

" I don't know why it didn't cross my mind that you were the one who tried to kill my baby" l said before lunging at Celia. I am not a fighter, l have never fought with anyone in my entire life but sometimes people just manage to bring out the worst in you. I pulled at her hair, and her extensions came out. All she could do was scream out but no one seemed to come to her aid.

I managed to land a punch on her nose, and was satisfied when l heard the sound of something breaking. This fuelled her to scratch my face with her claws managing to draw some blood. This caused Hilden to snap out of whatever trance he was in and intervene. He got between us in an attempt to break up the fight. The way we were both throwing our hands, Celia mistakenly scratched him on the face. This thankfully caused both of us to stop fighting.

No one said anything until Hilden cast his eyes on my bleeding cheeks. He called for a nurse who was passing by to clean me up while he dealt with Celia. As l was walking away from them, l could see the satisfied look on her face making me want to jump her again.

Turning the corner, l silently followed behind the nurse whose name l didn't even know.

"Hi Ms" l called out to her. She turned around to look at me questioningly and to my horror, it was Lily.

"You called?" she asked rudely

"Why help me if you going to be rude?" l asked

"Your fiance happens to be one of our biggest sponsors, and l can't afford for him to pull his funding because of me"

"Then l think it's best you find someone else to help me" l said

She simply rolled her eyes and made her way out of the room. I could hear the sound of heavy footstep approaching the room l was in. I found it strange because usually nurses and doctors don't wear combat boots.

When the door opened, l was more than surprised to see two police officers standing on the other side of the door.

"Ms Aurora?" one of them asked

"That would be me"

"You are under arrest for assaulting Mrs Celia Stone. You have the right to remain silent as any and everything you say will be used against you in the court of law." One of the men spoke while the other one handcuffed me. To say l was shocked would be an understatement.

Never in a million years did l ever think that l would get arrested, especially for something as petty as pulling someone's extensions. I do admit that l threw my hands first and l did also break her nose. But for her to get me arrested is such a low blow. Has she no shame, she is the reason poor Akai had to be rushed to the hospital.

Bowing my head in shame, l made my way out of the hospital and into the back of the police van. My cheeks were still bleeding but the officers didn't seem to care. I was shaking in my seat not knowing what the future would hold for me, not knowing if l would see my baby again.

We arrived at the police station in less than ten minutes where l was booked. They took all my belongings from me before throwing me in a holding cell. There was another woman sat at the corner of the cell. She seemed to be crying by the way her shoulders were bouncing and the little sniffles that could be heard. And since it was just the both of us, they must have been coming from her.

I am not good with dealing with emotions so l didn't know how to approach the situation. But the longer l sat with her balling her eyes out, the more uncomfortable l got. So l made the decision to at least find out was wrong.

"Hi, my names Aurora" l said taking a seat next to her. She didn't acknowledge my presence and simply kept crying. But that didn't discourage me. So l did something that was way out of my comfort zone. I wrapped my arms around her. A hug that was mostly to bring comfort to me. It was in that moment that l knew l did something right. She wrapped her arms around me and cried more.

After about ten minutes, the tears stopped running and so did the sniffles. I removed my hands from around her and tried again

"Are you okay?" l asked, but as soon as the words left my mouth l felt like the most stupidest person ever. Of course she wasn't okay. But to my surprise, a small giggle escaped her lips and l didn't mind being stupid as long as it brought smile to her face. I don't what it is about the girl that made me feel comfortable. Being around her felt like the weight of my troubles was lifted.

"My name is Amy" she said softly, her voice raspy from all the crying

"Do you mind telling me what the problem is Amy?" l asked as gently as possible. I didn't want to come across as if l was prying

" I gave birth to a stillborn and l buried her in my yard, now they are saying l killed my baby." she said as she began to cry again. This was the last thing l would have expected to come out of her mouth. I didn't even know what to say to make the situation better or to comfort her. So l just simply sat there and stared at the bars in front of us.

"How old are you, Amy?" l asked after a while of sitting in silence

"18" and that's when l lost it. She was barely an adult and here she was about to lose her whole life. And if there was one thing l knew was that the police officers were going to manipulate her into making a false confession because of her age. They all want the honour of having the most arrests or the most solved cases that they start to gamble with people's lives.

I had seen it happen so many times. I couldn't help but feel like it was my job to help Amy out. That us meeting wasn't coincidental. I guess l have Celia to thank. But before l could think about getting her out, l had to find a way to get out myself. I wouldn't be much use to her if l also am locked up.

"Do you mind telling me what happened?" l asked. And before she could respond, the officers who brought me in came to get me.

"You are free to go" He said opening the cell door for me to leave. This only caused Amy to cry even more.

"Don't worry, l will be back for you" l said as l took one last look at her before following the officer to the reception of the police station. Next to her sat a puddle of my blood but l was unbothered. The police officers who brought me in would have to deal with that. There stood Celia and Hilden in the middle of all the commotion. Celia looked as though she had swallowed a sour lemon and the expression turned uglier as she saw my approaching figure.