
DC: True Power of Ancient Saiyan

Cadmus, a secret division of the US government dedicated to countering the power of metahumans worldwide, particularly members of the Justice League. Famous for creating the Doomsday clone and Galatea, what if there are other secrets hidden deep within this division? After a major discovery and some lucky coincidences, they have managed to create a new project. An enhanced being from one of the best warrior races ever to exist in the fictional world, who fights, kills and destroys anyone who gets in its way. A person who wakes up in a Saiyan body, however, soon realises that he is not in the Dragon Ball universe. He is an anomaly that should not exist in any other universe; survival will be his only goal, or he will overcome the odds and become something much greater.

Demon_King22 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs


[5025 Words]


Prologue - 1: Monster Zero


[Third Person]

[Unknown Location]

In a laboratory at an undisclosed location on planet Earth, several pods containing many types of deformed creatures could be seen connected to a tube containing some type of green liquid.

Most of the lab personnel were making various changes, performing various checks, checking for errors, and making sure that the equipment in the room was fully operational without malfunction.

But suddenly, without warning, the lab doors opened and a slender, dark-skinned woman, dressed professionally, entered the lab with slow steps while showing a cold, unyielding expression on her face.

All the scientists immediately stopped what they were doing and approached the woman with obvious respect and caution for fear of offending her, for she could ruin their lives with the snap of her fingers:

After all, everyone in the room was well aware of her background, which was that she was a Director in the upper echelons of the U.S. government, known for her brutal methods and ruthless approach to those who opposed her.

"Director Waller!" One of the scientists stepped forward and greeted her with obvious concern in his eyes. The man was in his early thirties, had short gray hair, black eyes, and wore a simple lab coat.

[Picture ---> Amanda Waller]

Dr. Hamilton was many things, a scientist, a genius, a man who pushed the boundaries of science whenever he could to achieve his goals. It was he who had used cloning technology to its full potential, it was he who had created the Supergirl clone and made it a viable weapon.

It was this achievement that had elevated him from a mere scientist to the head of Cadmus Research, thanks to the influence of the mysterious Board of Directors. 

Their identity was a mystery to him, but he didn't care, because the only thing he cared about was getting the funding he needed to further his scientific knowledge, and things were going well for him.

The secrets he had discovered while studying the new project he was working on, the experiments he had been able to conduct, and the improvements he had made to other specimens through his genetic material were beyond anything he could have imagined.

But Amanda did not seem the least bit interested in their thoughts and asked in a cold, authoritative tone that demanded clear subordination to her, "How is the Monster #0 project going?"

At the mention of the new project, the man showed a very nervous expression as he hesitantly replied, "We're making a lot of progress, but we need more time, Subject #0 could get out of control at the slightest carelessness..."

"Hamilton, I'm not paying you to waste my time. I want to see results, we've already suffered enough losses with the Doomsday clone, Superboy and Galatea failures."

[Picture ---> Emil Hamilton]

Hamilton remained silent as he gave a small nod to one of the nearby scientists, who quickly handed a document to Waller, who accepted it without question.

"I see. Does the director remember what motivated us to start this project?" asked Dr. Hamilton, curious about the woman's knowledge of the information she had on the project they were spending so much time and especially financial investment on.

Amanda turned her attention away from the document in her hands and replied with what she knew, "I am aware that the project began with the discovery of a strange alien spacecraft that crashed over the Pacific Sea several years ago, with findings that may shock many people of this world.

Dr. Hamilton nodded at his words and added in an excited voice, "To be more specific, the origin of the craft has not yet been fully identified, but we have obtained much information that could advance our civilization a few hundred years into the future. We also found the body of a long-dead alien inside, similar in body structure to a human, but there were important differences in our physiologies.

Dr. Hamilton gave another nod to another of his subordinates as two different holograms appeared before them, which were supposed to represent the body structure of two human beings, or so it seemed without paying much attention, but they had clear differences that would have amazed the greatest biologists in the world.

And without wasting any more time, Dr. Hamilton began to speak, pointing to one of the two holograms in front of him, "First, we discovered a higher metabolism than any human, unnaturally high brain activity around the amygdala, pituitary and hippocampus. But the subject also had remarkable bone density, muscle density, skin strength, and a very impressive motor unit to muscle fiber recruitment ratio."

"But the most surprising thing was definitely strange clusters of cells in his body, concentrated around his lower back, with an unprecedented level of flexibility and adaptability, but we still don't know what possible long-term effects they might have on the subject..."

"What happened to the body of the alien in question?" asked Waller, intrigued that even she had not been able to find the exact details of this particular project and was therefore very curious about its success.

