
Cya soon. Or never

Lucas Hepasin, the king of Salvition the kingdom of warriors has lost his kingdom in a foolish way. His narcistic personality and his ego got the best of him. He was banished into the wild magical forest near his own kingdom. No one knows if he's dead or alive, thoughts of him have been rumored so much its impossible to find out. As for what happened, regrets, fate, fear and sadness has been spread over the kingdom and the former allies of the kingdom has heard the news, the thoughts of burning their alliances were openly talked.

The new king of Salvition, Haze Asher had many upcoming plans for his newfound land. They don't call him "The ashes of hell itself" for nothing. His skin was like a normal human being, his eyes were green as the shining emeralds of the rich, his hair, hands and legs however were made of ashes and haze, his amour/clothing matched his eyes. He can't fly or use his ashes to do his bidding, all he could do was corrupt magic and drain the life source or at least the magic of others away. The only way he could do this was by getting near his victim and stun them or make them unconscious to get more power out of them.

Near the wild forest lived a young boy named Zane was playing chess with a boarwolf. Of course the child knew it was dangerous to play so carelessly with an threatening animal but the sad reality was he didn't have any friends, parents or even just a person by his side. He was raised by a Woman, a witch. He forgot her name so he called her 'caretaker'. He knew that even when he was young no one wanted him but his caretaker. His life was a mess, adopted at a young age, the only person who cared for him died when he was 9, having to learn the magic that was too advance for his own age to survive. Only a wild boarwolf to play with, even the animal itself was scared since he was pulled out of his pack to 'play' with this kid. The boy sighs, "You can run away now 'friend'. I no longer find you entertaining nor fun to play with." Zane says while glaring at the boarwolf. It ran faster than its usual speed, the sounds of its paws running away no longer can be heard from Zane's distant.

"C'mon Owen, your such a baby sometimes. I have two of my stone swords with me, why are you scared? Plus you have your potions and herbs that would scare away bugs, snakes and even the spidcobra! If we get cuts you got your potion that heals any wound!" A boy with blond hair ad red eyes says while dragging another boy that was his age into the wild forest. "Aaronnnn. You know we can't escape anymore further species than what you named! What about a boarwolf, it could eat us alive before you can become the best swordsmaster and me as the best potion maker! We're only 12 and this is what your dragging yourself and me into? Don't pressure yourself or should I say you should stop having such a big ego!" The boy named Owen gives a good lecture to his friend. "If you don't wanna pass potion class without your most wanted ingredient, fine by me! Might aswell get your fair skin to good use and your golden eyes to spot glory!" Aaron replies arrogantly, his ego fueling to the top. Owen gives a though and remembers his project and test. "Oh darn, you gotta be kidding. I CAN'T BEALIVE I FORGOT ABOUT MY PROJECT AND TEST!!! AARON WE NEED TO GET THAT BOARWOLF TEETH AND SPIDCOBRA'S SCALES!!!" Owen panic beg. "First of all, OUR test. I have to slay the boarwolf and the spidcobra with PROOF. Your gonna be my witness and OUR FUTURE. Secondly, HECK YEAHHHH BOIIII!!!!" Aaron shouts in excitement. "Now lets go get that ingredient and past OUR test. Even if it means I get yeeted by a spidcobra or bitten. Anyways you can heal me afterwards."

The two went in the forest without knowing the danger inside. The trees looked like they were staring at their presents. Birds no longer chirp, the only thing you can hear is the call of a grasshopper, which is quite rare in the parts of the lushes forest. Soon enough the boys were lucky enough to find a boarwolf resting under a tree, it looked liked it was tired. Maybe running away from something but it didn't matter to them if the poor soul of the boarwolf was tired. Their focus was on its long teeth which was made for herbs that made golden cobra's venom look like its nothing but a small injury. "Ok, this is the part where you use a bubblegum trap that you learned from potion class 102." Aaron whispers to Owen. "Ok let me prepare you bastard, jeez. After that you do all the slashing you want. I'll be enjoying from a distant, not because I'm scared of gore but rather I would not get myself dirty over your 'masterpiece'." Owen chuckles after the sentence. "Oh shut up and do your potion thingy."

Owen threw a blue potion onto the boarwolf, glass shards were all over the boarwolf's body, some cutting into him. The potion reacted as it should and created a sticky gum to stick onto the floor, it even had a blueberry scent. Th boarwolf of struggling to get out and whimpering in pain. Aaron used both of his sword to cut into its body. Soon blood poured everywhere, Aaron didn't mind. After all this is going to be his life soon when he's older. "GET THE FANG DUDE I AIN'T WASTING MY TIME HERE!!!" Owen shouts at Aaron. The potion brewer has a temper issue and can get paranoid easily. "I CAN REALLY USE SOME 'SHUT THE FUCK UP' RIGHT NOW." Aaron yelled back. Owen only gave a "hmp!" before waiting under the tree where they hided.

Soon enough Aaron got both of its teeth and gave one to his buddy. "So, where are we going to find the spidcobra? Don't they live in in groups?" "Well we can just search for it, nothing too bad." Aaron replies while having to be on a piggyback ride on Owen's shoulder. "We got lucky finding a rogue boarwolf but Spidcobras are very diffrent. They don't leave their groups and even if they did, it would be the strongest one due to the fact the best of the best hunts." Owen explains the diffucultly.

"True butttt you could just do the bubblegum potion trick again, couldn't you?"

"Aaron, are you stupid or just clueless?"

"Both from your perspective I suppose?"

"Duh you asshole. Spidcobras are immune to sticky stuff because they live, sleep and eat in webs, didn't you focus on 'guide to species and plants for dumbies?'. I bet you weren't even paying attention to your hunting guider!"


As they fight like the naïve children they are a spidcobra manage to slighter and crawl to the nearest tree next to them. Its eyes were blood-thirsty and their meal was right in-front of their eyes, how lucky of it. It leaped towards Owen since he had no sharp objects in his hands or body. Aaron jumped and took out his sword. He could kill the spidcobra but the chance of hurting his friend was higher than ever so he took matters into his own hands, literally. He tried to choke it to death but it shot a spiderweb onto the kid and attack. They screamed in fear hoping someone would hear their cries.

Zane was sleeping on a wooden table outside his cabin. The chess piece that were carved were now on the grass floor. The sunlight did nothing to wake the kid up but loud screaming did. The was wide awake and followed the screaming. "Darn it." Zane mutters under his breathe when he saw two people getting themselves in a horrid situation. Zane focuses on the spidcobra's moments and soon yelled "OI SPID, GET THIS FINE SPECIMENT OF A MAGE HERE!" Zane yells to get its attention but soon followed up with a "THANK YOU WHATEVER SPRIT THAT SEND HIM HERE". "SORRY HE'S JUST NEVER BEEN IN A DEATH SISUATION BEFORE BUT NOW ITS NOT THE TIME TO EXPLAIN-" He was cut off by the spidcobra charging toward's Zane. The spidcobra was so close to Zane's face but then was lifelessly dead on the floor. Owen and Aaron looked at each other and looked back at Zane. "Are you god?" The two asked at the same amount of speed. "Nope, just lucky I'm hungry and energized enough to suck the life out of it before it kills me. That spidcobra had so many years to live, too bad that now it sustains my hunger to keep up with my magic." Zane replied.

"Nice meeting you, cya soon. Or never."