
Chapter 47 You Are So Cute

After Lily finished fieldwork, she handed over the document to Vida.

She took off her soil-stained uniform. "I'm off work first. You put these things in the office. Thank you."

Lily was going to pick up Leonard and Joy. Here was the close to the kindergarten.

Vida blinked and put on an innocent smile. He said, "If you can buy me a cup of coffee tomorrow, I am willing to do it for you."

Lily made an agreed gesture and said, "No problem. I'll buy you two cups of coffee."

It was a trifle to Lily.

Vida happily carried the materials back to the laboratory.

As soon as he thought of having coffee tomorrow, he was looking forward to it very much.

When Lily arrived at the kindergarten gate, the school gate was still closed. There were many parents standing at the gate.

She pulled over and walked to the crowd.

The music of the kindergarten after school was played. Many children came out in a long line.