But many people in the upper echelons of government with whom she was in close contact seemed convinced that this project was what was needed at this time to restore order to this world.

Hearing her question, Dr. Hamilton showed a bitter expression on his face as he replied in a regretful tone, "Unfortunately, we discovered the alien's body too late, it was already in too high a state of cellular decay, fortunately we were able to take some useful data and some of his DNA for further research.

Amanda just nodded as she carefully read the file in her hands, trying to learn more about what she was observing and most importantly, trying to come up with a plan that could put her in an advantageous position in the near future.

After all, this project was very important to her so that she could finally hope to have enough authority to try to fix this world that was slowly falling apart as the crime rate increased with each passing day.


[● Item #: Mostro Zero]

Object Class: Keter1 

Redacted: ████████

● Redact: : Report No. 2 Project leader Dr. Emil Hamilton.

The revelation of an alien being inside the spaceship proved to be a pivotal moment, giving us essential insights into the vastness of the universe, a realm of which our understanding is still very limited.

After much effort, we were able to decipher the alien language, allowing us to establish a closer connection with another alien race, which could undoubtedly be beneficial to all of humanity.

From what we have discovered, these particular aliens have been identified as Saiyans, naturally assertive warriors with a history of attempting to dominate other planets in their quest for supremacy in the universe.


Redact#15 - Project leader Dr. Emil Hamilton.

All initial attempts at genetic manipulation of the fetus have failed, and unlike the Superboy and Galatea projects, we are now trying to find new ways to continue the creation of Monster Zero.

But no matter how hard we try, the various subjects are unable to accept the foreign DNA, resulting in rapid cellular destabilization and death. Finally, with the agreement of all project leaders, we decided to move to the proposal of using clones to gradually test the limits of a basic Homo Sapiens when exposed to foreign DNA in this subject.

Next, we will proceed with the data to try fetal genetics again, although frankly we are not very convinced of getting results. Therefore, we must proceed slowly with the project so as not to cause irreparable damage to the continuation of the project.


Redact# 34 - Project leader Dr. Emil Hamilton

We were able to get some results by mapping the limits of malleability of human genomes when forced to fuse with foreign DNA. Each source offers different limits, with some samples showing that foreign sources are more dominant than expected.

From this, we determined that Saiyan cells are adaptable enough to make themselves compatible with human gametes. And we ran various tests to better understand how they work, and they seem to react differently to each human nervous system they come in contact with.

To give a better explanation, they seem to react differently every time they come in contact with the limbic system, a part of the brain that regulates emotions, behavior, memory and smell of the nervous system, this seems to give the Saiyan cells an effect of increased excitability that was at the very least incredible.

Therefore, after much discussion, we have decided that it is time to return to fetal genetic manipulation to test the results of previous experiments. All project leaders expect a success rate of at least 70% when it comes to integrating a single source into Monster#0.


Redact# 69 - Project leader Dr. Emil Hamilton

The results were consistent when individual sources were introduced to the subject#0. 

As expected, this all points to a high degree of adaptability as a survival mechanism for the species, not quite at the level of Doomsday, but significantly higher than what humans are capable of. 

However, when a second set of DNA is introduced into the test subjects, they quickly destabilize because they cannot support such cellular changes and must be terminated.

This problem has become an obstacle to continuing the project. Although it hurts my pride as project director, I must ask our employer for more time and resources to continue the project;

After all, we have long since reached the limits of what is considered possible with clones and fetuses. But we are confident that we are on the right track; we just need more time to see real results.


Redact# 104 - Project leader Dr. Emil Hamilton

We did it!

After countless mistakes and failures, we finally created the subject ███ or alternatively, its new codename would be Monster #0, as the only creature to survive in this project.

In any case, Subject #0 proved to be the perfect solution for the ultimate goal of the project, and was the only subject that not only survived the two sources into which it was fused, but has now survived the third, in addition, the subject's genetic abnormalities are impressive in our eyes, with extraordinary development and adaptation.

We are not even sure it was ever correct to call it a true Saiyan; the degree of genetic mutation the subject is naturally developing is more like a new life form.

The monstrous Subject #0 has now survived the sources ██████, █████ and █████ With optimism reigning in the labs, I had to restrain my most passionate subordinates from breaking this precious guinea pig of ours.

We must give him time to adapt properly and not rush things or risk losing everything, Subject #0 is our hope to create the ultimate human with the advantages of the strongest races in the entire universe.

The next phase will be to clone Subject #0. We need more subjects to work on, and he provides the best possible base to achieve the ultimate goal of the project.


