
Desires (fanfic)

A doctor who has devoted herself to healing others encounters a cold-blooded killer with a wounded past . What happens when the woman who saves lives is captured by the man who takes them?

_Infinityza_ · Urban
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11 Chs

Chapter 2

Where are they talking me? I've been in the back of the ambulance for a over fifteen minutes. This place couldn't be that far could it? I hope when we reach there the patient is still alive, oh I really hope so. "Excuse me but what's taking so long why haven't we reached yet?", I question.

"Don't worry Doctor we'll be there shortly", The driver says.

Finally the mini bus stops and I climb out and rush towards the emergency. "Where is the patient?", I ask a huge man dressed in all black. I'm guessing his the guard. "This way Doctor", He leads me right where I need to be.

The patient is lying on a bed covered in blood. It seems he has two shot wounds in his chest. Why wasn't he taken to the hospital? "Uhm... excuse me, this man has been shot twice, why hasn't he been taken to the hospital? He needs to go right now", I request. I call for a stretcher.

"His not going anywhere", A man with a husky english accent says.

"What do you mean his not going anywhere? The man has been shot twice. This is an emergency, I have to get him in the ER before he dies", I yell.

"No one is going to die and no one is going to the hospital. Stop asking questions and just do your job", He stares me dead in they eye.

His extremely stubborn. How am I supposed to save this man if I don't have the right equipment to do so. This is a going to be one hell of a struggle. "How am I supposed to operate on him if I don't have the right equipment to. Please I need to get him in the ER asap", I insist. What's so hard about taking the man to the hospital. If you can't afford it just say so, we'll find a way.

"Just listen to me and help him now", He steps closer to me making me feel uneasy.

"What's the patents name?", I ask.

"Simon", He steps back.

"Simon, Simon can you hear me", I step closer to him as he opens he's eyes, growling  as if his saying yes. "Simon my name is Dr Jean and I'm going to help you okay you'll be fine", I get out all the equipment I need. I look once again at the wounds and notice that the bullets didn't go to far in which is good otherwise my job was about to get even harder.

"Can we take him into a private room so I can operate on him without any distraction", I ask the man with the husky voice. He looks at his friend as if their speaking some sort of language with their eyes and they push him into a quieter room. I close the door but the english man doesn't seem to notice that this is his queue to leave.

"Uhm can you please leave", I cough.

"I'm not going anywhere. Just do your job and I'll do mine", He doesn't even look at me. What a prune.

I managed to get both bullets out of his chest without any problems. Simon seems stable and he looks like his recovering very well. I patch up his stitches and let him rest. I can't help but think how he got shot. What if it was the English man that shot him? Could it be? Could he of shot Simon and now he doesn't want him to go to the hospital because he would get caught red handed? I really hope I'm wrong.

"He's stable. Congratulations he seems to be recovering very well. I still think we should take him to the hospital just so that they can keep a eye on him", He doesn't say anything he only stares at me. "Don't I get a thank you", I look a him. Wow his as hard as stone.

I walk out of the room onto the front porch. I always get fresh air after a operation, it helps to calm me down. The english man with the husky voice follows me outside, I don't know what's his problem he acts very strange.

"Can I ask you something?", I question. "Did you shoot Simon in the chest", As the words slip out of my mouth I honestly regret it. He quickly looks at me walking right at me making me scared.

"Why do you want to know?", He grunts.

"I'm just curious no other reason", I mutter.

"Louis!", He screams and a man dressed in all black just like him walks towards us. "Yes Zayn", His British too. "Put the doctor in the stable", Stable? What stable? What's happening?

"Stable? What are you talking about? I only asked a question. I'm sorry I won't do it again!", I scream. Louis grabs me by the arm and pulls me into the horses stable. "You can't lock me in here. I can't stay here! Help me! Someone help!", I shout. Mr Zayn locks the gate as he throws me into the stable. "Please don't do this, don't leave me here!", I cry.

"Shut up", He yells.

As times goes by I begin to get cold and really hungry. My brother must be so worried about where I am, and Ezra, oh no he's going to meet my brother and I'm not even there. I have to get out of here. I notice that nobody is outside and that it is completely still. I make up a plan in my head to get out of here and I really hope it works. Silently I climb on the gate attempting to jump over. I climb all the way to the top, looking if theirs anybody outside before i jump over. I try to jump as quickly as possible and successfully it worked. I tiptoe to the exit of the horse stable first looking for any guards. Luckily the cost is clear.

Now for the hard part, how do I get out of here? I softly work to the farm house looking through one of the windows to see if anybody is looking, but I see something strange instead. Their all in the room I operated on Simon and it looks like their talking to him. I can't really make out what they are saying but it doesn't look good at all. The English man reaches for something in his back pocket of his jeans, it looks like a, like a gun! "Ah!", I shout as he pulls the trigger. I notice that they all see me and I begin to run. I run over the field but im just not fast enough. Mr Zayn grabs me by the arm pulling me making me turn around looking right into his eyes.


Writer's note

Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm sorry if you found it very short but it's past ten and I'm extremely tired. If you liked this chapter please be kind and vote!

And I hope you are all okay with me adding pictures and videos to the chapters, please let me know.

Bye for now!