

I could tell from his shamefaced expression that he was guilty as sin however l could not find it within me to return those feelings. My heart deserved to beat to the like a thousand octaves, relishing in the feeling of being desired. l hadn't realised how much my heart yearned for love, deep, unconditional love.

"we need to get back to the others, they might get suspicious" when Aurora had gone up to Keira's room, John thought it would be a great idea to sneak out and talk things through but all he has done is whine about how guilty he feels sneaking behind Hilden's back

"no one will notice, they are too focused on the Akai situation to pay either of us any mind. relax" l wasn't as calm as l looked, the fear of Hilden catching me was the only the only thing that kept me somewhat level headed but John's outrageous proposal had awakened a beast within me

"don't you think we should be helping the find Akai?"