Redact# 137 - Project leader Dr. Emil Hamilton

It seems that our excitement raised hopes that have now been completely dashed. Monster #0 has continued to be a miracle in the field of genetics, but it has also proven to be equally disastrous in the field of cloning.

The problem is that Monster #0 has proven to be impossible to clone. At this point, we are not even sure how the subject was born naturally. Each attempt causes the cells to die too quickly or adapt to the process, killing the clone before it can even fully form.

As we add more sources to Monster #0, the only hope we can have is that its adaptive cells have remained ingrained in its biology, giving it extreme adaptability and thus the ability to reproduce with all known races in the solar system.


Redact# 169 - Project leader Dr. Emil Hamilton.

The ██████ project was finally finished.

In the end, as we predicted, it was impossible to recreate and clone Subject #0, and we had to give up on that crazy thought, because trying to pursue that goal of ours could have done more harm to the project than good.

But we are confident that we can continue down this path in the future. We will just have to wait and see how Monster#0 evolves from here to make further progress in making he the predator at the top of the universe's food chain.

But for now, we will soon have restrictive measures in place to keep Monster#0 from getting out of our control while we finish filling his brain with all the information about this world and who he will have to interact with or even face in the future, so that he already has a not inconsiderable advantage.


Redact# 178 - Project leader Dr. Emil Hamilton.

Special Containment Procedures:

Monster#0 must be placed in a containment capsule with a metal plate from the world of Apokolips, resistant to physical attacks by a Kryptonian, as well as to dimensional energies not of this world, which coat all internal surfaces.

The containment chamber must be filled with liquid green Kryptonite until Monster#0 is submerged and incapacitated, allowing him to slowly adapt to his unique weakness. 

Any attempt by Monster#0 to move, speak or breach the containment chamber must be met quickly and with as much force as circumstances require to prevent a possible escape or worse.

Staff are forbidden to speak to Monster#0 for fear of provoking an angry state. Any unauthorised personnel attempting to communicate with Monster Zero will be apprehended and forcibly removed from the upper levels of this project.


Amanda Waller read the entire dossier with an indifferent expression that did not reveal her inner emotions, which she could not afford if she wanted to do achieve her goals.

But inside she was shocked, after all the project had been considered impossible from the beginning, but contrary to expectations the result was right in front of her and she could not look at the creature with interest:

Inside a containment capsule was a tall man with a mask covering the lower part of his face, dark skin and long, wild, dishevelled black hair that reached down to his back, giving him an animal-like appearance.

Completely naked, he had a muscular, well-defined body structure that would make any woman submit to him, with the unique feature of possessing a tail that moved as if it had a life of its own. 

There was no doubt in Amanda Waller's mind that the creature before her eyes was the pinnacle of every other being that existed in the universe. And she could say that because, unlike many people, she had stood before Superman without feeling the same way.

"All right, Hamilton." Amanda nods, pointing at the creature before her. "Physically and mentally he's ready, or at least he should be. His DNA is stable, right?"

The older man nods. "Yes. It took some work to get the DNA from the various sources to integrate well with him... But there shouldn't be any more problems. I think his DNA might have mutated during the growth process and it might take a while for it to stabilise completely... But whatever it is, it won't break down. Not anymore."

Waller looked serious, "I expect so much from you Hamilton, this creature is the future, our eyes and ears in the superhero community and at worst a security system against them. We're not here to bring down the Justice League. .... Not until they do something to earn it."

Hamilton issues a clarifying response. As I said, I am completely confident that it will prove exactly what you asked for.... Now," he stands and looks at Waller. "With your permission, I need to get back to work on the project."

Waller simply nods, but stares at the doctor with a serious expression. "Of course, but remember, you have two months, you have two months to train him and acclimatise him to the world. We'll implant some false memories to make the lessons stick, but the heavy lifting has to be done by you. In that time".


[Mostro Zero Pov]

The first thing I felt when I opened my eyes was the vibrations around me, then the humming of various machines. 

The smell and taste of something I could not identify, and the feeling that my body was submerged in some kind of liquid that numbed me and prevented me from moving.

What the hell was happening?

I couldn't see anything, which almost gave me a panic attack as I thought I'd gone blind, but that soon changed as pale red and blue lights began to fill my narrowed vision.

I found myself surrounded by white upholstered walls and eventually I realised that I was in some kind of laboratory and slowly my eyes began to look around me, 'Where am I?' I wondered as I surveyed my surroundings, which were full of machines and scientists who seemed very busy.

My mind was racing, panic was rising and I felt like I was losing my mind. 

