

This story is about a world where the Destiny of the people decides a flower. Capital of Flower kingdom is located 400 km away from Destiny Garden. A huge garden that called- DESTINY GARDEN There are millions of flower plants in Destiny Garden and there are crores of buds on them and when a 15-year-old young man approaches those buds for the first and last time, then the buds blossom and become flowers. The item comes out for that young person, the same item is called Destiny of that 15 year old youth, that's why people call the flower DESTINY FLOWER.

hinglish · Fantasy
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10 Chs

"Village Of Corpses"

Tanzo is about to reach his village after a long journey with Ron, Tanzo is very happy today as he is going to meet his Mamma and Papa after 2 months and 10 days, he is thinking to surprise them.

Tanzo: "I will quickly go home and surprise Mamma and papa."

As Tanzo enters inside his village, Tanzo sees a different scene in front of him, seeing this scene he feels terrified, all of Tanzo's dreams have been broken, tears start coming out of Tanzo's eyes, this scene is a very horrifying scene, All the houses in the village have been burnt, the corpses of half-burnt village people are lying on the way, the ashes of the people are flying in the air, the eagle and crows are eating the mass of the corpses of the village people, this is such a terrible scene, seeing this cruel to cruel person will also bring tears.

As Tanzo manages to behold himself,he quickly starts running to his home.

Half burnt corpses of the people of the village are lying on the way to his home, keeping himself to avoid from placing his foot on the corpses. Tanzo is running towards his house. Ron is following behind Tanzo.

With Tanzo thinking only one thing in his mind, Tanzo is running towards his house, tears are dripping from Tanzo's eyes and thre was only one thing on his tongue.

"All is well at home, all is well at home, all is well at home, Mamma and papa are fine, nothing can happen to them."

Tanzo is completely drenched with sweat, Tanzo finally rushes to his home, Tanzo's house is badly burned and Tanzo's Mamma and Papa's corpse hangs on the door, they are looking as if that Tanzo's Mamma and papa are set on fire like this, Tanzo breaks down completely, Ron hugs Tanzo tightly and Tanzo starts crying out loud.

Suddenly there is a loud laugh from somewhere. The voice slowly comes closer, from behind Tanzo's house a Magic Knight wearing Silver armor comes out, a cookie of soldiers from different sides to Tanzo and Ron It is surrounded by all four sides and 4 of them are Knight.

(Knight gets a shining weapon and Magic Knight is the most powerful knight, chosen by Destiny Flower with a book and a silver shining weapon,)

The soldiers take Ron by dragging him from Tanzo and tie him to a pole, and Magic Knight goes and holds Tanzo's hair and raises his face and asks a soldier.

(The soldier is the same soldier who let them go from Destiny Garden after searching Tanzo, Ron and all three)

Magic Knight: "He was with that boy?"

Soldier: "Yes, he was with that boy."

Magic Knight asks the soldiers to search Tanzo.

The soldiers search Tanzo, except for a small glowing plow, nothing is found.

Magic Knight goes to Ron, grabs her hair, lifts his face up and asks the soldier.

Magic Knight: "Was he with him too?"

The soldier nods his head and says "yes"

Magic Knight asks the soldiers to search Ron.

The soldiers search Ron, and find nothing but a scale.

Magic Knight makes some gestures while looking at a knight standing nearby, Knight leaves and brings a small bag.

Magic Knight says staring at knight in front of Tanzo and Ron, standing in front with the bag.

Magic Knight: "Do you know him?"

Knight shows Ichika's severed head from the bag.