
Desires (fanfic)

A doctor who has devoted herself to healing others encounters a cold-blooded killer with a wounded past . What happens when the woman who saves lives is captured by the man who takes them?

_Infinityza_ · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 1

Zayn and Jean's love is like the impossibility, which fire feels towards sea, black feels towards white, sun feels towards moon.

However, they're willing to change... To be reborn by destroying what makes you change for becoming one for love.


"Run a man has been shot!", Someone screams.

I walk up to the man and take my scarf from my neck and put it on his wound. "Don't touch, don't touch. Stand back I'm a doctor! Move out of the way!", I scream.

I dial the ambulance. I get a hold of them and tell the person behind the phone where I am. Who would do this to a innocent man. I ask someone to put pressure on the wound while I talk on the phone.

But, moon can't stand sun's health, nor can white stand black's darkness, nor can fire stand water's coldness.

Zayn climbs over the mountains but cannot reach Simon.

love is the picture of impossibility. Which fires up when it can't be reached, hurts when it doesn't change, rules when it doesn't break. And it's the song of the irreplaceable. Love is the only place where surrendering seems as a sweet dream


A few hours later


I grab my favourite hairclip and pin it in my hair. I unhook my silk scarf from it's hanger and wrap it around my neck, adjusting my dress before grabbing my jacket and bag. I take one last look in the mirror before heading to the breakfast table.

I hear someone singing outside in the garden. The table is decorated and filled with all my favourite foods.

"Spencer...You cute thing. What are you doing?", I smile. This is incredible.

"Happy birthday, Jean!", He hugs me. Did he really do this all for me? "My dear sister".

"When did you wake up and make all this?", I asked.

"It was really hard. I even forgot how to crack an egg. Crap. Now come on sit down", He says. I follow his instructions and walk over to my chair to sit down. "And you're telling me to get married. You can never look after some strangers daughter like you look after your own flesh and blood", He's got a point.

"Nobody can take care of me like you. My king look at this. A table like a pearl", I pinch my dear brothers cheek.

"Thank you, my only family. Happy birthday. I'm glad that you were born and became a part of my life. I wish mom and dad were alive. They would be so proud of you", He smiles.

"In fact, they'd be proud of you. What kind of saying is that, ha! You are both my mom and dad. You raised me. If someone else was in your shoes could they look after their sister like you?".

"Don't say that", He sighs.

"But it's true", I laugh "It is the truth. If I'm here today, it's because of you, brother".

My brother has always been by my side. He helped me through everything. He's the one who pushed me to where I am now, I'm so glad his in my life. I know me saying all this to him is making him emotionally but he really has to know the truth. No one could be a better parent than him.

"Okay, Jean, I don't like these kinds of things. You know that, plus you're my only sister, but you are my only congenial companion", He smiles.

"Same", I smile back.

"What was I going to do...", He thinks.

"Pour me some coffee", I suggest.

"No, not coffee. Wait. Wait", I'm confused.

"What?", He goes inside and comes back with a box wrapped in wrapping paper. I already know it's for me. "Here, this is your birthday present from your brother, of course", He smirks.

"Spencer, this wasn't necessary", I mown.

"This is the only thing I could afford with a police salary. You don't have to count it as a present. Now open it", He says in excitement.

I unwrap the beautiful floral wrapping paper and inside it has my favourite book 'Beauty And The Beast' I laugh while looking at it. Spencer used to read this book to me every night when I was little, I can't believe he bought me the book.

Spencer looks at me and says,"Don't you like it?", I literally have no words. Somebody else would of bought me this book many moons ago, but I know spencer. His always pulling my leg.

"Are you kidding? I love it", I giggle.

"Thank you, it took an effort", He sits back down.

'I can see that", I smile.

"Jean, I hope your new age brings you luck", He says. I hope so too. I am thirty now and it's not always going to be easy for me.

Spencer continues, "I hope you fall in love and have your own family so that dads legacy can go on".

"This is your only concern, right? Unbelievable", I scoff. "Fine. I was going to tell you something. You know that I have a birthday party tonight?", I speak while he eats his eggs.

"Yes of course I do".

"I want to introduce you to someone there", He looks at me almost chocking on his eggs.

"Who?", He lifts his brow.

"Let's draw that brow down first", I tilt my head. "Okay...his name is Ezra. His a doctor like me. We've been together for a while now and I want you guys to meet", I mutter.

"Sis look, I really want you to get married, to have your own family, to make me an uncle but...but I don't know. What if his an asshole, and the idea of you being with him makes me annoyed Jean".

"Okay, I get it but at least meet him first before you say anything. These assumptions of yours towards him, their bias. Come on", He should really just meet Ezra. His not that bad of a guy.

"Brother...", I call.

"Yes?", He answers.

"What's on the stove?", I question.

"Sausages", I don't think he realised yet. "Woah! Sausages are burned, sausages are burned, sausages!", He screams. I laugh as he runs all the way to the kitchen.


"So, are you coming to my party tonight?", I ask Ezra as we slowly walk towards the hospital where we both work.

"I don't know Jean. I mean you said you're brother was going to be there, and don't get me wrong I really do want to meet him, but what if it doesn't turn out as planned", He pouts.

I know why Ezra is nervous, meeting you're partners family isn't always easy, but it'll get better. Even Spencer didn't want to meet Ezra, but I can already see how a like they both are.

"Ezra don't worry, my brother isn't a monster, I mean he can be when he needs to, but he'll never hurt you not when I'm around. Everything will be fine just promise me you'll come tonight", I look directly into his easy making him feel weak enough to give in.

"Fine if you insist my love. I promise", He grabs my hand and kisses me on the forehead.

As we almost reach the hospital entrance a man on a motorcycle drives in a puddle of water splashing us all over. "Hey watch where you're going you fool!", I shout. I'm soaking and I just got to work. This is all I needed.

"Hey, hey Jean calm down it's ok. Look don't let some idiot ruin your day. See I'm wet as well and I'm sure we have clothes in our locker, now come on let's go change", Ezra tries to cheer me up. "It's like thoughs movies where the two lovers are dancing in the rain", He comments.

"Only it's not raining", I shrugged.

"We're dancing in the rain", He begins to sing as I giggle. "We're dancing in the rain", I join him as we laugh our way to the lockers looking for other clothes to put on. I'm so glad I have clothes in my locker I was beginning to think if I ever packed any in.

I quickly run to the lady's room to change and immediately get on board with work. It seems we don't have a lot of patience today thank God.

"Good morning Dr Jean. Where have you been? I've been looking for you everywhere. We have a patient who needs you", Fay calls out to me.

Fay and I have been friends since University. We are extremely close, we tell each other every I literally can't think of one thing that I haven't told her yet. Fay isn't really a friend she's more of a sister to me.

"Good morning bestie. Sorry I'm late I had a sort of accident earlier".

"Whatever is was it's story can wait, but for now we have a emergency at a farm location", Confusion is clear on my face.

"Farm location? What happened at the location Fay?", I question.

"I'm not sure the only thing they said was that they wanted you to go check it out. There's a wounded man, probably in his late fifty's over there and they need you're help", We walk to the ambulance truck. I climb in as Fay closes the door behind me. "Good luck girlfriend", She says before slamming the door.


Writer's note

Hi everyone, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter so far, if you did please be kind and vote it'll be much appreciated!

I can't wait to read all y'all comments.

Bye for now!