
Desire of Immortality (Harry Potter AU)

When a ruthless CEO gets run over by truck kun, he wakes up as a new person. He was now Tiberius Black, the son of Sirius Black and Amelia Bones. He was neglected by both his parents, but he didn't care as he saw no use for them. This is the story of a man's greed for power and Eternal Life.

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26 Chs

The Duel Between Brothers

In the Black Manor, Tiberius is training his duelling skills with Arcturus.

Arcturus had taught him only one spell, Fiendfyre. And now Tiberius has used it since he was challenged into a duel.

It took him a long time to master it, and now he will use it on Arcturus Black.


I fired Confringo, followed by a Stupefy. My skills were improving. Sweat was everywhere in my body due to constant movement to dodge spells.

My Force Lightning feels stronger as well, almost as if it's going to get an upgrade.

I shot Force Lightning from my wand, and Arcturus casted a Protego, which deflected back to me.

He shot a Stupefy at me, to which I deflected with my hand. This showed how much I improved on my wandless magic during these practice duels.

I decided to was time to use my Fiendfyre.

I waved my wand and said the incantation.

"Pestis Incendium."

Fire sprouted from my wand as I tried controlling it. The flames were starting to burn me a bit.

I could feel it trying to spread around, trying to take control.

I will not let it, I will make it bend to my will. I willed the flames to come together and form a gigantic creature.

I looked behind and saw Hydra made of fire. These flames were under my control.

I smiled, this power, this destruction is incredible. I looked over to Arcturus. He had a huge grin on his face.

With a flick of his wand, a black hole appeared and absorbed the flames inside it and disappeared.

I was in shock. In a brief moment, Arcturus got rid of Fiendfyre. Arcturus spoke.

"That spell has no incantation, only a name which is Black Hole. It's one of the spells of the Black family."

Just how strong are the spells in the Black family libary.

Arcturus continued speaking.

"If you win against your brother, I will give you a reward."

"What is the reward, grandfather?"

"You will find out when you win."

The duel starts today, I'm going to burn Zack, but how bad should I burn him?

We boarded the Hogwarts Express and went to Hogwarts. We then travelled to the training ground where there was a crowd.

There were pure bloods, half bloods, and the golden trio. Zack was there waiting for me.

Draco spoke out loud.

"What a coward Zack Bones is, challenging his little brother to a duel despite being the older brother. It's quite shameful."

Draco instantly shut his mouth when Zack glared at him.

I got onto the arena, and Zack glared at me. Dumbledore was the referee.

"Wands at the ready."

We held our wands to our faces and bowed. Dumbledore spoke

"You may begin."

As soon as we finished our words, I fired a Confringo at him, to which he dodged and fired the disarming Charm.

I held my wand on my right hand and shot a fire whip at him and rolled.

When he rolled, I shot a bolt of Force Lightning from my left hand, which shocked him. I casted another Confringo.

It hit the side of his face, which burned it a bit. I walked towards him, and Zack, in anger, slashed his wand and shot a Diffindo at my eye.

Everyone gasped as I held my right eye in pain. My scar was worsened by Zack's Diffindo, and he looked shocked at what he did.

I looked at the blood of my hand and glared at Zack.

"You shouldn't have done that."

I think I'm going to let loose, with a flick of my wand. I began breaking his leg bones, and Zack screamed in pain.

Amelia yelled out that was enough and tried stopping the fight but was stopped by Arcturus.

Zack held his legs in pain and raised his wand, but I raised my left hand and used my magical Psychokinesis to pull it towards me.

I looked at my brothers wand and snapped it in front of him.

Zack watched in horror as his wand was snapped in half. He got angry, and the wind started to blow.

Oh, could this be the power of his Dark Awakening.

"Is that the power your Dark Awakening has given you?"

"It is Tiberius. You're going to regret breaking my wand."

"I don't think so."

Lightning started forming around me as I started using my Force Lighting.

I shot an endless barrage of Force Lightning towards Zack, who used his wind ability. Our rays collided and was in a beam struggle.

I won the struggle due to using my wand, but Zack disappeared.

I felt his presence from behind and elbowed him in the balls, which caused the sound of an egg cracking.

The males in the crowd held their family jewels as they grimaced the thought of their balls being crushed.

Zack held his balls on pain, and I casted a Depulso at him. He got back up, half his face was burnt due to my Confringo.

He raised his hands to use his wind powers, but I raised my wand, and he was in the air.

I began pulling his arms slowly, and he screamed in pain. The wind was back, and there was a tornado around the arena.

Zack spoke, and he spat out blood.

"Unlike you, Tiberius, I reached the second stage in my Dark Awakening."

I smiled, and the crowd could see us interacting and wondering what we were talking about.

I raised my wand and casted Fiendfyre.

"Pestis Incendium." I waved my wand around, and fire sprouted from it.

The flames flew around the wind, and soon, the tornado turned into a spiral of fire.

Zack fell, and he looked up and saw the flames. I willed the flames to turn into a Hydra.

When the crowd saw what was happening, they were horrified at what they saw.

Zack whimpered and tried getting away, but I stopped him by stepping on his broken legs.

He begged me to stop.

"Tiberius, please, don't do this. We are family."

I gave him an emotionless look. Suddenly, a yell was heard.


Dumbledore looked far from happy.

"This duel is over. The winner is Tiberius Black."

Slowly, the Slytherins began chanting the name "heir of Black."

Dumbledore rushed to Zack, who looked at me with fear in his eyes. I walked off with my grandfather.

A voice caught my attention.

"How could you do this?"

It was my little sister Evie. She had tears streaming down her face.

"Why did you do that? Why did you have to hurt him like that?"

I pointed to my right eye.

"I wanted to pay him back for the injury he gave me."

Evie still looked at me angrily.

"You're just like Arcturus, a monster."

I smiled at her.

"I know, but I'm a monster who has power, something you don't have."

Arcturus spoke.

"Don't waste our time, Evie. If you have something important to say, say it."


Evie yelled out loud, crying as well. Vivian held her shoulder, and she glared at me. Billy was at Zack's side alongside Sirius and Amelia.

They all looked at me with anger.

I spoke in a bored tone.

"I don't care, Evie."

She looked visibly hurt, and I walked off. The people cleared the way for me in respect and fear.

This reminded me of my workers in my old life as they admired me.

As we left, Arcturus spoke.

"Your reward will come with a choice. Would you want to unlock your bloodline ability or immunity against the gaze of a Basilisk."

"Immunity against the gaze if a Basilisk."

He nodded, and the immunity would be very useful in my second year due to Voldemort making his move.

During the Hogwarts Express, I healed my wounded eye.

Soon, we were home, and it was time for Arcturus to hold up his end of the bargain.