
Destined To Love Only You

Having met Anisha more than a decade ago, Dylan never had a chance to express his feelings to her; and due to hidden acts by a person close to him, Dylan lost the girl. He tries in vain to find her; until one day, under unfavourable conditions, they meet again. While they are both fighting for their lives, without knowing whether or not they will see the light of the next day, they also try to get to know each other well, as their hearts fall in love. Coming from totally different worlds, the two have to fight all the obstacles that come their way. When Dylan is forced from all angles to leave the woman of his dreams, he finds himself caught in a corner between pleasing the people that he loves dearly, and keeping the love of his heart. He almost loses her again more than once, but sometimes destiny has an answer to the battles of the heart.

Ethel_Manyeruke · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
199 Chs



When Ciera and Arianna came to see me, I was about to fall asleep, because I was very tired. Between work and planning something special for Anisha's return, I felt really exhausted. I had one wing of my house re-painted and re-organised. In it, I brought in a lot of new furniture. I also went on to buy a piano; it was for the woman of my life. I wanted her to feel at home. Although she had stated multiple times that she was uncomfortable staying in my house, I really did not mind it. I wanted to give her space, so that once she had a full wing to herself, if she felt like locking herself there, she could, without anyone questioning her.

Ciera entered into my lounge and looked around before she threw herself on the sofa.

"This wedding is draining me," she complained.

"But you aren't doing anything! That wedding coordinator is practically doing everything!" Arianna said.

"Yah, true, but then; she consults me on some staff."

"Pay her enough to not consult you." Arianna laughed.

"You don't get it Arianna. No matter how much I pay her, she can't know my personal taste," Ciera protested.

I offered them some sliced fruits which Mrs Silva had brought into the room.

"Ciera, I need to know one thing," I started in a serious tone. "Is Anisha invited to your wedding?"

There was an awkward silence. Ciera, who was about to bite into a mango slice when I asked the question, slowly brought down the slice and placed it neatly back in the plate. She looked at me and said nothing.

"Ciera, I am your brother. You can be honest with me. I know you want the event to be strictly private, so it would be unfair for me to just drag Anisha along, so tell me what you want. You're the bride."

Ciera looked at Arianna, and then back at me. She put the fruit plate on the table and pushed it slightly away from her.

"I don't know", she shrugged her shoulders.

I felt my heart sinking in pain. I sat next to her and started to say, "Ciera, I will not force you to invite Anisha, but allow me to tell you this: Anisha is the girl I love, and one day she will become a member of our family. I don't know what mum has told you, or what she could have said about Anisha, but…"

"Just leave mum out of this!" Ciera snapped.

Arianna let out a mocking laugh and pouted her mouth at her sister with; "we all know that mum hates Anisha!"

"Hates? You said she hates her? Isn't the word 'hate' too strong? Mum simply wants what is best for us! She stated her reasons." Ciera defended our mother.

"What reasons?" Arianna's tone full of mockery.

"Go ask mum" Ciera refused to say anything more.

I shook my head and clarified to Ciera, "I understand. She is not invited. She won't attend the wedding."

"I didn't say that. I only said I don't know." Ciera defended herself.

"Then who knows? Who knows, Ciera? Are you not the one getting married?" Arianna threw in some questions.

"I am! But it's not all up to me! I have parents, and parents-in-law. There is Keith Junior of course. I can't be making decisions on my own!" Ciera spoke.

Arianna burst out laughing before she said, "if you can't make such a simple decision…I mean if you wait for that whole group of people to tell you whether or not to invite your own brother's wife…"

"She is not his wife!" Ciera snapped angrily.

"She will soon be!" Arianna shouted.

"Yeah but now she is not!" Ciera pouted.

"Whatever! Friend...girlfriend…wife…or whatever she is; the simple question if will you include her on your guest list?" Arianna refused to let the matter rest.

Ciera stood to her feet and grabbed her bag. "I won't stand to be insulted by you Arianna. This is my wedding, and besides, Dylan was talking to me, not to you! Why would you be involved in our matters?" Ciera did not give Arianna a chance to say anything. Instead, she stormed out of the room and the door closed with a loud thud behind her.

Arianna stared at me and laughed. "There goes my transport. Now how will I get back to my parents' home?"

"Don't worry, there are many cars here." I comforted her.

"I hate driving at night!" Arianna complained.

"I will drive you," I assured her.

I pulled Arianna by the hand and made her sit next to me. "Thank you for always standing by me." I told her with all my heart.

"You're my favourite brother," Arianna smiled.

"I'm your only brother," I corrected her with a smile.

"More reason to love you", she said.

Arianna munched on her fruits joyfully. She ate them all, except for the pineapple pieces which she carefully selected and left then untouched in the plate.

"You didn't eat your pineapples," I commented.

"I don't like their smell."

"Since when? The Arianna that I know has always been a huge pineapple lover."

"Not anymore! Take me home now, please!" Arianna quickly changed the subject.

I picked some car keys and led her out. She spoke a lot on the way. She told me a lot of stories about her personal life, her education, how tough some days were, and she would not stop for any reason.

"Is there a man in your life now?" I interjected.

Arianna opened her mouth wide, and then laughed.

"No. Or rather…maybe. I don't know."

"Tell me about him," I insisted.

"I can't. I will tell you one day, when we're both ready.

"Do I know him?" I asked, curiosity getting me.

"I won't say anything more. One day I will introduce him to you."

"Which family is he from? I mean, if he is not from one of the families that mum values, then be prepared to be in the same boat as me."

Both of us laughed, and Arianna, evidently unwilling to go any deeper concerning the new love of her life, immediately changed the subject.