
Destined to be Supreme God: Dual Cultivation

[Warning: Mature Content, R18] ~~~~~~~~ Dai Tao is the martial arts expert in Beijing, and after he died, his soul got Transmigrated in 13 years old young boy Named Xu Fang's body (Single son of the Emperor). Then his new Journey on different planet started. ~~~~~~~ "I didn't die?" The realization struck him, and a cascade of questions flooded his mind. "Oh wait, the big question is where am I?" "What?" "What the f**k." A burst of laughter escaped him as he beheld his reflection, realizing that the old man had metamorphosed into a 13-year-old child. ~~~~~~~ "Where am I?" I said in a low voice. A few minutes later when I sleep, I feel something is not right and open my eyes then look around, and see a boundless blue sea with nothing in my surroundings. "This is a dream?" "Hello, how are you?" I heard a sweet tone of female. "Who?" I asked back when I heard that voice. "Who are you?" "My name is Yuan Shuren and you already know me as the Goddess of Light and Wisdom." ~~~~~~~ The narrative takes a profound turn as Dual Cultivation becomes the cornerstone of his journey, marked by glimpses into realms both serene and tempestuous. The pivotal moment arrives when he inherits the legacy of the Supreme God of Flames, bestowing upon him control over all Heavenly Fires. ~~~~~~~~ "Destined to be Supreme God: Dual Cultivation" is a saga that transcends worlds, where the essence of Qi binds reality, and the Xu Fang's evolution is intertwined with the cosmic forces. Join this odyssey of self-discovery, where the Heavenly Flames of destiny burn bright, and the path of Dual Cultivation leads to realms unseen. ~~~~~~~~ Note: Art is not mine. Source: Generated by AI and Edit and Title added by me. ~~~~~~~~

Master_AD · Eastern
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88 Chs

77- Xu Fang and Zheng Yu 1 [R-18]


Please be advised that the next three chapters contain explicit content (R-18 scenes) involving Xu Fang and Zheng Yu. If you prefer to skip these chapters, it won't impact the following storyline.

However, if you choose to read them, feel free to enjoy them. If you have any thoughts or comments about these scenes, please share them in the comments section.

Thank you!


Shifting slightly, Xu Fang gently laid Zheng Yu on the couch, her back against the cushions. He positioned himself on top of her, bending at the waist, with Zheng Yu lying down and her legs wrapped around his waist.

Xu Fang leaned in, closing the distance between their lips. They shared their first kiss, and as moments passed, their tongues explored each other's mouths, exchanging a deep and passionate connection.

"Mm~, Mm~" While Kissing, Xu Fang's hands do not stay idle, he massages her cup-size E peaks, which makes her moan in his mouth.

"May I?" Xu Fang asked her, after breaking his kiss, to remove her clothes.

Zheng Yu nodded her head with a blush and Xu Fang started to gently remove her white Empress clothes as as he were an expert.

A few moments later, Zheng Yu was naked in front of Xu Fang's eyes, He took a few more moments to memorize her beauty, Zheng Yu's silver hair had freely fallen on the couch, amber-colored eyes filled with lust, and long yet thin nose and lips like rose petals.

Down to her face, with a beautiful and long neck, down on her chest, two E-size big peaks, it's big but still in perfect shape, and on the top of the peaks, small cherry-like nipples. Even Lie Ning has E-cup-sized breasts but Zheng Yu has bigger breasts.

Xu Fang approached her lips again, but this time only peaked on her lips, then moved down to her neck and started to kiss her neck, Not long had he already approached her perfectly shaped big peaks.

"Mm~, Mmm~" Soft moans come out from Zheng Yu's mouth when Xu Fang takes her right nipple in his mouth and starts to suck like a baby, while his right-hand squeezes her left peak.

"Xu Fang, do you like my breasts?" Zheng Yu asked him with a smile when she saw Xu Fang sucking her nipple like a baby.

"Ah~" Moan leaks from Zheng Yu's mouth when Xu Fang releases her nipple after pressing it to his lip and moving his head up.

"Zheng Yu, your breasts are bigger than all of my wives; they're also very beautiful, and you maintain them very well. I like them the most." Xu Fang said to her in a sweet tone.

"I'm happy to hear that." Zheng Yu said to him with a smile.

Xu Fang smiled at her and moved her left nipple, then took it into his mouth and started to suck.

"Ah~" Xu Fang gently bites on the nipple, which makes her body tremble and a moan leak from her mouth.

A few moments later, Xu Fang moved down to her slim waist and flat stomach while kissing her, as he wanted to feel her whole body. When Xu Fang got more down, because Xu Fang was already between her legs, he saw a beautiful view of Zheng Yu's little sister, who had fat lips and a clean white surface without any single hair.

"Beautiful…" Xu Fang comments on Zheng Yu's little sister.

Zheng Yu was lying on her back on the couch, while Xu Fang was sitting between her legs on his knees with his eyes on Zheng Yu's lower lips. Between her legs already, her love juice was flowing from Zheng Yu's little sister. Xu Fang smiled when she saw her already wet down there, and said to Zheng Yu with a teasing smile.

"Zheng Yu, you already got wet from down there."

"Xu Fang didn't look there, it's embarrassing." Zheng Yu hurried to hide her little sister with her hands.

"Hahaha… Embarrassing? Zheng Yu, why are you embarrassed like that? You know this is not embarrassing, but doing things with your son is more embarrassing." Xu Fang chuckled and Zheng Yu removed her hands and told him with a serious tone.

