

Tomr is a typical adolescent boy—a boy who avoids his passions out of fear of problems. One day, something brings to the surface his suppressed desires. His life has been deprived of the tranquility and peace he so dearly cherished. His own demons then started to awaken. BECAUSE OF I DIDN'T SHOW IT, DON'T THINK I DON'T HAVE THE DESIRE.

ZBlue · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

chapter -6

"All you have to do now is wait," Yamato said, sitting on the table in the investigating room.

Looking at Tom, who was lying face down on the table, he said, "You who are afraid of trouble come to the police station twice in one day, huh?"

"It's not like I have a choice."

"Don't be too disappointed, I guarantee you, you will be home soon."

daut .. daut...

With a knock, two people carrying a file entered the investigation room.

"Supernatural Investigation Team!"

"Agent Sophie"

"Agent Scott".

"Deputy Chief Yamato, we are going to take over this case." They handed the documents to Yamato and introduced themselves.

Yamato accepted and examined the file, saying, "He is a victim. Do we need to investigate to this extent?"

"Yes, we know. But if you leave him like this, it will be dangerous for him and those around him, so please understand."

Tomr idly watched the other people who came in.

"Am I in trouble?"

"No, we'll take you to a place that's convenient for you," replied the woman with a ponytail.

"Are they telling the truth?" he asked Yamato.

"That's up to you, good luck boy" Yamato sighed and left the room.

"Come, Let's go."

Tomr did not have a choice, so he went with them.


All around, the trees shaded the road, and the cold wind hit Tomr's cheek as the song of the birds cut through.

The car had been out of town for about 5 minutes and Tomr was silent the whole way.

"Aren't you worried about where we're taking you?" Scott asked him looking through the rearview mirror.

"Are you bad people?"

"No, Why?"

"Then why should I worry?"

In the car, the conversation stopped. Sophie smiled at Scott from the side.

"There is one thing I don't understand. I just started having trouble yesterday, how did you know about me so quickly?"

"Luck, We are investigating a serial murder case, and your file came into the case. That's it."

"You are really bad luck for me," Tomr said looking at the brown dog from the side. The dog was looking back at Tomr with his tongue hanging out as if it wasn't him.

"Don't you want to know? What our department does, why we have brought you."

"And then"

This time, Scott was smiling while driving.


"Chief, we have brought the boy."

"Come in"

When he entered the room, Tomr was a little surprised. He saw women around 25 years old with gold-framed glasses.

"You guys can go."

"Allow me" the two agents leave the room.

Tom, startled by her beauty, woke up from his stupor, ignored his thoughts, and sat down in front of her.

"Who let you sit?"


"I told you, who let you sit?"

Tomr got up from his chair and stood back up, waiting for her to say something.

"Sit down"

He sat back without saying anything.

"Aren't you angry?" she asked, her ruby eyes looking into his eyes through the glasses.


"Don't you fear anything?"

"I'm, I fear most of the things I can avoid."

"Hmm! What's your point?"

"What I'm saying is that even if I'm afraid of things I can't avoid, what's the point of that fear? So I'm just afraid of the things I can avoid."

Su's head can not follow the boy's thoughts.

"Do you already know why you were called here?"

"I don't know."

"You know that you are different from the others, right? Can you tell me a little bit about your abilities?"

"I don't know; I don't remember anything after I got angry. Can I go home?"

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, you're on our dangerous list. Look at your work here." As she spoke, she handed the photos to Tomr.

In the photos, there are unnamed parts covered in blood. In the next picture, a woman with a deformed body.

Tomr threw down the photos and said, "They attacked me first, intending to kill me. What's wrong with self-defense?"

"There's nothing wrong with protecting yourself. What is wrong is that you are not in control of yourself at that moment.

If we let you go like this, one day you will kill a lot of people."

"Ha... Then what should I do?"

"You don't have to do anything right now. Just eating and sleeping It's good, isn't it?"

"Well, it's not bad, What about school?"

"You don't need to worry; You don't seem interested in studying. Isn't it?"

"Okay, whatever"


Su flipped through Tomr's file carefully, at the top of the file is a picture of a boy full of smiles.

At the age of 12, The tourist bus with their family of 3 was hijacked by terrorists. There is only one survivor, 12-year-old Tomr. She skipped Tom's first file; She didn't even know how many times she had read this file in the past two years.

Is it lucky? Is it bad luck? Sue looks back at Tomr's CCTV footage, and in the video, a boy is happily tearing apart a cat.

She didn't know how to treat Tomr. A person who is very patient until a limit is exceeded.

If someone goes over the limit, Su can't say how cold-blooded and cruel he will be. She ruffled her golden hair in confusion.


The next day

"Yes, take care, If there is a problem, I'll get back to you.

Tell me if there is a problem you can't solve. A problem that you can't solve!

ok, ok see you soon "

After talking on the phone with Nathan, he walked out to the back side of the department with Rambo. He thought it was a fitting name for a dog with great courage. Hee hee

As for the supernatural investigation department, he looked to see what interesting things there were to relieve his boredom. But to his disappointment, nothing particular can be found.

Somewhere far behind the department, a place with thick trees attracted Tomr's mind, who was stuck in the city until recently. Rambo was running around him and having fun.

Before he reached the forest, the cool breeze carried small water vapors and greeted him.