

"Don't you just look so ravishing?" With a smile on her face, she teased the young ger. "Y-you……………" With a hot face, the young ger failed to say anything as he glanced at the shameless fermar who happened to be his partner. "Can't you see that he is so shy, Lord husband?" A melodious female voice joined in with a giggle, then others joined in. "We should let the youngest feel comfortable otherwise he will run away before the honeymoon phase comes to an end!" "Do you think that after receiving **** from our Lord husband, any one of us will just pack up and leave?" The room was filled with laughing, the peace was palpable, and even the young ger who had just been teased felt at ease. Who can escape the grips of Alita, a foxy, sneaky fermar? Growing up in a new world, a new era where things were not the same as they were before. The intergalactic age began after the apocalypse that devastated the planet and reduced it to ashes. Growing up on a little star just big enough to be a city, Alita had a grandiose goal to go and live on Eartha, the new Earth after the catastrophe, marry a lot of wives, have a stadium full of kids, and most importantly, let her family live comfortably. And the opportunity to make that dream true was given to her when she finally …..... Read the book to find out more....

GEEGEE · Urban
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232 Chs


Alita had insomnia and didn't sleep well and this really bothered her a lot. She tried cultivating but that didn't help at all. In the end, she was forced to think about the problem and find a solution to it.

Alita had never been a person to give up easily and this was the first time in years that she wanted someone. When she married Sanyah, it wasn't because of the child she was carrying only but Alita found Sanyah very interesting.

Sanyah really loves her and that is something that she sees from her daily, Sanyah is very interesting and even though their first time was not convenient, Alita enjoyed that night greatly.

As for Taera, it started as a business relationship but the more she got to know her, Alita was entranced by her and began their sexual relationship. Of course, she felt bad for Sanyah as she started this when Sanyah just had the baby.

She just couldn't stop, having Taera as a mistress or a lover wasn't something she wanted to keep on doing. Taera is a good woman and Alita didn't marry her and make her another wife.

It is just that Taera didn't want to marry again as she was once married before and it didn't work out well. Taera has two children and the oldest is eighteen years old while the youngest is fifteen.

Since Taera didn't want to have an official position, Alita will just keep on doing what she was doing before but this wasn't going to stop her from getting together with other people.

Alita's heart wasn't small to hold only one or two people, she had always made her point that she wanted to have many spouses. And after many years she had not taken any lover, so her having Damari in her eyes was good for her at least.

She had been trying her best to ignore her feelings simply because of Damari's father's behavior but at the end of the day, Alita won't be with the father but Damari himself.

And if she cowers like a coward and shows an attitude, won't she lose this opportunity of having a beautiful ger that she really likes?

Alita was able to sort out all her feelings by the time the sun rises. She took a shower and dressed up before going outside to bask in some sunlight. The maids were already cleaning the place, so she took a walk.

As she was walking, she came across a maid wearing a uniform different from the ones cleaning and she just assumed that the maid was of a higher status. The maid greeted her politely and told her that the third queen was looking for her.

Alita followed the maid since she was curious to see who this third queen was. She just hoped that she will not be seeing too many of them as she didn't want to be looked at like some circus clown.

Alita arrived at the third queen villa and it looked very vibrant from one look. She was welcomed warmly and this made her feel at ease. After entering inside she saw the third queen who was dressed simply but she looked very beautiful.

With one glance the identity of this third queen was revealed to her. She just looked exactly like Damari, so now Alita knew that she was meeting her future mother-in-law and she was just heavenly to look at, not that she was lusting after her.

At the same time, Noreen was busy checking after Alita and the fermar looked very humble, something that really made Noreen happy. She didn't want her ger to be with someone with an oversized ego and doggy eyes.

"I am sorry for dragging you all the way here so early in the morning but I just couldn't help myself, Damari had been telling me good things about you and it got me curious," Noreen went straight to the point as she didn't want to make Alita feel uncomfortable with her presence.

Alita was liking this woman especially since she was Damari's mother, "it's okay. I am just happy to hear that he has been saying good things about me."

"I guess by now you should know that I am his mother and I have a few questions that I would like to ask you. I hope that you don't mind!"

The woman was a straightforward person and Alita who was feeling a bit hungry felt grateful for this. If she answers the questions Noreen has then they will eat after that. Won't her morning problems be solved?

"Just fire away, I will do my best to answer you."

Noreen nodded with satisfaction when she heard this honest response so she didn't show mercy and began to fire the questions straight away.

"What do you think about Damari?"

Alita didn't need to think much about the answer as she knew herself just how she feels about Damari, "I will be honest with you, I really like Damari a lot. From the second I set my eyes on him, I knew that I had to have him right there. You gave birth to a good child, ma'am."

Noreen felt as if someone was busy brushing her fur in a good way and she was happy to hear those praises coming out of the fermar's mouth.

"I appreciate your honest but Alita, are you worthy of him?"

This question sounded a bit rude but coming out of the mother's mouth, Alita could only calm herself down and find an answer that can satisfy the third queen.

"I believe that I am worthy of him, my family's wealth is not to par with yours but I believe that with what I have and what I will have in the future, I can take care of not just Damari but my whole family. I am a very ambitious family and I ................."

Alita forgot the last time she had to make a pitch to sell herself like this but she just hated being asked if she was worthy of Damari. Did they even know that she was a cultivator and the stuff she has on her were worth a lot and many people will kill for them?

Noreen listened attentively as Alita explained herself and even though the fermar wasn't rich like her family, at least she was honest and her feelings were genuine. And the most important fact was how her ger son loses the other.

And Noreen wasn't going to be the knife that cut off Damari's happiness. The two chatted for a while before breakfast was served. Alita didn't shy away from having her food as that didn't suit her style at all.

When breakfast was done, Alita was free to go and she used her free time to check out the village and met up with Damari who was all shy. Being with Damari again, made her feel very warm.

She couldn't wait to conquer him and make him have her in his mind for a long time.