

The tale of an unfortunate omega who got rejected by his mate but at the brink of death he was reclaimed and the love, attention , and affection he was getting after being claimed by his mate seemed like the calm before the storm Did things finally change for the better or would his alpha go back to how everything was and treated him like scum beneath his shoes again? An Omega who held onto hope. Hope. Tsk. Such a small word with huge consequences. On her deathbed his mother told him to never let go of hope and so he kept hoping, kept waiting and watching for things to change. Finding his Alpha tangles in bed again with the same person who had caused him so much pain and misery he couldn't bear the pain any longer and left. For two years, two long torturous years, it seemed like he never existed and truth be told his Alpha was almost going crazy until that fateful morning he returned to the pack, armed to the tooth and not alone. Now fully trained in the brutal Alpha facility. His omega is full of surprises and forgiveness is NOT one of them! Don’t forget to vote or leave a comment. All similarities to people and places are all coincidental. Happy reading!

Samaelia_Mccarthy · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
92 Chs

Weeping willow{80}

Harmless suggestion: I was listening to Je te laisserai des mots by Patrick Watson when writing this chapter and it made the experience and emotions more profound. You should try it too💜


In the deep depths of the silent, eerie forest, Maryann, Maria, and Michaela walked side by side, their figures illuminated by the brilliant light of the moon high up in the night sky. As they ventured further into the forest, the air grew thick with an otherworldly stillness, causing an involuntary shiver to creep up their spines.

They had walked for what felt like hours, guided only by the pale light of the moon. The dense trees around them cast long, twisted shadows that danced and swayed with the gentle breeze. The air was cool and misty, wrapping around them like a thin veil.

After what felt like an eternity, the sisters finally reached a small clearing. In its center stood a majestic purple weeping willow tree, its long, graceful branches cascading down like velvety curtains. It stood lonesome, a sentinel in the midst of nature's symphony.

With light steps, the three sisters made their way towards the foot of the tree. A look of longing and grief flashed across their eyes as they caught sight of a female figure lying on a patch of white flowers on the ground. The person blended seamlessly with the surroundings, their entire body a stunning shade of purple. Soft-looking vines connected them to the weeping willow tree behind them, providing sustenance and support.

The last time they had come here, the slumbering woman was only half covered in the purple essence of the tree. Now, her entire form seemed to be one with it, a living embodiment of the weeping willow. Her face was serene, as if she were peacefully dreaming amidst the flowers.

Maria couldn't handle the heaviness in her heart any longer. Her tears fell freely, mingling with the dew on the flowers. Her sobs echoed through the silent forest, carried by the winds, a heartbreaking lament. The weeping willow trembled in response, its branches bowing down as if mourning alongside her.

Mikaela and Maryann, feeling the weight of Maria's sorrow, wrapped their arms gently around her, their own tears glistening in the moonlight. Together, the three sisters stood by the weeping willow and the woman it sustained, their grief blending and intertwining like the vines connecting them all.

Time seemed to stand still as they stayed there, wrapped in a cocoon of sorrow. The night whispered around them, the forest holding its breath in reverence. A sense of unity washed over them, as if the weeping willow itself had chosen them as caretakers of its sleeping charge.

As their tears subsided, a gentle breeze played with their hair, brushing against their cheeks like a tender caress. The weeping willow seemed to sway in response, its branches reaching out towards the sisters, as if inviting them to share in its strength.

With a deep breath, Maria stood up, wiping her tears with the back of her hand. She looked at her sisters, determination shining in her eyes. Gripping their hands tightly, she whispered, "We can't just stand here and grieve. We have to find a way to wake her up. To bring her back to us."

Maryann and Mikaela nodded, their faces streaked with tear stains but filled with newfound resolve. Together, they stepped forward, their feet sinking into the soft earth beneath them. As they touched the vines connecting the sleeping woman to the tree, a faint pulse of energy coursed through their fingertips.

Their connection to the weeping willow amplified, filling them with a renewed sense of purpose. They closed their eyes, allowing the tree's essence to flow through them, drawing upon its ancient wisdom and strength. They whispered words of love and hope, their voices blending with the rustle of the leaves.




Maryann, Mikayla, and Maria sat together in a semi-circle around the slumbering figure, their hands joined in silent unity. The cool breeze rustled the leaves of the purple weeping willow tree, its vines reaching down from its branches and connecting to the figure, offering her sustenance and strength.

The three sisters leaned in closer, their eyes fixed on the still form at their feet. It had been months since they first discovered the connection between the purple Willow woman and the omega they met at the gym. As they chanted quietly into the night, they could feel the ancient energy swirling around them, enveloping them in its embrace.

The weeping willow sensed their intentions. Its branches stretched out, its leaves growing larger and intertwining above the sisters and the slumbering figure, creating a cocoon-like structure that shielded them from the outside world.

Within this ethereal sanctuary, the sisters and the Willow woman existed in a realm where time stood still. The air hummed with a magical energy, and the purple figure slowly stirred, her eyelashes fluttering as she emerged from her slumber.

Her eyes, a vibrant shade of purple, opened to meet the gaze of the three sisters. A smile bloomed on her magnificent lips, a look of utmost love and gratitude in her shining eyes. She extended a hand towards the sisters, beckoning them closer.

The sisters hesitated, unsure of how to proceed. They had come so far in their quest to free the purple Willow woman from her reliance on the tree, but they still had more to accomplish. They had hoped to share their progress with her, to give her hope that there was a way out.

With a knowing smile, the Willow woman pulled the sisters into a warm embrace. It was a bittersweet moment, filled with the knowledge that their time together was limited. The sisters began to speak, each one sharing the successes they had achieved in their lives since their last meeting.

"We've been working tirelessly, seeking out ancient spells and hidden knowledge," Mikayla said, her voice filled with determination. "We're closer than ever to finding a permanent solution."

Maryann's eyes sparkled with excitement as she spoke. "And we've been able to tap further into our own powers, harnessing them in ways we never thought possible. We're stronger than ever."

Maria nodded, her expression resolute. "We won't stop until we find a way to sever your ties with the purple Willow tree. You deserve to be free, to live without relying on its energy."

The purple Willow woman listened attentively, her eyes filled with sadness and understanding. She knew the immense effort the sisters had put into finding a solution, but she also knew the reality of their situation. There was a heaviness in her heart, a deep longing for a future that could never be.

With a final, loving hug, the sisters bid farewell to the Willow woman. Their resolve was stronger than ever as they emerged from the cocoon of leaves, the ancient energy still buzzing within them. They knew that their journey would not be easy, but they were determined to bring back the vibrant, powerful woman they had come to love after the passing of their parents.

As they made their way out of the forest, a fierce strength bubbled within them. They knew that they had a purpose, that they were destined to find a solution. The weight of their responsibility settled on their shoulders, but they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Meanwhile, the purple Willow woman watched them leave with a mix of deep sadness and longing. She knew that there was no salvation for her, no way to regain the life she had lost. With a final look at the retreating figures of the sisters, she closed her eyes and fell back into her slumber.

Deep within her, her soul cried silently, mourning the loss of what could have been. The forest whispered its secrets, carrying her sorrow on the wind as her connection with the sisters slowly faded away. She was left alone once again, forever bound to the purple Willow tree.

But as the sisters walked away, their resolve grew stronger. They would not give up on the purple Willow woman. They would find a way to sever her ties, to restore her independence. And with that fierce determination, they ventured forth, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in their journey to bring her back to them.

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