
Chapter 48 Save My Sister

"You are not allowed to play here!"

Nina looked at Joy proudly with an attitude of "This is my place! Get out of here".

Joy was unhappy, but in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, she still made concessions.

She held Leonard's hand and said, "Brother, let's go to the swimming pool and take pictures there."

The swimming pool was under maintaining and disinfecting with bleaching powder. No one was playing in the pool.

Being ignored by Joy, Nina became even angrier.

Nina thought, "Joy dared to ignore me!"

Nina chased after Joy. She stared at the camera in Joy's hand and said, "What is it in your hand?"

As she spoke, she deliberately muttered, "Where did you steal it?"

Joy had never done any bad things. She hated others framing her.

She stopped abruptly, turned around, and said, "It is mine. I didn't steal it. Why do you think other people are bad guys? Could it be that you had stolen something?"