
Destined to be Supreme God: Dual Cultivation

[Warning: Mature Content, R18] ~~~~~~~~ Dai Tao is the martial arts expert in Beijing, and after he died, his soul got Transmigrated in 13 years old young boy Named Xu Fang's body (Single son of the Emperor). Then his new Journey on different planet started. ~~~~~~~ "I didn't die?" The realization struck him, and a cascade of questions flooded his mind. "Oh wait, the big question is where am I?" "What?" "What the f**k." A burst of laughter escaped him as he beheld his reflection, realizing that the old man had metamorphosed into a 13-year-old child. ~~~~~~~ "Where am I?" I said in a low voice. A few minutes later when I sleep, I feel something is not right and open my eyes then look around, and see a boundless blue sea with nothing in my surroundings. "This is a dream?" "Hello, how are you?" I heard a sweet tone of female. "Who?" I asked back when I heard that voice. "Who are you?" "My name is Yuan Shuren and you already know me as the Goddess of Light and Wisdom." ~~~~~~~ The narrative takes a profound turn as Dual Cultivation becomes the cornerstone of his journey, marked by glimpses into realms both serene and tempestuous. The pivotal moment arrives when he inherits the legacy of the Supreme God of Flames, bestowing upon him control over all Heavenly Fires. ~~~~~~~~ "Destined to be Supreme God: Dual Cultivation" is a saga that transcends worlds, where the essence of Qi binds reality, and the Xu Fang's evolution is intertwined with the cosmic forces. Join this odyssey of self-discovery, where the Heavenly Flames of destiny burn bright, and the path of Dual Cultivation leads to realms unseen. ~~~~~~~~ Note: Art is not mine. Source: Generated by AI and Edit and Title added by me. ~~~~~~~~

Master_AD · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
88 Chs

76- When did you become my wife?

In the family room of Xu Fang's mansion within the LOG treasure, Xu Fang and his mother, Zheng Yu, sat on the couch. Xu Fang had just shared secrets with her, knowing she had imprinted her soul with his Qi and could enter the LOG treasure to hear his secrets.

"Mother, now tell me the names you have in mind," Xu Fang requested, a playful smile tugging at his lips.

"You don't need anyone right now since you already have three partners in the same realm as mine, and I don't think I can suggest anyone better than them," Zheng Yu replied with a smile.

"Mother, that's not fair. You mentioned earlier that you had some names in mind. Please, even if it's just one name, tell me," Xu Fang insisted, his tone serious.

'What I told him... now I need to talk with the other sisters to see if someone is ready to become his partner,' Zheng Yu thought to herself.

"Xu Fang, I need some time to talk with them. If they're ready, then I'll let you know," Zheng Yu said, her voice tinged with hesitation.

'Hahaha... the names you have in your mind, they're already my wives,' Xu Fang chuckled in his mind.

"Mother, tell me, what if they aren't ready to become my partners?" Xu Fang asked, his expression serious.

"Xu Fang, I'm sure one of them is ready to become your partner," Zheng Yu replied, her expression equally serious.

"Mother, I'm asking you, what if they aren't ready?" Xu Fang pressed, his tone unwavering.

'What I told him, he's very stubborn,' Zheng Yu thought to herself.

"Then I... I'll become your partner," Zheng Yu said, her voice filled with hesitation. She closed her eyes in embarrassment, a blush creeping onto her face.

'I didn't think she would easily fall into my lap,' Xu thought to himself.

"Mother? You have no idea what you just said," Xu Fang exclaimed, his expression one of shock, curiosity evident in his tone.

"Xu Fang, listen to me first. I'm not married, and considering your mental age, you're older than me. Furthermore, when you woke up from your illness a year ago, you became a different person, someone I didn't recognize because you had changed a lot.

Now that I understand why you changed and why you need someone to assist with your cultivation, I believe I'm a better choice than the random cultivators you've chosen as partners," Zheng Yu explained, her expression serious.

