that stuff?" Aubrie rose an eyebrow.

"Oh I completely forgot to ask for his name." Ashley looked back and hurried to me. "Hey, what's your name by the way?"

"My name is Shiro Moji." I responded.

"Shiro...I'll be sure to remember that name." Ashley smiled and hurried back to her friend.

[2 Dates Successfully Completed! Earned 2500 Credi!]

"Well look at you, you've completed two dates already!" Lustie smiled.

"Yeah but I'm feeling a bit tired tonight. I think I'm gonna hit the hay for the night." I yawned a bit then walked off.

"Sure thing! You deserve your rest." Lustie responded.

Day: Wednesday

Location: Home

Time: Midnight

"Man I'm beat." I flopped on my bed and buried my face into my pillow.

"Rest up, those babes aren't gonna date themselves!" Lustie smiled.

"Right..Goodnight then." I closed my eyes, sounding muffled because of my face being inside the pillow.

"G'Night!" Lustie turned off the lamp.