
Destiny A Love (English Version)

"Suyeon-a, looks like Baekyeon likes you." Sejong said after catching Baekyeon who was secretly watching Suyeon. "After all, who doesn't like you, Sean likes you. Ahh, I don't think Baekyeon will win against Sean in getting your heart." Sejong continued. elsewhere Daejong laughed at his best friend when he was caught watching Suyeon, "You'd better express your feelings to Suyeon, Baek. I know you've always liked Suyeon, right?" baekyeon who was suppressing his embarrassment turned his head, "What are you talking about, after all who likes Suyeon. I'm just amazed by her beauty and intelligence." Daejong shook his head hearing Baekyeon's answer, "Never mind, you don't need to hide it from me. if you want I can help you to get close to Suyeon." Since then Baekyeon started close to Suyeon, e Baekyeon really believed that Suyeon was a good girl even though many said Suyeon was arrogant. but Baekyeon did not find the arrogant nature that is in Suyeon while with him. I don't know, maybe it's just the words of those who don't like Suyeon. Baekyeon and Suyeon are good friends, it's not uncommon for Baekyeon to visit Suyeon's house with the excuse of studying together. starting from there, Suyeon's father named Siwun was moved to find out which boy was close to Suyeon. "Please find out information about that child named Baekyeon, I feel like I've seen that child before. I don't want Suyeon to be friends with a man whose origins are unclear." Siwun said to someone on the phone. "I'm sure Junmyeon's wife and children still live in this city, but why can't I find their whereabouts. surely Junmyeon's child is now an adult, I don't want with that child everything that I have built so far just disappears." siwun saw Baekyeon playing with Enu (his second child) from his car window, "And why does that child's face remind me of Junmyeon, or could that child be Junmyeon's son I've been looking for?" Actually, what is the relationship between Siwun and Junmyeon (Baekyeon's father)? Why did Siwun want to find out the whereabouts of Baekyeon and his mother? And what about Suyeon and Baekyeon's love story, will their love story run smoothly or not? Let's find out the answer by reading their love story here..

Leebita · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Cold Attitude Suyeon


Someone opened the classroom door so loudly and without knocking first that everyone in the class was shocked and stared at that person.


Suyeon walked very casually to his seat and ignored Lim Saem's deafening screams.

"CHOI SUYEON!" Lim Saem shouted again making Suyeon forced to turn her head towards Lim Saem who was staring at her fiercely.

"You were late for my class for 20 minutes, come forward and do the questions on the blackboard. Baekyeon you may sit back." Lim Saem took the marker that Baekyeon was using and gave it to Suyeon.

"B-but Saem, didn't Saem tell me to do it?"

"Yes but now you sit down let Suyeon do it."

Baekhyun was forced to return to his seat.

"Choi Suyeon stepped forward."

Without speaking anything Suyeon stepped forward and worked on the questions written by Lim saem, finished working on the questions Suyeon returned to her seat without a word coming out of her thin lips.

Her classmates, including Lim Saem, were astonished by Suyeon's answers, how could the answers written by Suyeon be so detailed, even though every lesson the girl rarely listened to, the girl often slept in class during class.

"Ehmm applause for Choi Suyeon." They all clapped for Suyeon.

"Okay, let's move on to the next material.

Teaching and learning activities are running as they should and look very conducive.

Apart from that, we can also see Baekyeon stealing glances at Suyeon who is picking up her dream that was postponed last night.

Baekyeon is often caught stealing glances at Suyeon by Suyeon's friend Tera.

Even though he was caught several times, Baekyeon did not stop doing it.

"Okay, for group work I form two members and after I write your names on the blackboard you can immediately join your respective group mates. There are still 20 minutes left before class ends so use the remaining time from this lesson to discuss your group work."

After saying that, Lim Saem was seen smiling crookedly as he stared at Suyeon who was sleeping soundly.

I don't know what the handsome teacher is planning to make him smile crookedly at Suyeon.

Baekyeon watched every name written by his teacher on the board, he hoped to be in the same group as Daejong but that hope was dashed when he saw that Daejong's name turned out to be in the same group wit Yena.

Baekyeon might have given up if he had to be grouped with his other friends, his eyes were directed to look at the blackboard when Lim saem wrote his name.


What's this feeling, Baekyeon was very happy when he was in a group with Choi Suyeon, the girl of his heart's desire.

Even his classmates seemed surprised to see Baekyeon and Suyeon being a group for the first time, remembering that Baekyeon and Suyeon had never spoken to each other before.

Likewise with Daejong, he didn't expect that his best friend could be in the same group with Suyeon.

"Ekhem congratulations, Baek." Daejong said while kicking Baekyeon's chair from behind, and Baekyeon just smiled to hide his happiness.

Baekhyun looked at Suyeon who was still fast asleep, his smile grew wider when he saw how beautiful Suyeon's innocent face was when she slept, so different from her face when she woke up.

"Okay children, while waiting for class to finish, please discuss with your group mates." Lim Saem sat in the teacher's chair again while waiting for the class change bell to ring.

