
Demon slayer:Hiromo revenge

In the Taisho era demons and humans were fighting and their fight continues after few hundreds years,Boy named Hiromo got the same fate as his life will turn upside down when demon killed his parents and sister he will go on path to become demon slayer and to avenge his family members

Burhan_Selimovic · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 5:Battle at Asakusa

After Hiromo got his sword he went on his first mission, he managed to kill the demon and returned to Sakuraki

The night passed and the new morning came, and during that time Hiromo and Sakuraki were drinking tea, Hiromo said that he is waiting for the next mission and that he thinks it will be more difficult and says that maybe he will find the demon that killed his family

Sakuraki said that it was most likely done by the demon king but that it was just his guess, Hiromo wondered who the demon king was and Sakuraki said that he didn't know either because no one saw him

Sakuraki also said that he created all the demons and most likely tried it with his family but they died

Hiromo said that it was not possible because it was obvious that someone had killed them immediately, Sakuraki said that it might be right

While they were talking, the master said again that Hiromo was amazing and that he hoped to meet him

In the meantime, in a city called Asakusa, a man in a black suit and a white hat, but with red demonic eyes, was passing by. This is the demon king that Sakuraki was talking about, and his name is Muzan Kibutsuji.

Muzan went behind the buildings where no one was and said to himself that before Hiromo killed the two headed demon he saw through the demon's cells that he had potential and could be a threat to his goals of becoming immune to the sun

And then he summoned two demons named Susamaru and Yahaba, Susamaru is a woman with black hair and orange locks, a black undershirt and an orange costume while Yahaba was a man with a green black kimono and a blue rosary around his neck and his eyes are always closed but he has eyes in hands

Muzan says that he will have to come to Asakusa on a mission or else everyone will die

Meanwhile, while Sakuraki and Hiromo were talking, a crow stood on his shoulder and said he had to go to Asakusa because they had two demons that were attacking people.

Sakuraki told him to hurry now but he asked him if he knew where Asakusa was and Hiromo said he did because his parents once told him about it and told him where it was

Hiromo got up and immediately left for the mission while Sakuraki just watched him leave, Hiromo ran saying that he would have a hard time alone against the two demons but he heard the other crow saying that he had to hurry to Asakusa

Hiromo stopped and saw a boy on the way with an orange kimono and orange hair shaking saying he didn't want to go because he was going to die and because he was afraid of demons

Hiromo ran towards him and asked him what happened and he asked him if he also went on a mission, Hiromo said that he went to Asakusa

The boy said that he was lucky and asked if he would defend him from the demons, to which Hiromo replied that he would only help him because he could not defeat two demons by himself.

The boy said his name is Zenitsu Agatsuma and Hiromo also introduced himself and they started together, Hiromo said he didn't see him in the final selection and Zenitsu says that he finished before him and he doesn't know how he is still alive

A day passed and they arrived in Asakusa, Hiromo was shocked to see how many people were there and how the place was lit up as Zenitsu said he hadn't been here for a long time

However, while Hiromo was thinking about the beauty of the Zenitsu city, he heard some people rushing forward and then to the left

Hiromo asked him how he heard that and Zenitsu says that he has supernatural hearing, Hiromo said that they have to go while Zenitsu was scared but said that Hiromo will save him

After they arrived they saw the house that was all destroyed by two demons which were Susamaru and Yahaba

Susamaru laughs out loud and says it's really fun destroying the house while Yahaba says they just have to kill the boy who killed the two-headed demon and take his head

Hiromo heard this and started running pretending to be there he swung his sword using his first form

"Burning Fire"

But Susamaru dodged it and then Yahaba opened his hand and the eye made a red arrow that hit his sword and the force of the blow sent him flying a few meters into the house

Yahaba said that it is weaker than he thought but Hiromo leaves the house saying that it is a strong demon

He told Zenitsu to attack the female demon, when Susamaru looked at him and prepared to attack Zenitsu just fainted

And Hiromo couldn't believe what had just happened, but he turned to Susamar and Yahab and said that it would be difficult to defeat two such powerful demons.

