

This story is about a world where the Destiny of the people decides a flower. Capital of Flower kingdom is located 400 km away from Destiny Garden. A huge garden that called- DESTINY GARDEN There are millions of flower plants in Destiny Garden and there are crores of buds on them and when a 15-year-old young man approaches those buds for the first and last time, then the buds blossom and become flowers. The item comes out for that young person, the same item is called Destiny of that 15 year old youth, that's why people call the flower DESTINY FLOWER.

hinglish · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


Tanzo shows Ichika's severed head from bag to Tanzo and Ron.

Ron is horrified at seeing Ichika's severed head. Ron starts screaming loudly and Tanzo feels a huge shock seeing this. Tanzo stops crying, completely silenced.

2 soldiers try to silence Ron but Ron is not silent, Ron is screaming loudly. Soldiers are constantly kicking and kicking Ron but Ron's voice is not stopping then Magic Knight Tells Ron.

Magic Knight: "Hearing your scream, my ears are hurtling."

Saying this, Magic Knight goes to Ron and cuts his tongue, Ron is in pain and Tanzo is sitting in front of him looking at it all like a statue.

Magic Knight turns to Tanzo, grabs his hair and hits his head on the ground and asks him while showing Ichika's severed head.

Magic Knight: "Do you know him?"

Tanzo stands like a statue and gives no response to Magic Knight.

Magic Knight slaps two times with his full force on Tanzo's cheek,the fingerprints of Magic Knight's hands are printed on Tanzo's cheeks, Magic Knight again asks Tanzo, showing Ichika's severed head.

Magic Knight: "Do you Know this severed head?"

Tanzo remains silent like a statue and does not respond to Magic Knight.

Magic Knight kicks 4-5 times with his full force on Tanzo's stomach, Tanzo starts bleeding from the mouth, Magic Knight asks Tanzo again showing Ichika's severed head.

Magic Knight: "Do you know about him?"

Tanzo remains silent like a fetish and does not respond to Magic Knight.

Angry at Tanzo, Magic Knight kicks another time causing Tanzo to jump 5 feet high and hit the wall of a house and fall to the ground.

Magic Knight orders his Knights to kill Tanzo and Ron and leaves himself first.

After Magic Knight departed.

A soldier turns to Tanzo and grabs Tanzo's hair and brings him to the middle of the house. He slams Tanzo's on the ground. The soldier takes out his sword raises to slaughter Tanzo's head then suddenly an arrow crosses the soldiers chest and the soldier dies at the same time.

A knight wearing a blue shining armor with a shining blue spear in which the diamond tip remains, stands in front of Tanzo and begins to protect Tanzo by killing the soldiers attacking Tanzo.

A knight stands on a terrace far away. He is wearing a green armor, armor shining more than silver, he is looking at Tanzo from afar, Tanzo is clearly visible in his glowing eyes, it is Showing his ability to be able look very far away like an Eagle, he takes out a green bow that is shining like his armor, he pulls the bow towards Tanzo, only then a flying green book comes from behind him. He opens the book and he cast one spell from the shining book and the book starts to glow, an arrow arrives in her taut bow. He makes it move towards Tanzo. This arrow shoots on the ground near Tanzo and in that arrow smoke starts coming out and in a moment the whole area becomes blurry by smoke.