

"Don't you just look so ravishing?" With a smile on her face, she teased the young ger. "Y-you……………" With a hot face, the young ger failed to say anything as he glanced at the shameless fermar who happened to be his partner. "Can't you see that he is so shy, Lord husband?" A melodious female voice joined in with a giggle, then others joined in. "We should let the youngest feel comfortable otherwise he will run away before the honeymoon phase comes to an end!" "Do you think that after receiving **** from our Lord husband, any one of us will just pack up and leave?" The room was filled with laughing, the peace was palpable, and even the young ger who had just been teased felt at ease. Who can escape the grips of Alita, a foxy, sneaky fermar? Growing up in a new world, a new era where things were not the same as they were before. The intergalactic age began after the apocalypse that devastated the planet and reduced it to ashes. Growing up on a little star just big enough to be a city, Alita had a grandiose goal to go and live on Eartha, the new Earth after the catastrophe, marry a lot of wives, have a stadium full of kids, and most importantly, let her family live comfortably. And the opportunity to make that dream true was given to her when she finally …..... Read the book to find out more....

GEEGEE · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
232 Chs


Alita didn't leave as she had thought, with Noreen's great hospitality and Damari's enthusiasm, Alita stayed in Emerald village for a couple of days. And in those days, she got to see the beauty of this hidden village that truly astounded her.

Even though it was a mere village, the villagers were very much united and they were very rich. In the days that she had been in the village she saw numerous foreign traders coming and leaving.

This village made so much money that Alita just couldn't fathom what was going on there. She truly admired this village this lot and its fortunate situation. As much as it was nice living in this village, her family wasn't here.

King Murray had four wives and numerous concubines. He has a total of twenty children and just like any monarchy, the children from the legal wives were legitimate and enjoyed more benefits than the children born from the concubines.