
First Date With My Classmate

I dejectedly walk to campus and look at the Lust-E phone. I sigh then it beeped as it found a potential date nearby. I looked at the phone again then saw a red dot on a map. I followed the path and walked onto the campus then walked to the courtyard then the dot disappeared. I looked around then saw someone beside me. It was Gloria. She was looking at the sky, lost in thought.

"Oooo! The Lust-E tracked Gloria, now this is interesting. For this one I'll help you a little. Now this girl seems to be a smart and intelligent girl, but she doesn't seem to be in the best mood. Say something dumb to cheer her up!" Lustie said then vanished.

I sat at the table Gloria was sitting at then looked at the sky. "Aye these birds are kinda dumb am I right?" I say then looked at her.

"What? No they aren't dumb." Gloria giggled a bit and looked at me. "I actually like looking at the birds fly in the sky. They are so cute."

I let out a chuckle then looked at the sky again. "So what's the most popular and beautiful girl in college doing sitting alone in this courtyard?" I ask her, not really expecting an answer.

"Popular and beautiful? No no, you've got the wrong girl." Gloria laughed a bit then nudged me a bit.

"What? Have you not looked in a mirror your whole life? You're definitely popular and beautiful." I chuckled then nudged her back.

"C'mon stop it. Besides it just feels good not getting all the attention from the boys and from the jealous girls. Despite my popularity, I really like to keep to myself a lot. Honestly you're the only guy I've talked to so far." Gloria smiled.

'I wouldn't really count asking for lead talking...then again we are talking right now.' I thought to myself then looked at her.

[Gloria's data registered into Lust-E!]

Name: Gloria Aoi

Age: 19

Species: Human

Likes: Talent, Romance

Dislikes: Lust, Luck

Favorite Food: Pineapples

Favorite Drink: Juice

'Great...she likes Talent something I don't have. Romance...I kinda suck at that also.' I frowned as I looked at the phone.

"Something wrong, Shiro?" Gloria asked.

"Hey Gloria, mind if I ask something?" I looked at her again.

"Not at all! Go ahead!" Gloria smiled.

"I heard there's a new movie out in theaters now called The Queen Who Weeps. It's a romance movie and I wanted to know if you wanted to go see it with me later tonight?" I asked, expecting rejection. After all any male who's tried to make moves on her failed so I was bound to be no different.

"Sure! You seem like a fun guy to hang out with." Gloria agreed to my request then looked back at the sky. "What time?"

"O-Oh uhm...I didn't think I'd get this far. How about 8 pm?" I asked.

"It's a date." Gloria stood up and the bells rang for everyone to go to class. "Come on, we don't wanna be late."

"Y-Yeah!" I stood up quickly.

We walked to class together and Lustie appeared beside me, still only visible to me.

"I forgot about a stat that's very crucial. That stat is called Charm. Luckily for you, your charm is pretty good since you're a good looking guy. I'll explain the rest of the dating stuff when we get home." Lustie said then vanished.

Gloria and I walked into the classroom and sat down in our assigned seats. Gloria and I looked at each other then smiled. Mark walked into the classroom and looked at me then smirked. He walked to Gloria's desk and placed his hands on her desk.

"Hey there sexy. How about you and me go out tonight." Mark said.

"And who are you?" Gloria asked.

The class watched and Mark looked bewildered. He wasn't expecting Gloria to say anything like that. He looked at me and I just simply turned my head.

"I'm Mark, you know me. Why are you acting like that? Get rid of that stank ass attitude." Mark said.

"Listen I'm not going on a date with you because I already have a date planned." Gloria said.

"With who?" Mark glared.

"Why does that matter? The people I go on dates with shouldn't concern you." Gloria answered.

"Whatever bitch." Mark walked away and sat in his seat.

"Hey don't worry about him.." I said and looked at Gloria.

"I'm okay, wouldn't be the first I rejected some douchebag." Gloria smiled at me.

The professor entered the classroom then welcomed the class and began to teach the lesson. Lustie appeared beside me.

"Talent is more than just like sports and physical abilities. It also includes intelligence and academic skills. You should be good in that since you're one of the smartest in this class." Lustie whispered then vanished.

