
Demon slayer:Hiromo revenge

In the Taisho era demons and humans were fighting and their fight continues after few hundreds years,Boy named Hiromo got the same fate as his life will turn upside down when demon killed his parents and sister he will go on path to become demon slayer and to avenge his family members

Burhan_Selimovic · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

chapter 4:first mission

After Hiromo managed to complete the final selection, it was time for him to become official demon slayers

Both girls said at the same time that they would have to choose the material for the sword and they would get their own crows to go on a mission with.

Hiromo was just looking at the material thinking how he would know which material is the best, he looked carefully but could not understand

All the demon slayers took the material so he couldn't choose anymore

When he also took the material,the girls said that he would have to wait seven to ten days for the sword to be made

One of them asked what if a demon attacked them and they just kept quiet and said they could all go

They all got off while Hiromo looked at them for a few minutes and then left

Hiromo wondered why they were just silent but he still knew that he had the sword that Sakuraki had given him

Hiromo remembered that he should go back to Sakuraki to see him and he was sure that he would be proud

While he was coming down, a crow stood on his shoulder and just started saying that he was glad to meet him

Hiromo stood like a statue until he could not believe that the crow could speak

Hiromo broke away and said he had to rush to Sakuraki before night fell

He ran and before sunset he managed to arrive, Sakuraki went outside for a bit, but when he came out he saw someone climbing

Sakuraki was stunned to see that it was Hiromo who had returned home alive and well

Sakuraki couldn't believe it and immediately ran and hugged Hiromo until Hiromo said a word

But seeing how much he missed him Hiromo smiles and hugs him back saying he's glad he's back home

They entered the house because it was dark and they sat on the floor to talk, Sakuraki asked him how he was doing but Hiromo just told him that he had a hard time killing the last demon

As Sakuraki looked at him he noticed that his suit was torn

Sakuraki didn't notice it right away because he was happy that Hiromo was back but then he saw that he hurt his back too

Sakuraki asked him what happened to him that while he was fighting the demon he kicked him in the solar plexus and then he hit the wood with his back

They say that he was a dangerous demon who used to be a ninja and that's why he threw poisonous kunai and shuriken

In the end, he noticed that his forehead was also cut, so he asked him how it happened, and he replied that it was when the demon threw a shuriken.

Hiromo said that he was fine and that he got the crow, the crow said hello and Sakuraki immediately remembered when he had the crow, he asked him when he would get the sword and Hiromo answered that he would get it in seven to ten days

The crow left while Hiromo looked where he was going and Sakuraki asked if he wanted tea to which Hiromo replied that he wanted to drink tea with him.

They drank tea and went to sleep, nine days passed while Hiromo wondered where his sword was and Sakuraki comforted him that it would pass soon.

Suddenly a middle-aged man came and carried something in a basket

The man asked him if he was Hiromo, he replied that he was and the man told him that he had a sword for him and told him that he had forged it himself

A man came in and gave him a sword and told him that the sword would change color depending on its user

As Hiromo held him his sword began to glow red like fire as Sakuraki and the man watched

The man was in disbelief but congratulated him and said he was going to use fire breathing but Hiromo already knew that

Hiromo thanked him and the man left with Hiromo waving at him

Meanwhile, the crow that reached the master was from Hiromo and told him that he might be the demon slayer with the most potential so far.

Master said in a gentle voice that he was glad that even five children survived to become demon slayers

He told the crow to go back to Hiromo and tell him that he had a mission and was following him to see how he would accomplish his first mission.

In the meantime Hiromo was preparing for the first mission, Sakuraki told him that when he completes the mission to come back because there is always room

Hiromo thanked him and put on his demon slayer uniform and took the sword

Hiromo said he was going now and waved at him as he left and Sakuraki wished him luck and told him to take care

Hiromo came down from the hill and the crow kept saying that he had to hurry because there is a demon in the village that terrorizes people and every night it happens that one person dies

Hiromo was excited about his first mission but still told himself that it wouldn't be easy to find that demon

After walking for half an hour, Hiromo arrived at the village and saw that there were many people

He couldn't believe it because he spent his whole life in the forest but he said he had to investigate to the end to find out about the demon

When he came to the left side of the house with a balcony and a mother and child in front of the house

As Hiromo got closer, he heard the mother telling her little girl that she must not go outside

He approached and asked them if they had seen a demon, the girl said that there was a demon, the mother said that the demon had two heads or at least that's what they were saying

Hiromo thanked him and moved on, as he was walking he saw an older man who was whispering something, but it was barely audible.

Hiromo approached him and asked him if he was talking about demons and he only said that a demon has two heads

Hiromo asked him if there was anything suspicious the previous nights and he replied that a child was eaten last night but he wasn't sure

Night began to fall and Hiromo was walking, suddenly he saw a woman and her little girl but they were terrified

Hiromo asked what was wrong and the woman just slowly pointed at the demon with her finger, Hiromo was shocked when he saw that the demon really had two heads

The demon began to say that he would kill them and then eat them, the demon started to attack but Hiromo cut off his hand with which he attacked the woman and the child

Hiromo stood in front of them and said that they were running away and that he would fight the demon, the demon said that he would kill him too

The demon started running towards him and swung its clawed hand, but Hiroma cut the hand off again.

Hiromo wondered how he would defeat the demon who has two heads, the demon attacked him again but this time Hiromo dodged and attacked him saying

"fire breathing, first form: burning fire"

His sword glowed with fire and cut off his leg, the demon immediately fell to the floor because he didn't regenerate

Hiromo said that he will defeat him now and jumped towards him as the sword created a fire attack saying

"fire breathing, fifth form: fire slash"

Hiromo managed to cut off one head and the demon regenerated his hands and attacked him with his claws and managed to cut his cheek

Hiromo just said that it hurts but it's nothing this demon did, the demon regenerated his legs and tried to hit him but he managed to block the blow with his sword

The demon laughed and attacked him with his claw but Hiromo quickly turned around and kicked him.

The demon moved back just a little and started to attack it but Hiromo attacked it with a new form

fire breathing, sixth form: fiery circle of destruction

He swung his sword and the demon attacked him with a claw and cut open his other cheek and cut his back with his other hand but Hiromo endured it and cut off two heads with one strong swing while the demon complimented Hiromo that the attack was incredibly fast

The demon's body disintegrated and Hiromo fell to his knees saying that it actually hurt, the mother and child thanked him and saw that he was hurt

They told him they would help him but he just thanked him and said he was fine, the mother laughed and thanked him again as Hiromo got up and started walking and started waving

After an hour, the sun just rose and Hiromo returned home, he called Sakuraki and he immediately came out with a smile, but Hiromo just fainted while Sakuraki immediately ran to bring him into the house and heal him

Meanwhile the master sat saying that Hiromo has a lot of potential and that he is even the first fire breathing demon slayer in the last 100 years