"Mother, are you serious? You're my blood-related mother. Have you considered what Elder Sister Min and others would say if they found out?" Xu Fang asked Zheng Yu, his expression equally serious.

"Xu Fang, leave Min Er and the others to me. I'll explain everything. Once they understand your path to enlightenment, they'll see things as I do," Zheng Yu said, a gentle smile gracing her lips.

"But, Mom, accepting you as my partner isn't something I can rush. I need time, and I owe it to my wives to talk to them," Xu Fang replied, returning her smile.

"I understand, Xu Fang. This transition isn't easy for either of us. Let's spend more time together, not just as mother and son, but as friends," Zheng Yu suggested warmly.

"So, what should I call you now, Mom?" Xu Fang teased a playful glint in his eyes.

"You can call me whatever feels right to you," Zheng Yu answered, returning his smile.

"In that case, as a friend, I'll call you Zheng Yu when it's just the two of us," Xu Fang decided, a charming smile lighting up his face as Zheng Yu nodded in agreement.

'And if you want, you can even call me wife,' Zheng Yu thought to herself.

"Then let me show you to your room," Xu Fang said, rising from the couch with a smile and walking towards the four rooms on the ground floor.

"You can use this room whenever you're here to rest," Xu Fang gestured to one of the four rooms on the ground floor.

"It's a lovely room, Xu Fang. Are the other three rooms for your partners?" Zheng Yu inquired, a curious smile playing on her lips as she entered the bedroom and looked at the luxurious bedroom.

"Yes, those rooms are already designated for my three partners," Xu Fang confirmed, a smile adorning his face.

"Xu Fang, could you tell me more about them? Your path of cultivation seems quite unconventional," Zheng Yu asked, her expression serious.

"Zheng Yu, I understand that the concept may be surprising. Let's return to the family room and discuss this in more comfortable surroundings," Xu Fang suggested warmly, offering her a smile.

Xu Fang led her through the halls of the LOG treasure, finally arriving at the family room, where they settled onto the couch.

"Zheng Yu, let's clarify something first. Being a wife and a partner are different in my world. A woman who chooses to be with me becomes my wife. But when we engage in Dual Cultivation, she also becomes my partner," Xu Fang explained earnestly, prompting a nod from Zheng Yu. He then proceeded to introduce his wives.

"My first wife, and also my first partner, is Xiu Er."

"Xiu Er? Do you mean Sister Xiu? Long Xiu?" Zheng Yu's eyes widened in astonishment.

"Hahaha... Your reaction doesn't disappoint," Xu Fang chuckled.

"Xu Fang, are you telling me the truth?" Zheng Yu's curiosity tinged her tone.

"Do I look like I'm kidding? If I wanted, I could summon her here," Xu Fang replied seriously.

"I believe you, Xu Fang, but it's surprising because she never mentioned anything about it," Zheng Yu said earnestly.

"It's not her fault. I asked her not to disclose it to others," Xu Fang explained somberly.

"Xu Fang, tell me about the other two," Zheng Yu pressed with curiosity.

"That's enough for now. You'll meet the others later, by yourself, after dinner. And it's not just two; there are five," Xu Fang revealed with a smile.

"Five? But earlier, you said you had three partners," Zheng Yu remarked, her curiosity piqued.

"Exactly. The other three are my wives, but we haven't engaged in Dual Cultivation, so they're not my partners yet," Xu Fang explained, flashing a smile.

"Xu Fang, you're quite the playboy," Zheng Yu teased, a playful smile on her face.

"What did you say? I'm not a playboy," Xu Fang retorted with a serious tone in his voice.

"Xu Fang, you're 14 and already have six wives. You can't deny being a playboy," Zheng Yu teased, her smile widening.

"We've just become friends, and you're already teasing me?" Xu Fang grinned, playfully reaching out to tickle her waist.

