
Deep in his heart

Deep in his heart it’s only me in there I asked for true love I got it but not in the way I expected- Erica A human gets herself mixed up in the world of the night creatures with no way out. Follow our protagonist as she goes in crazy adventures,finds more about herself and finds love

Kushi_Minami · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Pity pity

The next morning I reluctantly got up from the bed but since it was Monday I had no choice but to get ready for classes. I dressed up in my usual, a cardigan on a skirt with my hair combed back into a pony tail and the most important touch my glasses. I got into the class and the normal routine began with the lecturer teaching the class some people paying attention, some dozing off and others not even showing an ounce of interest in the lecture. Everything was going exactly in the same manner as every other time that was until Racheal entered into the class and whispered into another girls ear and the girl immediately formed a shocked expression, I ignored them and went on with my own stuff because everyone knew Racheal was that girl in school that spreads the rumors and gossip. On getting into the next class for the day I could see almost everyone talking to each other seemingly always the same topic I guess the whatever the rumor that Racheal brought this time has gotten to everyone else.

I slowly walked into the classroom, when the other classmates noticed my presence they all turned towards me and sent some kind of pitying look towards me, I then realized that I was a character in the rumor but I didn't do anything worthy of attention. I sat down waiting for the lecture to start while trying to remember if I did anything worthy of attention since I couldn't remember anything I concluded that someone must be spewing lies about me.

I got up as fast as lightening from my sit immediately the lecture was over, during the entire lecture I could feel different people gaze on me, the attention was too much for me.

Even I'm the hallway people were giving me that same look, I kind of think I'm starting to grow horns with the looks people gave me. I was totally confused on what was happening, normally nobody paid much attention to me.

I quickened my walking pace and headed straight to the hostels but I stopped in my tracks when I heard a girl mention the name Matthew Reigns, Matthew Reigns?that's the student school council's president, the school's topper and most importantly my boyfriend, what could have happened to him for people to cast such pitying gaze towards me. Beside the girl I could see one of the most popular girls next to her it was Melanie, I made sure to hide from the girl's sight and listened closely to what she was about to say that's when I heard another name it was not so surprisingly my name of course but the next thing I heard shocked me to the core.

Could you believe that Matthew Reigns is now with Nathalie Bree said the girl

What ?!you don't mean it , so Matt is no longer dating that cardigan girl what did you say her name was again asked Melanie. Erica Thompson replied the girl, well it was totally expected, Matt is the most popular boy on campus and he is a heartthrob so many girls are after him, I knew that sooner or later he was going to dump that girl and move on to someone else but for him to move on to Nathalie that is unexpected said Melanie.

I was slowly breaking in the corner listening to their conversation, I was always conscious of the fact that I and Matthew are on totally different levels but I didn't expect him to do something like this to me, I would have at least appreciated it if he broke up with me the normal way instead on cheating on me.