
Chapter 1: Start of a Journey


A sweet cry of a newborn child echoes in a cold winter night.

"Is my child a son or a daughter?" An excited voice of a man rang out outside the room. He is Wage, the son and the heir of the Village Chief of the Moon Village.

"As the ultimate genius of the race and the heir of the Village Chief, you should be more composed." A strict voice sounded beside the man.

"Don't be like that father. This my first time having a child and with the poor fertilization of our clan, this might be the only child I can have in my entire life." Wage said.

"You can enter the room now." A voice of a woman sounded in the room. Her name is Harnie, the wife of Wage.


The door opened. "How is it? Is it a girl or a boy?" Asked by the man nervously. "My love, we have a daughter." A weak voice lf a woman sounded.

"My daughter!" An excited voice rang out. "We should give her the name, Miya. A girl destined to be the next moon goddess."

"Quite ambitious. It's been thousands of years since the last moon goddess appeared in our village. But I do hope that she has that talent, especially now, that we are endangered to be caught in the crossfire of the war." The village chief said.

"Just wait and see father." A voice filled with confidence sounded from Wage.

Time flew and in a blink of an eye, eight years has passed. Miya is now a cute little child with a playful personality. She often spend her morning while playing and her afternoon while reading and learning.

"Miya! Playtime is over. Come home now." A gorgeous woman in her thirties called for her daughter. She has light blue eyes, black hair, and pointy ears.

"Yes, mother!" A playful sound rang out. A little girl ran towards their house excitedly. She has a beautiful azure blue eyes, a head full of white hair, and a pair of pointy ears. One could tell that she would be a stunning beauty when she grew up.


A thirty-fourty year old man suddenly appeared beside Harnie. He has head full of white hair, a cold aura emanates for his jet black eyes and he, as all the members of the moon elves, also have pointed ears.

"My Love, I think we should start training our daughter. The flames of war between the orcs and humans are getting worse. In ten years of time, we might get caught in the crossfire." Wage said as the look in his eyes slowly turned gentle.

"Alas, our region is now slowly becoming too chaotic. We can't even evacuate because the Moon God Temple is built in these area by the moon god. We can only try to strengthen our tribe and defend ourselves from this calamity." Harnie sighed helplessly. "Let us train our daughter tommorow. Since you are the best archer in our village, you will train her the art of archery, while I will train her survival skills."

"Fine." Wage nodded. The couple entered their house and saw their child reading some books.

The child seemed to notice her parents as she hurriedly walked over. "Father! Mother! I want to ask you something."

"What is it child?"

"Many kids of my age are now engaging in training. While I, I'm still playing... Father, Mother, I also want to train!" A look of determination flashed past Miya's eyes.

Wage and Harnie were surprised. They thought that their daughter will be hesitant to leave a carefree life but they are wrong.

"Father? Mother?"

Wage came to his senses. "Good, good! We are just talking about training you. Hurry up and let's eat. Tomorrow, after we visit the Moon God Temple, we will start your training."

"Thank you father, mother. I promise, I will be diligent in training and will not disappoint you!" Miya said excitedly.

And so, the journey of the little heroine, begins.

This is my first time publishing a story. Please forgive me for not being good enough and thank for reading.

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