"Haha... Xu Fang, stop, please. Hahaha..." Zheng Yu pleaded between laughter as Xu Fang tickled her.

"Zheng Yu, you look even more beautiful when you smile like that," Xu Fang remarked with a sweet tone, making her blush.

"Xu Fang, you have a glib tongue." Zheng Yu said to Xu Fang with a smile.

"Let's return to the real world," Xu Fang suggested with a smile.

"Xu Fang, you mentioned earlier that one hour in the real world equals twelve hours in the inside world," Zheng Yu inquired, smiling as Xu Fang nodded in confirmation.

"We still have plenty of time here. I'd like to rest a bit before heading back," she expressed with a smile.

"Alright, then go to your room and take a rest. We can head back afterward," Xu Fang suggested.

"No, I want to rest here," Zheng Yu insisted, lying down on the couch and placing her head on Xu Fang's lap.

"Zheng Yu, what are you doing? We're friends, not lovers," Xu Fang teased with a smile.

"I know we're friends; that's why my head is on your lap for resting. If we were lovers, I'd be sitting on your lap, finding comfort in your embrace," Zheng Yu explained with a smile.

"I didn't expect you to be this naughty," Xu Fang remarked with a teasing smile.

"Don't call me naughty, Xu Fang, or else..." Zheng Yu's tone matched his teasing.

"Or else? What happens if someone calls you naughty?" Xu Fang prodded, joining in the playful banter.

"Or else, I... get naughty... with you," Zheng Yu declared, standing up from the couch and moving closer to Xu Fang. She then settled herself on his lap, facing him, her tone still teasing.

"Wait, what are you doing? We just agreed to take things slow and start as friends a few moments ago," Xu Fang protested, his tone serious, though Zheng Yu was already seated on his lap, her arms encircling his neck.

"Xu Fang, please help me. I held myself back for a long time, but when I saw you naked, it was hard to control myself, but now I wasn't able to hold myself back anymore." Zheng Yu spoke to him with a sweet tone and lust-filled expression.

'That's going smoothly.' Xu Fang added to mind.

"Mother, I'm not ready for this now." Xu Fang said to her with a serious tone while Zheng Yu started to move her hips back and forth on Xu Fang's sleeping dragon.

"Xu Fang, don't call me Mother from now on when we are alone." Zheng Yu told him with a sweet tone but didn't stop her movements.

"Alright, Zheng Yu, now please stop this," Xu Fang requested with a serious tone, putting a halt to her movements.

"Xu Fang, don't be rude, and help me now," Zheng Yu responded with a suggestive tone.

"Zheng Yu, you know I didn't want to engage in Dual Cultivation with you right now. Why are you insisting like this?" Xu Fang was questioned with a serious tone.

"Xu Fang, you once said you would do anything for your family. Was that a lie?" Zheng Yu asked with seriousness in her tone.

"No, that was true," Xu Fang affirmed solemnly.

"Then why didn't you assist me with this issue? If you're hesitating because of our past relationship, then help me in our new one as your wife. I'm already devoted to you wholeheartedly, so it's your duty to help with every problem," Zheng Yu stated seriously, her expression filled with longing.

"When did you become my wife?" Xu Fang questioned her, his tone serious.

"Just now," Zheng Yu replied, her movements uninterrupted.

"Think again. I already have six wives before you, and there will likely be more in the future. Not only do you need to accept them, but also support me if I develop feelings for someone else," Xu Fang explained, his tone serious.

"I have no issues with your other wives, and I'll do as you say," Zheng Yu responded earnestly.

"Another thing is that I'm quite possessive as a husband. So, if you develop feelings for someone else in the future, I won't allow you to be with him," Xu Fang declared firmly.

"I would rather die than think about anyone else," Zheng Yu declared with a serious tone.

"Then I accept you as my wife, from now until my last breath," Xu Fang replied with a smile, placing his hands on Zheng Yu's hips, causing her movements to halt.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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