
DC: I am the Monkey King

What happens when a young and sickly child inherits the will and legacy of the Monkey King in the world of DC? Will the Monkey King succumb to this world full of Aliens, Magicians, Immortals and beings with powers of gods? Or will he dominate with his godly abilities and truly become King? *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-**-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- This story will follow the Monkey King from the Journey to the West storyline. I know I have Mori Jin as the front cover but his Monkey King isn't the same as mine. No System and No Harem. The front cover isn't mine. The source is Pinterest. Also, join the discord!!! discord.gg/wfxxZv8j4B

_MYSTERY · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
46 Chs

A Bloody Genius

The bulky man stood confidently in a martial arts stance, emanating an aura that spoke of his immense strength.

"Allow me to introduce myself. Feel free to call me Ursus." With a burst of speed, he lunged towards the Monkey Man, launching a relentless flurry of punches.

To the surprise of Ursus, the Monkey Man effortlessly evaded each strike with a fluidity that seemed almost unnatural. Confusion flickered across the bulky man's face as he questioned what was happening. The Monkey Man's movements were a seamless dance of evasion, appearing random yet coordinated, unpredictable yet meticulously planned.

"Tempest: Galestep."

Ursus struggled to anticipate where the Monkey Man would dodge, his attacks consistently meeting empty air.

As Ursus threw another punch, the Monkey Man dodged whilst moving inside his defences. Ursus realised with a sinking feeling that he was too slow to escape the impending counterattack. However, he stared at the Monkey Man's small frame which boosted the confidence he felt in his durability.

"Don't bother. You won't be able to…" Before he could finish, his confidence in his durable physique wavered as a swift kick crashed into his abdomen, lifting him off the ground and stealing his breath. Pain etched across his typically stoic face as he crumpled to the ground, clutching his aching stomach.

"All that muscle means nothing if they slow you down." Pointed out the Monkey Man as he ironically towered above the downed man.

Ursus's thoughts raced, pondering how this seemingly small fighter possessed such extraordinary power.

In a swift reaction, the giant man sprang into action. He pinned the Monkey Man's foot beneath his heel and his formidable weight, intending to restrict his opponent's movement and prevent the use of his powerful legs.

"You can't fight without your legs, can you?" Taunted Ursus. Assured that victory was near, he swung a punch towards the Monkey Man, anticipating its impact.

To his astonishment, the Monkey Man vanished from his original position in a blink of an eye. Before Ursus could comprehend what had happened, a devastating punch crashed into his face, blood spurting from his broken nose. A realisation dawned upon him: the information he had about the Monkey Man primarily relying on his legs was misleading.

Exploiting the opening, the Monkey Man unleashed a relentless barrage of punches and kicks upon his trapped foe. Ursus could do nothing but endure the onslaught, his body absorbing the punishing blows. As the Monkey Man prepared for yet another punch, Ursus instinctively raised his forearms to shield his face. However, the expected force never came.

With lightning speed and precision, the Monkey Man hooked his legs around the back of the bulky man's forearms, yanking them down and leaving him vulnerable.

"Tempest: Guard Break."

Seizing the opportunity, he launched a powerful kick that connected with the bulky man's face, sending him sprawling backwards. The Monkey Man continued his assault, relentlessly bombarding his foe with a combination of strikes.

After a few seconds of enduring the Monkey Man's relentless attacks, frustration and anger boiled over within Ursus. Bloodied and bruised, he unleashed a furious yell, flailing his arms in a wild attempt to strike back. Yet, the Monkey Man effortlessly evaded each desperate swing, gracefully slipping through the chaotic motion with ease.

As the desperate bulky man scanned his surroundings for something to aid him in this intense battle, his eyes fell upon a sturdy desk within the room. Drawing upon his immense strength, he seized the desk and heaved it towards the Monkey Man, hoping to catch him off guard.

Alert to the incoming projectile, the Monkey Man's sharp reflexes kicked into action. With a single swift kick, he shattered the desk into fragments, dispersing them in all directions. However, as the debris settled, a surprising sight greeted him. Ursus emerged from the wreckage, utilising the chaos caused by the disintegrated desk as a distraction.

Seizing the opportunity, Ursus unleashed a powerful punch towards the Monkey Man. Aiming to capitalise on the distraction he had created. Yet, the Monkey Man's instincts proved sharp once again. He swiftly ducked beneath the incoming strike, evading the blow with ease.

Ursus couldn't contain his arrogance, unleashing a string of insults towards the Monkey Man, belittling him for what he perceived as a foolish move. Confidence radiated from his voice, convinced that he had outsmarted his opponent.

"You idiot, I'll just…"

However, in a blur of motion that defied the bulky man's expectations, the Monkey Man leapt into action. In a split second, he propelled himself into the air, his knee ascending towards the giant man's chin with breathtaking speed and precision.

