
Desolate Dragon Ball World?!? Help, I'm an elf in a crossover AU!

ON HIATUS (Writer's Block) Her brand new life as some kind of Elf started with snow in the middle of summer. The world itself heralding her arrival. From there, things only got weirder. Luckily she had her trust system- aah shit, she had to actually put effort into using hers. Luckily, she knew what universe she was in. NOT! WHERE WAS SHE?!? A Dragonball and Beyond Cultivation story, with its cultivation heavily inspired by Martial World and Desolate Era. With a unique system that upgrades based on her status. Note - post the 'gift' pack, all rewards that help her will be EARNED.

BalancedSelfInsert · Anime e quadrinhos
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16 Chs

Auxillary Chapter: Cultivation Realms

Known realms:

Body Forging (Strength Training, Flesh Training, Viscera Training, Altering Muscle, Bone Forging, Pulse Condensation) 


This'll grow in time. The word organization is used to encompass everything. A sect, a Dojo, a Nation, etc.

First ???? is Ki, Second ???? is Fiendgod (Body Refining)

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