
DC: Modified Saiyan

A strange man is reincarnated as a warrior of a strange alien race in the DC universe. Just something I'm doing while I have writer's block on my jjk story, so do not expect regular updates and it could be dropped at any day though I will give a warning.

smol_benis · Anime e quadrinhos
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5 Chs

Apokolips War pt.2

"WHO DARES INVADE MY PLANET!", roared Darkseid, his menacing figure having finally arrived to the battlefield.

"Soldiers! Formation!", the monarch ordered. Immediately, the Saiyan instincts kicked in and quickly joined the remaining battalion against Darkseid.

"Why have you come young prince. Do you not understand that you have doomed your race?", calmly spoke Darkseid.

"Doomed? Us Saiyans will never falter to a coward like you. Look at your planet, only a thousand of us were enough to bring it to its knees. Even your prince was defeated", the Saiyan monarch laughed pointing to the bloodied Kalibak.

"So, what? You make your whole livelihood by stealing from others, from your powers to your entire economy. You are nothing, but glorified monkeys.", Darkseid stated, sounding like another galactic tyrant.

The speech gained the ire of multiple Saiyans, their Ki flared up in anger.

"You Bastard!", screamed one of the soldiers, as he charged at Darkseid. However, without even a modicum of movement red lasers fired from Darkseid's eyes, atomizing the soldier.


Seeing the sheer power from the omega beams was enough to make me nervously sweat.

"Hmph! Did you really think that would put down a warrior", the monarch smugly spoke

What was he talking about....

Suddenly, where the remains of the Saiyan were, there was an explosion of Ki. The Ki seemed to take a humanoid form, before flesh and blood began to form and finally the formerly dead Saiyan somehow came back as good as new. The only difference was that he now only had one horn, instead of two.

The hell... did he just resurrect?! Was that the extra life ability?!

"Charge!", commanded the monarch, resulting in the forty-something Saiyan battalion to charge at Darkseid.

The New God gathered energy into his hands, firing them like a wave and disintegrating anything in the way. The Saiyans that had been caught in the wave, immediately resurrected with one horn gone and immediately continued the charge.


A Saiyan had landed a punch square in the jaw, causing a small drop of blood to appear. Darkseid quickly grabbed the Saiyan, and tore them in half. However, in the blink of an eye they resurrected. No matter how many times the omega beams were fired, or how many times the Saiyans were torn to pieces they simply resurrected like it was nothing.

Two horns turned into one horn.

One horn turned into zero.

Finally ,with one last omega beam, a Saiyan had been disintegrated- permanently. Or so it seemed, since the Saiyan did not come back to life.

However, Darkseid still had to deal with forty other Saiyans, all hell bent on avenging their fallen comrade. It seemed like the New God was getting assaulted at all angles, not even being able to charge up a beam before his face caved in from a blow.

Finally having enough of the assault, the bloodied Darkseid screamed out, "ENOUGH!". All Saiyans immediately dispersed, they had sensed the presence of a familiar being. A being that all Saiyans were accustomed to accept, yet they still inherently feared it.

It was the being known as Death!

"BLACK RACER!", at the beckoning of Darkseid, came death itself. With a single swing of its scythe, the Saiyans felt their souls being taken by the racer instantly killing them. The racer ran, and wherever he went death followed.

Try as the Saiyans might, they could not touch him, for with his cosmic skis he was too fast for them. The most they could do was to dodge his scythe.

Seeing that the Saiyans were in trouble, the monarch realized he had no other choice, but to use their trump card. A trump card that was banned from common usage for it went against every principle of being a Saiyan. Even the monarch was visibly disgusted at having to use, what he considered, an inferior ability, however seeing his soldiers fall one by one to the New Gods he knew he had no choice.

Flying high into the air, the monarch shouted, "Saiyans! Release Phase two!". For that one second, the Saiyans felt something in them awaken. Like a door in their mindscape, that was usually kept shut, was now open thanks to that one phrase recited by the monarch.

Even, I had felt this change while hiding from the battle. Although, I wanted to see what was inside the door, I was afraid that it would tell everyone my current location. Something that was not needed right now.

So, I did the next best thing. I peeked at the nearby battle, in order to see what had happened to the Saiyans.

There were some who were spewing blue flames from their mouths, while others were freezing the surrounding area. There were arms that were transformed into tentacles, while others transformed completely into werewolf like creatures.

This... this was the copying ability that 666:Satan possessed. Now that I think about it, during the whole time I was spectating the Saiyans never used any abilities they copied, just the standard Saiyan powersets. Though, I guess it would be weird if a such a prideful race used the abilities of other beings.