"I already told you that from now on we are husband and wife, not son and mother, Do as you want, but do it in a hurry. I don't take it anymore."

"Then from now on, you are my Wife, and I call you Yu Er." Xu Fang said to her with a smile.

"I am happy to hear my birth name from my Husband's mouth." Zheng Yu said to him with a happy expression.

Xu Fang smiled and moved his face close to her thighs. He started to kiss one by one towards the end of her little sister and touched her little sister's lips with his, which made Zheng Yu tilt her head up to look at him, She wanted to stop him but it's already late.

"Ah~, Ah~, Ahh~" Zheng Yu started to moan in pleasure when Xu Fang used his tongue to lick her pink little sister.

"Ahh~, more, Ahh~" Zheng Yu continued moaning and after two minutes of licking, Xu Fang rubbed his index finger on her lower lips and put it in, which made her body tremble in pleasure.

"Ahh~, right there, Ahh~" Xu Fang continues to lick her pink little sister and thrusts his index finger in her cave at the same time.

"Ahhh~, Ahhh~, Ahhh~"

A few minutes later, Xu Fang attacked her sensitive, pink little pearl with his tongue and increased the thrusting speed of his finger.

"Ahhh~, I'm coming~, Ahhhhhh ~" Zheng Yu came out over the face of Xu Fang.

Xu Fang wiped his face with his hand, and started to remove his clothes, Zheng Yu, who was busy breathing heavily after her climax, turned her face at Xu Fang when Xu Fang removed his clothes and again Zheng Yu saw Xu Fang's big rod that was erect now.

'Did it fit me?' Zheng Yu gulped down a mouthful of saliva.

Xu Fang sat down again in between her legs and placed his big rod on Zheng Yu's lower lips, which were already wet.

"Xu Fang, you are even bigger than your father." Zheng Yu said to him with a smile on her face.

"Are you missing him now?" Xu Fang asked her with a curious tone.

"No, I'm telling you, because I'm not sure if your big thing fits me, so please be gentle with me." Zheng Yu said to him with a little blush.

"Yu Er, you didn't have to worry about that, I promise you that. I made you feel like you haven't felt in your whole life." Xu Fang told her with a smile.

"Then I'm ready; mark me as your partner." Zheng Yu said to him with a smile.

"Yu Er, then be ready for your unforgettable experience." Xu Fang smiled at her words and started rubbing her lower lips with his big rod to lubricate them with Zheng Yu's nectar.

"I'm putting it in." Xu Fang gave Zheng Yu a warning, and she nodded her head.

"Mm~" A soft moan released from Zheng Yu's mouth when Xu Fang's big rod's head entered her cave.

Xu Fang pushed his rod in slowly until the head of his rod approached the end of her cave.

'Why is her cave still so tight, She has two children.' Xu Fang thought in his mind when he got into her cave and felt the tightness of her cave.

"Yu Er, you are so tight it's squeezing me." Xu Fang told her with a smile.

"You didn't like it?" Zheng Yu asked him with a sad tone.

"No, no, it's amazing, I said to you, because I don't know you are still tight; after all, you have two kids." Xu Fang told her with a smile.

"Because you are the one who uses it after you are born, I mean, It hasn't been used by anyone for the last fifteen years, sigh… leave it for later; it's a long story." Zheng Yu said to him with a slightly sad tone.

"Then today I will make up for all the lonely moments you live with." Xu Fang told her with a smile and then started to move his hips slowly.

"Ahh~, Ahh~" Zheng Yu started to moan, her voice as sweet as a singer singing songs with very melodious melodies.

"Ahhh~, I already feel good, Ahhh~" Xu Fang started to increase his speed back and forth, making Zheng Yu moan louder and louder in pleasure.

Xu Fang bent forward and took her lips while thrusting his big rod in her cave, Zheng Yu's cave already started to mold as the shape of Xu Fang's big rod.

"Mmm~, Mmm~" Zheng Yu moaned into his mouth and they kissed passionately while Xu Fang went deeper and deeper, making her body tremble in pleasure with every thrust.

"Ahhh~, Ahhh~" Zheng Yu's loud moan leaks when Xu Fang breaks his kiss.

"Yu Er, your eyes are stunning; it makes me forget everything." Xu Fang comments on Zheng Yu's amber-colored eyes while thrusting her cave with his rod.

"Ahhh~, Ahhh~" Zheng Yu started flying on cloud nine after a few minutes of thrusting his rod into her cave, The family room filled with moans, and love juices leaking from Zheng Yu's cave non-stop with every thrust.

"Ahhh~, deeper, Ahhh~" Xu Fang thrusting his rod back and forth while he was busy playing with Zheng Yu's big peaks and giving her double pleasure.

"Ahhh~, yes, Ahhh~" Xu Fang granted her wish and started to move deeper, and the head of Xu Fang's big rod started touching Zheng Yu's womb and made her moan louder.

"Ahhh~, I'm coming, Ahhhhhh~" Zheng Yu comes out after a few more minutes of thrust, Xu Fang wants to use his Lust Goddess techniques, but he changes his mind for now because he wants to give her pleasure with his real self from the start until he climaxes one or two times.

Xu Fang gave her time to catch her breath, and then Xu Fang kissed her lips, and his tongue started to move in Zheng Yu's mouth. They kissed passionately, while Xu moved his hips again.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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