
Desire of Immortality (Harry Potter AU)

When a ruthless CEO gets run over by truck kun, he wakes up as a new person. He was now Tiberius Black, the son of Sirius Black and Amelia Bones. He was neglected by both his parents, but he didn't care as he saw no use for them. This is the story of a man's greed for power and Eternal Life.

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26 Chs


Tiberius is starting his first day at Hogwars School. His first class is Potions.

Tiberius sat with the other Slytherins who were trying to get into his good graces once more. But with one threatening look, they stopped bothering him.

The door swung open, and Professor Snape walked in with his robes gliding. He turned around and sneered at Harry Potter.

"Well, if it isn't Harry Potter, our newest celebrity and the boy who lived himself."

He began asking Harry questions that he knew Harry could not answer.

"What is the difference between a Monkswood and Wolfsbane."

"I don't know, sir. But I think Hermione knows, so why don't you pick her up to choose your answer."

Harry gestured to Hermione, who had her hand raised, and Snape spoke in a mocking tone.

"Ten points from Gryffindor house for your cheek Potter, clearly fame isn't everything."

"Well, if fame isn't everything, then ask Tiberius. He's quite famous among your Slytherins." Harry looked me, and so did everyone else. Snape looked unhappy.

"Putting one of your fellow students in the spotlight is quite bold of you." Before Snape could continue, I spoke

"Professor, it's fine, I will answer your question. There is no actual difference between them. They are the same plant."

"That is correct, ten points to Slytherin." The Slytherins looked happy at the points that we have achieved.

I looked at Harry with a smirk, and he just glared at me. Snape spoke.

"You should learn from Tiberius, though he is the son of Sirius Bones, he did not inherit his stupidity."

Harry glared at Snape for insulting his godfather. The Gryffindors also glared at Snape for insulting one of their idols.

We then began brewing the Boil Cure potion. Hermione was the only Gryffindor who looked like she knew what she was doing.

Most of my Slytherin classmates were stupid and arrogant, but they feared and respected me due to my power.

Snape was criticising everyone besides his Slytherins, Neville caused an explosion, which led to him going to the hospital wing.

Harry got blamed for not warning Neville, so Snape deducted a point from Gryffindor.

I followed the instructions from the book and was able to memorise all of it by only reading it just once. This was another benefit from meditation.

I now possessed Eidetic Memory, which helped me with my studies, I finished brewing the potion, and I presented it to Snape.

"Sir, I've brewed the potion. Here it is."

Snape took the potion and inspected it. He nodded to me.

"Well done, you have successfully brewed the potion, ten points to Slytherin."

The Slytherins were happy at the points they received, and Gryffindors groaned. Hermione looked shocked at how fast I brewed the potion.

When Potions' class was finished, it was time for my flying lessons to begin. Madam Brooch told us to say up.

When I said up, the broom went up to my hand, and I grabbed it.

Neville, like in the books and movies, began flying uncontrollably and fell and broke his hand.

After Neville was rushed to the hospital wing a second time, Draco picked up the remembrall that belonged to Neville.

I watched the argument from behind the crowd. Draco flew up, and so did Harry. After battling for the remembrall, Draco threw it, and Harry went towards it and grabbed it.

The Gryffindors cheered for Harry, and the Slytherins sneered at Harry. McGonagall rushed in and demanded Harry to follow her.

Everyone thought he was going to be punished, but I knew what was really going to happen. Harry becomes seeker for the Gryffindor quidditch team.

Soon, we left, and now we began heading to the feast. The food was quite good, reminds me of the five-star food I had in my past life.

A few months passed, and it was now halloween. Currently, I was in Charms class practising the Levitation Charm on a feather.

I spoke about the incantation and swished my wand.

"Wingardium Leviosa."

The feather before me began to float into the air. Flitwick looked at me with fear but was a bit proud.

"Well, done young Tiberius, ten points to Slytherin."

The Slytherins smiled at the points they received and looked at me with gratefulness since I earned more points for us.

Hermione began levitating her feather, Flitwick looked proud of his student and said with a jolly tone.

"Oh miss Granger has done it, ten points to Gryffindor."

Hermione had a smug look look on her face while Ron looked annoyed.

I left the classroom and heard Ron making a nasty comment about how Hermione had no friends, to which she ran crying.

Harry looked at Ron, shaking his head at his friend in disappointment.

It was time for Transfiguration class, I saw the cat who was actually

Hermione still looked upset at Ron's comment. Speaking of Ron, both he and Harry just came through the door.

The cat soon turned into Professor McGonagall, and she chastised both Ron and Harry for being late. We began our lessons by turning any objects into cups.

Hermione couldn't do it due to her being emotionally hurt by Rons's comment.

I successfully turned a candle into a cup using the Transfiguration spell transformation. McGonagall looked impressed but a bit fearful due to my heritage.

"Well done, Mr Black, ten points to Slytherin." The Gryffindors groaned at their rival house, getting more points.

Now it was time for the Halloween feast to begin, Professor Quirrel should come in running in three, two, and one. "TROLL IN THE DUNGEON, TROLL IN THE DUNGEON!!!" Right on time, Quirrel.

"Thought you ought to know." Quirrle fainted, and everyone began panicking.

We were rushed to our common rooms where everyone was talking about the troll, and then Snape came in and told everyone what happened.

Hermione tried taking on the troll by herself.

Draco laughed.

"Hah, as if that mudblood can take on a troll, only a pure blood such as Tiberius can take on a troll. Isn't that right, Tiberius?"

I looked at him.

"To be honest with you, it blood purity will do nothing in a fight. Only skill and cunning can help you win, among other things."

Snape agreed with me.

"Tiberius is right, Draco. Do not let your your arrogance blind you."

Draco nodded, but using Legitimacy, he still believed that those who were pure blood could easily win against trolls.

Even though he screamed and whimpered when he heard that there was a troll in the dungeon.

Due to the troll and Quirrel fainting, Defence Against The Dark Arts class was cancelled. Many students made fun of Quirrel, but I knew the truth about him.

He is very cunning, using his reputation as a way of enacting Voldemorts' plan without suspicion.

I should be careful of him as Voldemort may see me as a threat, so I will lay low and try not to draw too much attention.

I went to bed.