Was I being kidnapped? Was someone experimenting on me?

As I lowered my eyes to check my body, I realised there was more to fear: I could not move, my body was heavy as tar, now completely hardened, and all I could do was observe the changes my body had undergone:

My body was very 'different' in many ways, still my own, but very different. So different that I stopped breathing altogether. My panic reached new heights as I absentmindedly looked at muscles that had never been on my body until I woke up.

My entire old body had been replaced by broad shoulders, defined pecs and figure-eight abs. Biceps that would put the best athletes in the world to shame, forearms like steel beams that could easily snap a tree trunk.

What the hell was happening to me?

I could feel my lungs burning and I realised I still had my emotions. That simple fact made me happier than I wanted to admit: I had not become some kind of monster...

But it didn't stop the panic that still flooded my nervous system;

But at the same time I felt something 'inside' me calming me down and telling me to get control of myself, and without realising it I could not help but listen to this unconscious suggestion.

I closed my eyes and did my best to calm down and think logically about why I was there. I was still very shaken by this unreal situation, but much calmer and the first thought that came to my mind was how fucking bad this whole situation was.

I don't know how and I don't know exactly how I ended up in this situation, it didn't help that my memory was fuzzy, I couldn't remember anything too important from my life, just some little things that weren't really important in this situation.

But at some point, without warning, my head began to hurt as two different kinds of memories began to enter my mind without me being able to do anything to stop them:


The first life I saw in these memories could be described as being full of pain without ever finding any real purpose except to destroy and annihilate everything without distinction or emotion, like a perfect killing machine.

For anyone, pain is probably the worst feeling you can experience. But for 'him', pain was the first feeling he experienced from the moment he formed a consciousness and could do so.

Going back through the memories, it was possible to observe a child being killed over and over again in various very gruesome and increasingly heinous ways as he grew up, with his pain never ending.

This endless process was just a little experiment to create "The Perfect Creature" who would have no rival among the different races in the universe and who no one would ever be able to stop or destroy in any way.

Usually the child never died in the same way. If not by some prehistoric beast slowly devouring it, then by the intense heat of the planet, or the poisonous air, or some other reason that was now unimportant.

Then, as if it were not already suffering without end, to continue the experiment, the child's DNA was extracted and then cloned to continue the process, which was repeated in an endless cycle without end.

But unbeknownst to anyone, even its creator, the child remembered each and every death. So the resentment remained deep in its soul, and it was met with the same scene as before. 

As the process of what he eventually identified as death and the process of resurrection, he discovered something as he was about to be resurrected. 

One day, during his resurrection, he discovered that he had developed an immunity to the temperature of the planet, and as this process was repeated, two words could describe the whole process:

Adaptive Evolution

The child remembered discovering that he had developed a resistance to the planet's radiation. Following this logic, he discovered that he could evolve, but more importantly, the more he wanted to, the faster he evolved. 

Thus began the process of evolution...

But as his resurrection continued with no intention of stopping, as a side effect of developing various resistances, his body began to mutate to adapt more easily to his endless evolution.

So he began to push himself to become stronger and faster, but eventually, as the cycle of death and resurrection continued, he no longer needed to breathe, eat or sleep.

Eventually, all of its basic needs were completely eliminated and all that remained was the being that had reached Zenith2, but at the same time I had lost all of the emotions that could define it as a living creature.

No, that was not the case. Even for him, there was still one emotion he could not forget.... It was the pain he felt from all his deaths, which had made him the being who hated life more than anyone else in the universe.

But his hatred was directed at one person in particular, his creator, or rather the scientist who had initiated this endless experiment.

The alien known as Bertron, who was brutally murdered after seeing his creation become what he had always wanted. 

A perfect being on the cusp of evolution, known throughout the universe as:



Unlike the first life, the second set of memories was much shorter, and they were the easiest to reach, and it seemed to me that they were much easier to see without too much fear of getting lost in them.

A whole life as a conquering warrior, full of battles and pride, with no primary need other than to satisfy his endless desire to be the strongest in the entire universe.

On a planet where strength reigned supreme, he could not afford to be weak, and faced increasingly stronger opponents in order to succeed even by a small margin.

Never having known anything but battle and conquest, his desires were unbridled. What did he want? Everything. The only things that really mattered were his collection, his treasure and any woman who could tickle his fancy.

Of course he refused, he would not submit to anyone, his pride was too great to accept such a thing, he believed he was the only one who could ever aspire to be the strongest of all.

To prove his strength, he even challenged the God of Destruction. In a battle that shook the galaxy, neither could defeat the other.