"Tempest: Flying Knee."

The impact sent Ursus hurtling upwards, suspended in mid-air. All time seemed to slow as the Monkey Man stood in a stance, ready for the final blow.



"Haha, footwork? Allow me to educate you, my clueless nephew." Said Derek with an arrogant laugh.

"Isaac was already able to perform Galestep after just 3 days. Additionally, in these two weeks, he's mastered the complete basics of Tempest." To this, Colt almost dropped his cigarette.

"3-3 days? You can't be serious. It takes most months. No one I know has come close to that." Said Colt as he tried his best to regain his composure.

"Damn right. It took me about a week to learn it myself." Admitted Derek with a laugh.

"Well, as expected of the Lion Prodigy's Grandson." Said Colt after lighting another cigarette.

"That's right, HAHA. My boy is a bloody genius. So much so that I couldn't help but teach him something special."


"Tempest Special: Echo."

The tension in the air reached its peak as the Monkey Man, fueled by determination and unwavering focus, leapt into the air. This was the defining moment, where the Monkey Man's true martial skills would be revealed.

As he soared through the air, time seemed to slow down as Ursus gritted his teeth for the powerful attack he knew was coming. The Monkey Man's leg extended outward, and to the astonishment of all, one could see his kick multiply again and again, creating a mesmerising spectacle of blurring motion. Countless kicks materialised, appearing like a legion of phantom soldiers charging towards the bulky man.

Ursus's eyes widened in disbelief as he found himself surrounded by an overwhelming onslaught of kicks. Each strike possessed the force of a tempest, carrying with it the accumulated power of the Monkey Man's training and expertise. Helpless and unable to evade or counter, he became the target of an inescapable hurricane of blows.

In the span of an instant, the Monkey Man's kicks found their mark, landing with pinpoint accuracy on every inch of the large man's body. The impact reverberated through his frame, causing him to convulse in pain. A mouthful of blood erupted from his lips as the sheer force of the blows overwhelmed him.

Then, with a thunderous crash, the window shattered as Ursus was propelled backwards by the relentless assault. Like a ragdoll caught in a storm, he was sent hurtling through the air, soaring through the shattered glass and vanishing into the outside world.

A loud crash was heard and one could see Ursus now lying on a car that looked as if it had been hit by a meteor. The car released an annoying alarm that was sure to wake any people in nearby residences.

Isaac took a deep breath after dropping to the ground. He looked around at the mess he made and noticed the individual he had saved had disappeared. Not being too bothered by this, Isaac jumped down from the window, landing on the ground and walking toward the unconscious Ursus.

His eyes were rolled back, showing nothing but white as he was covered in his blood, lying in the crater he had created in the car.

"Ravenwood is mine. Don't you forget it." He spoke before turning around and attempting to leave.

Before he could leave, Isaac heard hurried footsteps of multiple individuals behind him. Assuming it was the rest of Ursus's minions, Isaac jumped into action as he darted his head backwards and prepared to fight.

However, to his surprise, he was met with nothing but a few normal civilians. But they looked extremely out of place. They weren't the usual people you would find in Ravenwood as evidenced by their fancy clothes and the expensive make-up on the female. However, what stuck out the most was the large camera one of the men was holding as well as another who held a long microphone above Isaac.

The female that stood before them all held a small microphone herself. Isaac took a second look at her, recognizing her from the most popular news channel that would frequently speak of Ravenwood these days. It was clear the people were somewhat wary of Isaac. Combined with his peculiar attire and after seeing him throw a man out of a window, they couldn't help but feel a little fear.

"Um, hello." Said Isaac as he waved to them. It seemed like this was the confirmation they needed as the female took this chance to bombard Isaac with questions.

"Are you the rumoured 'Guardian Angel'? What are your abilities? Are you a friend or foe of Ravenwood? Why did you just throw that man out of the window? Are you a Metahuman?" She asked, moving closer to Isaac every second. Isaac, feeling a little overwhelmed, couldn't help but back up a little.

"I'm not dealing with this." He said internally as he turned around, ready to disappear. However, before he could, the reporter asked something that stopped him in his tracks.

"What's your name?" She asked, noticing he was about to leave. Isaac thought of what she said. He saw the opportunity in the question. It was an opportunity to get rid of his ridiculous name and recreate his persona. He thought of a good name that would surely strike fear into the hearts of his enemies. A name befitting of a great superhero. As he thought of a new one, his mouth suddenly moved uncontrollably. As if it were a reflex to this specific question. Without a thought, he said the first thing that came to his mind.

"I am the Monkey King."


A geologist was one asked what their favourite stone was. They answered yelling "POWERSTONESSSSS!!!!!!"

Also, what are you waiting for? Join the discord!!