Still, even with this new development it seems the damage had already been done. There were less than 15 Saiyans left, including the monarch, after the arrival of the Black Racer. Thanks to his New God physiology, Darkseid had almost recovered from most of his injuries from the initial assault and I don't think Darkseid would be such a good sport to allow so many Saiyans to attack him again.

Realizing this, the monarch recalled all the Saiyans from the battlefield. I utilized this opportunity to sneak into the gathering Saiyans.

Looking around, I did not catch sight of the friendly Saiyan who answered all my questions. It seemed like he did not make it, although I was a bit sad at the revelation, it was also a blessing now that no one could recognize me.

The monarch quickly descended back into the ground.

"Darkseid! I have recalled all my subjects! We shall have a battle, just between the two of us! Recall your.... comrade!", the monarch challenged.

Darkseid merely grunted, before giving the signal for the Black Racer to leave the battle. "I shall engage you, Saiyan."

"FINAL FLASH!", without even a moment of hesitation, the monarch fired a yellow Ki blast from his palms. It was quickly intercepted and neutralized by Darkseid's omega beams, however the energy wave provided the perfect cover for the monarch to rush into a blind spot.

His arm transformed into a metallic gray before delivering the blow, causing Darkseid to stagger and grunt from the pain. Quickly recovering, the New God grabbed ahold of the Monarch's head, before brutally ripping off a horn.

"Aaargh!", the monarch screamed, clutching his bleeding head. He used his wings to propel himself out of the New God's range.

"Weak.", Darkseid muttered, as he crushed the horn into dust. I noticed a strange blue vapor evaporate from the remains.

As the monarch was recovering, Darkseid, once again, fired his omega beams. This time, however, they were quickly intercepted by the monarch's own copy of the beams.

The resulting clash of beams disintegrated the surrounding area, and for a moment both beings seemed to be evenly matched. Unfortunately, Darkseid, thanks to his years of experience and intelligence, reacted quick enough to fire another erosion blast from his hands. The monarch barely managed to react, hardening his skin just before the blast hit. However, the monarch had momentarily stopped defending against the omega beams, resulting in immediate vaporization.

As the Saiyan monarch resurrected, now left with one life, Darkseid began to taunt him.

"You are too weak, boy. Your pride will result in your and your race's end".

"Shut up! You bastard!", the monarch spouted.

"Wings Freed!", the monarch announced. Immediately his two red wings began to dissolve into dust, followed by a massive explosion of Ki from the monarch. The massive pressure was enough to distort space around the monarch, resulting in a minor gravitational pull.

"DARKSEID!", the monarch roared causing the entire planet to shake, before firing the omega beams again. This time the beams were much more powerful, melting the surrounding area.

As Darkseid attempted to defend with his own beams, he could only redirect the beams from an instant kill attack. Sacrificing his arm, the new god attempted to approach the empowered monarch. However, the massive heat radiated by the Saiyan made such a task incredibly difficult.

"Even if we lost our troops now, the Saiyans will never die out!", spoke the monarch. The resulting energy wave was beginning to slowly burn Darkseid's arm, as he desperately pushed through to reach the monarch. "The future cannot be denied, ruler of Apokolips! Just like the old gods, the era of New Gods is over. We, Saiyans, will rise!"

Suddenly, the monarch released a massive burst of pure energy, vaporizing the entire area. Darkseid laid, screaming in agony as his body began to burn.

All the other Saiyans began to cheer and chant the monarch's name, believing that the battle had been won. However, I felt that something was wrong.

The monarch approached the burning Darkseid, before speaking, "See now Darkseid. The Saiyan race is the future. I am the future. This planet, galaxy, universe will all become to me and my empire. That is not a mere boast, but the truth. That is the fut-"

Suddenly, Darkseid rose from the ashes, grabbing hold of the monarch's neck. He had used the Saiyan's own pride against him.


The monarch desperately attempted to escape, however Darkseid's grip was too strong.

"The future you speak of is only a dream, boy. And that dream...".

"My liege, you cannot fall here!", I heard one of the Saiyans desperately call.

"Yes, my liege will survive. No one can stop the monarch.", another attempted to reason. However, I already knew that the battle had been lost the moment the monarch decided to taunt Darkseid.

"That dream is OVER!"


Hey, everyone

Sorry for not uploading recently. One of my teammates called in sick during a swim meet, so I ended up having to do three competitions. I was mad tired, and wasn't up for writing another chapter.

smol_beniscreators' thoughts