Susamaru created a ball that she threw with her hand at an incredible speed but Hiromo cut it down but as he did that another ball ran into him which he managed to avoid

Yahaba shot an arrow out of the air which Hiromo dodged the first time but the second arrow hit him in the stomach as Hiromo spewed some blood from his mouth and fell to his knees.

Hiromo said he couldn't believe how fast that second attack was and it was really hard to keep track of the balls and arrows at the same time

Hiromo uses another form: Fire Wheel and cuts the ball that Susamaru threw out after it fell to the floor

Susamaru threw the ball in the air and kicked it and Hiromo managed to dodge but it destroyed two trees that were next to the house

She kept saying this was fun and the balls were just flying at incredible speed while Hiromo barely dodged

Yahaba said that he will finish him off immediately and fired an arrow but just as it was about to hit him, Zenitsu inhales and uses lightning breath

"Lightning breathing, first form, Thunderclap and flash"

He cut off his arrows and both arms with incredible speed while he was sleeping and Hiromo didn't even see how fast he was moving and said it was incredible

Zenitsu says that he will fight Yahaba and let him fight Susamaru

Hiromo thanked and said that now it will be much easier to concentrate only on the demon and the balls, Susamaru threw two balls and Hiromo with his first form: burning fire managed to cut those balls

Susamaru was just throwing balls and Hiromo was getting faster and faster until he got closer to the neck

He swung his sword using another form: fire wheel but suddenly Susamaru created six arms and blocked his attack with a ball and he immediately moved a few meters away

As soon as he moved away Susamaru threw the balls faster and faster and Hiromo managed to dodge even faster and Susamaru said he was really fast

In the meantime, Yahaba says that Zenitsu has incredible speed, he was constantly shooting arrows, and Zenitsu easily dodged it.

However, Yahaba uses the demon's blood technique: Kotetsu arrow and manipulates the arrows by firing them in all positions.

Yahaba says that there is no way he can avoid it but Zenitsu again dodged it with ease, Yahaba got angry and kept shooting arrows but then he noticed that Zenitsu was not there

At that moment, Zenitsu uses lightning breath, first form: thunderclap and flash: sixfold to destroy all the arrows.

After destroying them he did his first form: thunderclap and flash cutting off Yahab's head in a second

Hiromo saw and couldn't believe that Zenitsu had easily defeated Yahaba, but that he shouldn't worry now because he could focus on the fight with Susamaru

Susamaru can't believe that Yahaba is defeated and uses the blood demon technique: Hiasobi tamari and throws six balls at once, but Hiromo with the first form: burning fire destroys all balls at once

Susamaru started to throw balls again but Zenitsu uses thunderclap and flash and cuts all her hands

Hiromo thanks her and leaps at her using his fourth form: Destructive Fire Dragon and cuts off her head as the body disintegrates from Susamaru and Yahab

After Zenitsu wakes up he sees that there are no more demons and immediately congratulates Hiromo on defeating them while Hiromo looks on in shock but doesn't say anything to him

Hiromo said that he will return to Sakuraki, Zenitsu asked who it was and Hiromo said that it was the teacher who taught him fire breathing because his family was killed by a demon.

Zenitsu asked how he will do without him and Hiromo says that they will meet again sometime, Zenitsu says that he could be with him because he has a place with him considering that he is alone

Hiromo said he had to go to Sakuraki first to say goodbye to him, Hiromo left and after a long walk he arrived

Hiromo told him that he met the first friend with whom he defeated the demons and he suggested that he go along with him because he himself

Hiromo said that it is best that their paths end and Sakuraki says that there is always room for him

Hiromo cries but says that they will see each other again sometime, and looks at the sky saying that there is still a lot waiting for him