

Tomr is a typical adolescent boy—a boy who avoids his passions out of fear of problems. One day, something brings to the surface his suppressed desires. His life has been deprived of the tranquility and peace he so dearly cherished. His own demons then started to awaken. BECAUSE OF I DIDN'T SHOW IT, DON'T THINK I DON'T HAVE THE DESIRE.

ZBlue · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

chapter -2

When Tomr searched the internet for information about the locations of his nightmares, he found that there had been murders where the killers had disappeared.

His hands started to sweat as he read the details. Despite the fuzzy information published on the Internet, some of the photos match Tomr's observations. It was becoming difficult for him to breath because of his rapid beating heart.

He discovered that on the internet, crime rate is on the rise this month. But has the world suddenly gone mad or is it he who has gone mad?

He read the news carelessly for a while, not knowing what to do. The posts he was reading on the site suddenly disappeared, one by one, and he mumbled, "What's up?"

He frantically searched for other websites, but the crime reports mysteriously disappeared. He first believed that some news was completely fake, but it looks like he might have to change his mind.

His watch said it was one o'clock in the morning. He searched the fridge for food to satisfy his hunger but found nothing.

Through the porthole he could see the streetlights shining brightly. When he couldn't resist the urge to eat, he grabbed a flashlight and headed to a 24-hour convenience store.

It was accompanied by streetlights and a few stars in the red sky of the quiet street, except for a barking dog.

A moment later, before he noticed, the dog's barking slowly got closer. Tomr's instinct alerted him and his mind began to worry.

He picked up his pace as he ran towards the store. Unfortunately, he noticed that two creatures appeared before him blocking his road. It's strange that a cat chases the big dog.

Tomr couldn't express the desire that burned in that cat's red eyes. And that cat was bigger than usual, with blood in its mouth and claws.

The dog ran around here and there then finally ran into Tomr's back. He was about to swear at the dog, but the cat in front of him ran at him and jumped in his face.

Terrified, Tomr used the flashlight he was holding to strike the jumping cat, but his hand was unlucky. His forearm was scratched by the cat's claw and blood started flowing from the open wound.

"Ha!" The flashlight he was holding also shattered, and that cat showed defiance as if he weren't seriously injured, ready to attack him again.


My name is Tomr and my life is nothing interesting or extraordinary. If someone were to ask me what I would most like to be, I think my answer would be strange to many.

Born to two Buddhist parents, I was a traditional Buddhist. There are two teachings of the Buddha that I follow and obey.

1-If there is no desire, there is no loss.

2-When all desires end, life will be peaceful.

In line with these two things, if you ask me what I want to be in my life, living life becomes like an obligation.

Yes, I avoid all the problems that will happen. I am not interested in the question.

When I tell you what I want to be, I want to meet a demon that eats my mind as well as my soul in my life. If so, I would gladly surrender my mind and soul to the devil.

Don't get me wrong, I just want to rest my mind and body. I don't want to be reborn or get a new life. Only eternal peace.

You think I'm a weird guy, remember?

It's pretty weird these days. Since it rained yesterday, my calm and peaceful life is full of emotions. I tend to get angry about things that don't matter and get lazier.

I just looked at it and a cat that didn't know how it came out attacked me. I don't know if you can control your anger, but I can't control it.



Tomr's conscience was slowly clouded by the anger that came from the pain. All he thought about now was tearing this cat apart.

Tomr waited silently for the cat to attack, but his eyes were not serene. If a normal person looked into Tomr's dark eyes, he would feel like he was being pulled into a black hole.

The bloodthirsty cat didn't wait long and jumped on Tomr's face again. But this time the big cat was not lucky. Tomr's hands gripped the big cat tightly.

His blood sprayed onto the road as the big cat clawed furiously at his hand. "You dare to scratch me, don't you?"

Without wincing, Tomr began to tear the big cat apart with both hands. The silent night sky sang a lullaby to the world with the heartbreaking cries of a cat.


Tomr woke up hungry. With his head aching and his stomach screaming with hunger, he finally got up and started looking for something to eat.

There was nothing left in the fridge. He put his hand to his forehead and thought, "I bought some food last night, didn't I?"

At this moment, Tomr gradually regained the memory of last night. He immediately looked at the scratched wound on his hand. He had no injuries to his hand and he felt no pain.

He slammed the fridge and said, "Here comes that nightmare again. Shit." As he took the money from the table and opened the door to go to the store, he saw the shameless dog from his dream sleeping in the doorway.

"WTF" Tomr got scared and started jumping. The brown dog was startled by his cry and jumped up with Tomr. He managed to control his chaotic mind as best he could and ran inside.

His short dark blue hair and pale face were visible in the mirror, an ordinary young man in a nightgown. " What a relief ?" He was relieved to see his reflection in the mirror again.

At that moment, he noticed his clothes. "When did I change at night?" he said, looking for the clothes he wore the night before. It didn't take long to find the clothes he wore yesterday in the bin. His clothes were torn and bloody, and Tomr's head began to ache uncontrollably with excitement.

"Tomr's here! Is Tomr home?"

Tomr rushed in front of the house when he heard a call from the front. 'What is going on?' Tomr asked about the case when he saw the two cops.

But the police officers drew their guns and pointed at Tomr yelling, "Don't move and surrender!"