After this battle, his reputation was so high that none of his kind dared to challenge him. They did not have the courage to do so after seeing his immense power on par with a being of such great power.

That is, until one day, a righteous-hearted being of the same species as the Evil Warrior, along with his five companions, decided that their species could no longer indulge their every desire while completely ignoring every other race in their universe.

A great rebellion had begun to decide the fate of the entire race. The righteous-hearted being began with his comrades a ritual to ascend to the godhood in order to defeat all, but unfortunately, he was eventually cornered and defeated when he exhausted the divine energy of his new form.

Super Saiyan God.

But luckily for the "Evil Warrior", the transformation did not happen and he and his comrades won the legendary battle, killing the pure-hearted being without remorse and becoming the new god of his people:

His name was...

Slider, the Evil Saiyan God!


[Third Person]

Monster #0 remained silent as he absorbed all these memories, trying not to get lost in them, after all, he had no intention of becoming some kind of killing machine without any feelings.

Compared to before, he was much calmer, he just couldn't figure out if that was a good thing? But at least now, he had the feeling that he could somehow do something to have a good outcome even in the situation he was in right now.

It must have been a long time ago when he finally put the pieces together and realized that he had become a alien. A Saiyan to be exact, or at least something close to it.

That would explain why he didn't turn into a pile of rage or even go crazy and have a mental breakdown. Instead, he remained as calm as before, thanks to what he now thought were his Saiyan instincts, which forced him to act like a warrior.

The whole situation is really unpleasant. He was resigned to whatever fate had in store for him. No doubt, a part of him was a Saiyan screaming for something to be done, but it soon fell silent as he turned to it, searching for a helpful answer.

'But...' He thought as he tried to move his body: '.... Why did I become a Saiyan?'

He was damned scared to be in the DC Universe, since the memories in his brain gave him enough context for the situation he was in, but at the same time he was satisfied that he was a Saiyan, or at least an improved version of one.

Though he complained that this new race had been forced upon him without his consent, he was content. Even if they could change him back, was that what he really wanted? To be just a human again? And in the DC Universe no less?

No. He quickly came to the conclusion that he did not. Not because he was hungry for power or anything like that, but simply because he needed it to survive while he was here.

Now all he had to do was wait for the right opportunity to leave...

With a body like that, it was obvious that a simple carelessness or even a little confusion in this lab was all that was needed, after all, from what he understood from the memories he had absorbed, he had to be accurate in the world of DC Comics.

With some "luck", if he could take full advantage of the new body at that time, it would be easy for him to be free, and then he would naturally see what the future held for a being like him.

But right now, there was nothing I could do, as the green liquid he was immersed in did not let him feel any power coming from his body, all he could do in this situation was sleep.

And try to rearrange his memories and most importantly try to retain enough of his ego to remain what he was, which he felt was already slipping away and being replaced by something more powerful and dominant with every second that passed before he even thought of getting out of this lab.


A/N: I've reworked the initial chapter, aiming to enhance clarity and provide additional information for a more immersive experience. I've diligently addressed any potential plot holes, ensuring a seamless progression in the storyline.

Particularly noteworthy is the segment involving the discovery of a Saiyan spacecraft. The decoding of their language has yielded valuable insights into their race and technology, enriching the story with substantial context.

In response to reader feedback, I've taken steps to reshape the character of Amanda Waller. Unlike her portrayal in the previous story, I'm working to depict her as more of an Anti-Hero, steering away from a one-dimensional villainous role with unclear motives against the Justice League.

I've liberated the main character from constraints, removing the straitjacket to allow for upcoming comedic scenes in the next chapter. 

Deliberately omitting the 'cool' factor, especially considering the character's exposure to Kryptonite in the prior chapter, seemed more fitting for maintaining a serious tone.

The expansion of Mc's memories from both storylines aims to provide a richer context and lays the groundwork for potential future additions from the Dragonball universe.

In crafting the file for the Zero monster, I've strived to emulate the style of the SCP fandom, drawing inspiration from its distinctive narrative approach. As a devoted fan of SCP, as evidenced in the last story, I've endeavored to capture the essence of that community's storytelling style.

On the other hand, if you want to see something specific in the next chapters, or even just have some good advice for the story as a whole, I am always willing to read a comment if it is constructive criticism.

If you see any mistakes, I would be grateful if you would point them out to me, so that I can correct them when I have some spare time, and make the story as complete as possible for myself and especially for you.

To facilitate a clearer understanding, I've retained pictures of the respective characters. Your feedback is always valued, and if you have any suggestions for the upcoming chapter, please feel free to comment—I'll be sure to respond as usual.


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