
DC : Ultraman

To my dismay I somehow was in the DC universe, on the plus side I had the powers of Ultraman. Did I also mention that I am Superman's younger brother. Follow the story of Jerald Kent as he navigates through the DC universe while trying to investigate his origins. ________________________________________________________________ PS. This is a translation of a chinese fanfiction. _________________________________________________________________ For advanced chapters and support visit : www.p@treon.com/NelsonN742 {replace @ with a} ______________________________________________________________________ Disclaimer : I do not own DC comics and DC characters nor associated media and franchise. Only original characters and plot belong to me

N_Nelson · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

Vs Parasite (Part 2)

  Metropolitis City Center Square

A crimson streak left a series of afterimages in the square, and Parasite couldn't distinguish which one was the real Jero until Jero appeared behind him. Parasite reacted too late.


A fist charged with Spacium particles tore through the air, breaking the sound barrier, and slammed into Parasite's spine. The earth-shattering punch shattered Parasite's spine, forcing him to consume more energy to regenerate it.

About 0.7 seconds later, Parasite's spine was fully restored, but it cost him some energy. The most noticeable change was his size; he had shrunk considerably compared to when he first battled Jero.

Parasite's inner turmoil was a mixture of anger and hunger, and he was no longer solely focused on Jero.


Parasite let out a deafening roar, momentarily slowing Jero down. Parasite clenched his fists, then smashed them into the ground with great force, raising a cloud of dust that obscured the area.

Jero used his Ultra Sensory powers to track Parasite's movements. He realized that Parasite had given up their one-on-one battle and was charging towards the terrified crowd.

Ordinary humans had energy too, and they could put up a fight if necessary. Parasite was rushing towards the crowd, causing them to scream and cry for help.

"Although I'm not sure if I can become a real hero at this point," Jero muttered to himself, increasing his speed. He desperately wanted to stop Parasite from harming anyone.

At that moment, Jero's Spacium particles within his body were rapidly activating, and his metabolism was accelerating. Weaker cells were replaced by stronger ones, and his power was growing.

The jet propulsion system was running at its limit, and even the exhaust vents were overheating, but Jero's speed kept increasing.

"Give me more power!" Jero exclaimed.

As Parasite reached the crowd, his twisted giant hands cast shadows over the innocent bystanders' heads.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

The people Parasite targeted as prey had no chance to escape; they could only scream in terror. Just as Parasite was about to select one of them as his appetizer, Jero grabbed Parasite's massive hand.

"Your opponent is me!" Jero, floating in the air, grabbed Parasite's hand and began spinning rapidly.

As Jero spun faster and faster, he turned into a whirlwind. Parasite struggled within Jero's grip, and he had to exert more strength to break free.

In the midst of this chaos, Parasite shifted his focus away from Jero for a moment. He let out a final scream and released a shockwave, knocking the crowd to the ground. However, Jero's quick reflexes allowed him to protect the innocent bystanders.

"Ultraman!" "Ultraman!" "Ultraman!" The crowd on the ground began to chant Jero's name.

Ignoring the cheers from below, Jero continued to increase his speed, knowing that he only had three minutes left to fight before his restrictions would kick in.

Jero's figure disappeared from the view of the crowd.

"Energy... I need more energy..." Parasite's voice became intermittent.

"Don't worry; you'll get the energy you want soon," Jero replied coldly through his armor's speakers.

In the next moment, his fists rained down on Parasite, the blows appearing as red streaks to Parasite's eyes. Parasite struggled to breathe under the relentless assault.

In the sky, Superman was pleased with Jero's performance. He nodded and said, "In that case, I should finish my fight as well."

"Die, Superman!"

Behind Superman, Livewire emerged, channeling all her power into a devastating attack aimed at him. The surging electric current resembled a roaring dragon, ready to tear everything in its path to pieces.

The result was the complete opposite. Under the onslaught of the electrifying attack, Superman's form slowly disappeared.

"Hahaha! I killed Superman!" Livewire laughed triumphantly.

"You, miss, I think your voice is a bit loud and might disturb the peace," Superman's voice came from behind Livewire. His tone was light and even carried a hint of amusement.

"How is that possible?"

Livewire didn't have time to process the situation before Superman exhaled a massive gust of cold air, freezing her in place.

Livewire, now encased in ice, fell to the ground. The electrical arcs that had formed a cage around her disappeared, and the trapped civilians finally had a chance to escape.

Livewire, who turned into an ice sculpture by Superman using his freeze breath fell, and  landed on Parasite.

The moment it landed on the Parasite, all the ice cubes on the living wire shattered.

"Deal with them, Ultraman." Superman's voice came from above.

"Understood." Jero responded to Superman while crossing his hands, the controllers connected with each other, and a large number of Spacium particles were flowing towards his hands

Feeling cornered, Livewire had no choice but to use Parasite as a shield. She hid behind him.

In the next moment, a massive beam of Spacium particles shot from Jero's hands and engulfed Parasite. Parasite struggled within the beam, his cells being constantly stimulated. While absorbing some energy, it also caused him immense pain.

The saved crowd watched as Jero's Spacium beam continued to assault Parasite. Jero had to exert more and more power to completely defeat Parasite.

Livewire, hiding behind Parasite, watched in fear. She realized that she had no escape, and desperation fueled her actions. She manipulated the last of her electrical power to create a protective barrier around herself.

Two seconds later, Jero's Spacium beam finally overwhelmed Parasite. The beam struck Livewire's protective barrier, shattering it instantly. Livewire, who had been hiding behind Parasite, immediately lost consciousness.


Jero panted heavily, his Spacium Energy Core on his chest dimmed, and his armor had run out of power. Defeating Parasite had drained Jero of all his energy.

Parasite, now weakened, resembled a feeble courier, and Livewire lay unconscious on the ground, with weak breaths.

"You did well, Ultraman," Superman approached Jero, asking, "Do you have any strength left?"

"I have a little left," Jero replied, struggling to speak. "But I feel like this situation is not as simple as it seems."

"I'll take you with me," Superman enveloped Jero in his natural biological force field, and they ascended into the sky, disappearing from the view of the crowd.