
New year? Old life.

Its been two years ever since the meeting. Zane is still ever so sleepless from learning spells and lonely. He didn't mind it much since his study is 60% of his schedule. The rest in concerning if your a sane, normal, healthy specie. Sucking the living souls out of other creatures feeds of his magic using body, after that he has a whole dinner prepared for himself. Fruits he can find from the trees after he hunts is a snack for his ever so impressing appetite. Although you might think he's in rags or in his worst appearance your WRONG. More wrong than how magic works in this universe, I'll give you that. He had raven hair tied up in a bun, his eyes shine like amethyst, he had a long white sleeved shirt under his dark purple robe that had a purple gem as a clip button, his black jeans fitting in the shadows, a purple fabric goes around his waist to store two daggers, his skin pinkish pale, he had glasses that had rose gold as a frame.

Aaron however was different person.... his eyes red and demonic, a golden chestplate that had many scratches was on his body a red hoodie under it, his black jeans had a bit exposure of his skin from all his fighting and a leather knee protector, he had golden rings and bangle with rich cravings all over his hands, his blond hair fuzzy, he had a backpack full of herbs, snacks, a first aid kid and a whole collection of melee weapons. Who knows when its gonna be handy when you live in a world full of monsters.

Owen was the magnet of noble women, from his collage to another kingdom he was the center attention of the the ladies, which made him tired of women and had men in his mind. His long black to green hair tied to a short ponytail, his robe was green and black, if he's not wearing his robe he's wearing a suit with a green tie, a necklace with a silver key can be seen if he doesn't hide it, his skin was full of melanin, a tattoo of a summon circle was on the back of his body, a monical hangs on his face.

"Heyo! Owen!!!" Aaron shouted looking for his friend in the open crowd of the library. Owen eyes darted at the blond, "Aaron my good friend! What makes you come here looking for me?" Owen asked. "I was looking forward to go back to the wild again with you. After all, its been awhile since we had a real adventure like the good old days when we were 12! We're 19 now and I think we can handle what comes after us unlike last time when we had to get saved by a random dude." Aaron chuckles. "Oh really? Are you sure your not just begging me to help you on an adventure that you 'oh so prepared for'. After all, like last time you did a wonderful job of handling the monsters in the open wild." Owen said sarcastically. "And also, I bet you planned for that magical dude that was kind enough to help us escape the monster after we almost died!" Owen added. "S-shut up." Aaron stutters out of embarrassment. "Awh, little AJ gonna go all baby mode~" Owen teased. "I can kill you in a second motherfucking cunt cheap-assed prostitute!" Aaron snapped back. "Woah woah, who knew you used words that well?" "Shut up before I go find a Assassins to kill you and your family." "Whatever pissbaby."

As they walked into the wild again nostalgia hit them like a truck. "Hey! That's the tree that we hid in when we saw the boarwolf!" Aaron pointed at the memorable tree that had a small amount of old leaves. "It was just like yesterday. Right Owen?" Aaron touches the tree while Owen reserve the tree. "Yes, shall we continue to the tree where we almost got killed? That's not sarcasm I'm genuinely interested." Owen walks further than Aaron. "Okay Mr Fancy pants." says while trying to catch up to Owen. "Oh there it is, that big tree that the spidcobra leaped from." Owen runs towards the tree. Observing it and its features, meanwhile Aaron runs away to another direction due to trauma. He went far away enough to see a cabin but not far from it was a bigger wooden Cabin, his eyes was on the wooden hut, hoping to loot it and sell its items later for a quick buck. However the wooden hut had a fellow man reading a book with glasses on, ever so calm and relaxing. As Aaron had one step on the wooden cabin, Zane noticed the steps. Zane jumps down from his attic room window, landing majestically on the grass floor summoning a dagger to shoot at Aaron. Aaron doges and chuckles. He pull out his sword and leaps to Zane hoping to stab him. Zane teleported and grass vines with thorns grow under Aaron to prick his legs. Aaron groans in pain while Zane smiled demonically. He lift Aarons chin up and got close to suck the living life out of him. "WAIT I'M THE BOY YOU SAVED 7 YEARS AGO!!!" Aaron blurred out hoping it was him, Zane stopped and thought. "Well, I suppose I can spare you. I need an explanation of why you tried to enter my house." as Zane say this the vines under Aaron withered into ashes. Aaron drops onto Zane due to his legs no longer can support his weight. "I can fix your legs only if you can answer me fine sir." Zane said harshly while glaring at the blond. "I w-was hoping to loot it of its goods for a quick buck. After all the chimney didn't have smoke coming out of it, the w-windows expose no light whatsoever and no human was in sight." Aaron gave a clear explanation to his grave mistake. "Good explanation, might help me with peaceful raiders next time." the raven carries Aaron into his cabin. He set him down onto the couch and touched both of Aarons legs. "So, I never got your name, even since you saved me." Aaron looks at the raven healing his leg slowly. "Well its because I've never told anyone my name but my caretaker that died. If you want it, its Zane. Zane Cipher." "The name is Aaron Creek!"