I made sure to keep taking notes and focusing on the professor. I had to keep my intelligence up if I wanted to keep Gloria interested in me.

The bell rang signalling classes were over. We all packed our things and got up to leave the classroom. Gloria and I walked out of the classroom and stopped at the campus entrance. She gave me her number then we parted ways. I walked home and went to prepare for my upcoming date. I took out clothes to wear on the date then went to take a shower.

"Shall I explain the rest of the dating stuff now?" Lustie sat on the toilet with one leg crossed over the other, reading one of my dirty magazines.

"Yeah go ahead." I answered as I took my shower.

"It only takes five dates to please a girl and gain the ability to have sex with her. Each date will get progressively harder but if you manage your stats wisely it shouldn't be too hard." Lustie said.

"Only five? So what happens afterwards?" I ask.

"You make a bond with her to the point you can have sex with her any time you desire." Lustie answered back then flipped a page. "You can only go on one date with any girl per day but date any amount of girls a day. Just as long as you have enough energy that is."

"One date per girl everyday. Gotcha." I say then get out of the shower and see Lustie reading one of my magazines. I snatch it from her hands then toss it aside. "Also can you stop reading that?"

"Come on, there are so many babes in that magazine! I can almost see why you masturbate to them." Lustie smiled then stood up.

"Whatever." I begin to dry my body and put my clothes on. I walked out the bathroom and make sure I have everything. Once I'm set I leave the house.

Day: Tuesday

Location: Twilight Cinema

Time: 8 PM/Nighttime

I look around for Gloria, but don't see her anywhere. I sit on the bench and decide to scroll on Lust-E. I see there is a shop menu where I can buy an item using the Credi I earn from every date. I decided to buy flowers and a box appeared beside me. "Well that was quick.." I said to myself then open the box seeing the exact flowers I bought. I began to feel like I was stood up until I heard a familiar voice from the distance running to me.

"Heyyyy! Sorry I was late! The taxi kinda got lost somehow." Gloria stood in front of me and noticed the flowers in my hands. "Y-You got me flowers?"

"I thought it would be nice to get you something for our first date." I smiled and handed her the flowers.

She happily took the flowers from my hands then sat beside me and blushed softly. "How romantic...luckily for you I love things romantic." Gloria smiled.

[Gloria's Affection rose to 67%! Succession Rate of Date: 71%]

"Keep it up you little Romeo!" Lustie smiled then vanished.

"I got a question." I said.

"Whatcha wanna know?" Gloria looked at me.

"When is your birthday?" I asked.

"My birthday? It's December 19th." Gloria answered.

[Learned Gloria's birthday!]

"How about we get something to eat? The movie doesn't start for another 30 minutes." I suggested then stood up.

"Sure! Let's go!" Gloria smiled then held my hand.

Gloria and I went to the nearest restaurant that was a few blocks away from the movie theater. The restaurant was called the Twilight Eatery. We went inside and had our first dinner date there.

[Gloria enjoyed the food! Gloria's Affection rose to 89%! Succession Rate of Date: 92%]

We walked back to the movie theater and went inside to go watch the movie that started five minutes after we got done eating. We sat in the middle area and began to watch the movie.

2 hours later...

"Therefore my King...I shall weep for you. My first and last tears are for you..."

"Still a better love story than fucking Twilight." Lustie said then sighed.

Gloria sniffled and wiped her eyes. I looked at her and wiped her tears for her. She looked at me then smiled.

"I really loved the movie.." Gloria smiled.

[Gloria enjoyed the movie! Gloria's Affection rose to 100%! Succession Rate of Date: 100%!]

"I'm glad.." I smiled then the lights came back on.

Gloria and I got up to leave the theater then we stopped in front of a taxi.

"Thank you for this date...I really appreciated this." Gloria smiled. "See you tomorrow."

"Yeah." I smiled back.

Gloria got into the taxi and the taxi drove off. I watched the taxi and my Lust-E beeped.

"Oh shit! A baddie nearby! We gotta get shit poppin! Are you up for it?" Lustie asked.

"Yeah I have enough energy. Let's get going." I said, feeling a lot more confident in myself then smiled at Lustie.

"Great! Now let's go!" Lustie said excitedly.

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