They all stared at Baekyeon who never approached Suyeon's seat, because only the two of them were left who had not joined their group mates.

With nervous Baekyeon ventured to sit beside Suyeon.

Her class mates seemed to support Baekyeon so he dared to interact with Suyeon, it turned out that her class mates didn't care about her like what Baekyeon thought all this time.

"S-suyeon-ssi." Baekyeon ventured to call Suyeon's name very softly.

Baekyeon was getting nervous because the two of them were being watched by their classmates like theater performers at a school art event.

"Baekyeon, shake Suyeon's arm so she wakes up soon." Sejung told Baekyeon.

"S-suyeon-ssi." Because of encouragement from Sejung, Baekyeon finally ventured to touch Suyeon's arm which was used as a pillow by the girl.

"Ugh." The girl's groan scared Baekyeon because he dared to disturb Choi Suyeon's deep sleep.

"Suyeon-ssi." Call Baekhyun again.

Suyeon opened her eyes slowly, "You?!" She shouted when he saw Baekyeon near him.

The beautiful girl stared intently at Baekyeon then returned the gazes of her friends who were looking at her collar.

"What are you doing here?!" Suyeon looked angrily at Baekyeon who sat beside her right.

"Ehm... Lim Saem gave a group assignment and we happened to be in the same group." answered Baekyeon.

"What?! I'm in the same group with you?" Suyeon pointed at Baekyeon and the man nodded his head.

"No, no! You better go, you've disturbed my sleep!"

Baekyeon just looked down not daring to answer Suyeon's words.

"Get out of my sight!" Suyeon's loud voice made Lim Saem direct his gaze to Suyeon's seat.

"Suyeon-a, can you shut up. This class isn't a forest." said Lim Saem.

"Saem! Doesn't anyone want to be in a group with me besides him?" Suyeon asked, pointing at Baekyeon.

Seen Lim saem sighed and then stood up from his seat.

"I deliberately chose Baekyeon to be in a group with you, isn't it very lucky to be in a group with the smartest students in this school?" Lim saem replied casually.

"I don't care, I don't want to be in a group with him. I want you to change my group of friends!"

'Hate that Suyeon with me?' Baekyeon thought

"What right do you have to control my decisions." Lim Saem leaned his body against the wall and stared intently at Suyeon.

"Anyway, I don't want to know. I don't want to be in a group with him. Saem has to change my group mates!" Suyeon stared at Lim Saem no less sharply.

"Whatever you say. If you want me to give you a zero mark in my subject, then don't do my assignment." Lim Saem said while leaving the class because class time was over.


After arguing with Lim Saem, Suyeon was finally forced to accept Baekyeon as a groupmate.

After school, Baekyeon was seen still waiting for Suyeon in front of the class because the girl was usually the last to leave class.

"Suyeon-ssi." Call Baekyeon when Suyeon left her class.

The beautiful girl looked at Baekyeon with a cold gaze

'What else is this person up to?' Suyeon thought.

"When will we do group assignments together, if tomorrow I will borrow the book at the library."

"Why do you have to borrow a book?" asked Suyeon without looking at Baekyeon.

"I didn't have enough money to buy the book so I had to borrow it from the library." answered Baekyeon.

"Then come to my house, we do the task at my house and you don't need to borrow the book because I have the book.

Suyeon stared lazily at Baekyeon who was seen smiling.

It looks very strange in the eyes of Suyeon.

"Can I come to your house?" asked Baekyeon again carefully to make sure if Suyeon told him to come was true.

"I really don't like repeating what I said and I'm sure your ears aren't deaf so you can still hear what I said earlier."

Suyeon sighed, "Just so you know I want to quickly finish this group task with you, because I really don't like seeing your weird face."

Baekyeon looks happy to hear Suyeon's words, this is the longest sentence Suyeon has ever said to him.

Even though Suyeon's words sounded very painful but Baekyeon was happy to hear it.

"You freak." Suyeon left Baekyeon who was still smiling.


After school, Suyeon asked Uncle Lee to take her to a place she had frequented for 3 years.

As usual Suyeon did not say what place he visited but certainly after that place, uncle Lee could see Suyeon smiling even though it was only a faint smile but it had made Uncle Lee happy.

"Miss, exactly what place did you visit all this timewhy did you not allow uncle to take you to your destination?" Uncle Lee asked, looking around the place where he always dropped Suyeon.

Naturally Uncle Lee was suspicious because the place where he dropped Suyeon was a small alley and the atmosphere there looked very quiet, it made Uncle Lee worry about Suyeon.

"Uncle will pick me up here at 7 pm, after this uncle can go home." Suyeon said while getting out of his car.

Uncle Lee was sure that his question would not get an answer from Suyeon, but he was already used to the attitude of his employer's son.

"Okay miss, be careful. If anything happens, call me immediately."

After Uncle Lee left, Suyeon stepped into a small alley and entered a house that was quite spacious and looked very comfortable to live in.

to be continued...